Friday, May 14, 2010


By Juan Montoya

After a fortnight of rejoicing at the Brownsville Independent School District's Adult Education (Hail Hail the Witch is gone!), the personnel at the Palm Boulevard and Elizabeth Street facility now has more reason to cheer.
Apparently, the bogus Dr. Oscar Cantu Sr. (and also Cantu Jr.) will be gone at the end of this school year.
Cantu Sr., who ran the department like a fiefdom, was unmasked by Gary Long of the Brownsville Herald for having acquired his PhD from a degree mill in England. In fact, so did his son, Oscar Jr. Both listed their bogus degrees as qualifications on their job applications for the positions they currently hold.
Then, in the wake of the revelations by Long in the Herald, the Cantus have apparently seen the writing on the wall that their reign of terror was over.
But before he goes, Cantu Sr. will have to answer to a number of grievances that his now-emboldened underlings have filed with the district. Besides the allegations of false qualifications, there are also charges that he made some of the personnel at Adult Education work at his home with the understanding that if they didn't their hours at the department might be reduced.
Sources tell us that attached to the grievance were affidavits from at least five people who say they worked at Cantu's home in support of the grievance filer.
After an initial rejection of the grievance, we now hear that an appeal is in the offing.
Meanwhile, other sources tell us that Cantu Jr., whose chestnuts have been pulled out of the fire by his benefactor Gracie De Pena (his mother-in-law) for philandering indiscretions while he was a principal at a district middle school is making applications elsewhere. Reportedly, the younger Cantu took liberties with a teacher under his supervision that resulted in one more citizen for the city's census count.
After the district obligingly paid him for a year's furlough for stress, the younger Cantu was back in the saddle applying (with his fake PhD) for the management position which he currently holds.
Still, regardless of what the employee handbook says about termination or dismissal because of using fake credentials on applications, the district after five years has refused to act on the matter. With the the Cantus leaving, the district now probably considers the subject moot.
"People are literally crying for joy that these two are leaving," said a source. "Cantu Sr. was a vain, egotistical tyrant. People feel free now that they know he will be gone."


Anonymous said...

It was about time that!

Dorothy from Kansas.

Babe said... is reporting that your good friend Duardo Paz Martinez is going to run for Mayor.
Well Mr. Editor, I hope that your reporting will fair with Mr. Martinez, the last time that I read an article you wrote about dpm, you called hjm "relage". I hope that is not the case. And that Journolistic ethics are followed.

Anonymous said...

Well the Fief better not show up at the Palm Lounge acting like the feif cause he'll swiftly have his obviously fat ass kicked.

Anonymous said...

( is reporting that your good friend Duardo Paz Martinez is going to run for Mayor.)

So where is the "relage" gonna run for mayor? Harlingen or Brownsville. Cause if it's in Brownsville, I will admit we could all use a "relage" there, right about now.

Bea said...

Well, well, hostile, MR. Anonymous, just think he will be your mayor and Juan Montoya will have to write good things about him.
For all we know, he might just close all those horrible beer joints, low lifes visit. Some of those places need to be condemn by the city of Brownsville. I don't care who goes there.
Starting with el siete mares, the 1-2-3 lounge, and chase all the prostitues back accross the river.
But Juanito please don't attack dpm, remember he is the most intereting man in town. Everyone knows that.

Anonymous said...

Jr. Cantu was a principal in an elementary school before he was "given" the Garcia Middle School job. So at the time of his indiscretion, he was at a Middle School and not an elementary. How can his mother-in-law be supporting him when he made a fool out of her daughter and now she will have a grandchild-in-law or is it a step-granddaughter? If his mother in law is backing him up, I am deeply disappointed because she is one who should know better.

Anonymous said...

(But Juanito please don't attack dpm, remember his the most)

Ese bato is joto. Pues es lo dicen en el Rocinante.


Bea said...

El rocinante es puro pedo, alli escriben puro mugrero. Yo no se si es joto, pero el dice que va ser el mayor the brownsville, sorry guys we have a little more class.
Aver que ace Juan Montoya cuando lo envestige, sorry Juan.

Anonymous said...

(Aver que ace Juan Montoya cuando lo envestige, sorry Juan.)

I really don't think you want Juan to be investigating a creap like /DPM. Cause he will f__k him up!

Anonymous said...

I guess I am out of the loop, but who is DPM? I am loosing out on the punch line because I do not know who you are referring to? Please enlighten me!
