Tuesday, May 18, 2010


By Juan Montoya

"Let me tell you how it will be...
If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet..

For the past decade or so, the so-called "required fees" imposed on UTB-TSC students have been climbing faster than the ivy on the walls of the old Ft. Brown compound that serve as the anchor of the community college campus.
Kiko Rendon is correct when he points out that the tuition rates and fees for TSC students are ridiculously high ($4,872) in comparison to similar community colleges like TSTC ($3,030) or Central Texas College ($1,530)
But have you ever looked closely at these "fees" and what they are charged for? A cursory look at these surcharges will surprise you. They range from simply being on campus to enjoying a recreational moment there.
Now remember, last time the Texas Legislature met to decide whether to grant Juliet Garcia her 3 percent increase in tuition rates, she got it.
The then-board members, including outgoing Eddie Campirano and Chester R. Gonzalez, submissibly went along with Juliet in slapping yhet another tuition rate increase on our students. As a result, students living in one of the worst poverty-stricken areas will now have to pay an additional $70 in tuition rate increases over two semesters.
Then, of course, there are the so-called "required fees" assessed on every student stepping on the manicured lawns of Juliet's empire.
For example, each student attending the high-priced campus next semester will be assessed:

Student Services Fee: $12 per semester hour ($50 maximum)
Student Union Fee: $45 per long semester (Note: Remember that the administration used politiqueras to ram though the vote on this fee? They voted for it and are happy to pay for it, Juliet will smugly tell you.)
Computer Use Fee: $2 per semester credit hour
Records Fee: $10 per semester
Automated Services Fee: $45 per semester
Academic Advising Fee-Undergraduate: $50 pert semester
Academic Advising Fee-Graduate: $25 per semester
Building Use Fee: $2,50 per semester hour (TSC only) (Note: Now, remember that the original college buildings were already there and paid by the parents of local students. The new UTB buildings have all been paid by local taxpayers because the UTB wrested the concession as a result of the "partnership agreement" that local taxpayers would build the facilities and they would rent them. UTB, by the way, is about $10.5 million in arrears on their rent. In other words, they're deadbeats. But why should local students have to pay a building use fee?)
Library Fee: $5 per semester credit hour (You know, the library that now hold only two-thirds of the books the old library held and the other third was thrown out because they were inconvenienty too many for the new digs.)
International Education Fee: $2 per semester hour
Medical Services Fee: $20 per semester
Student Recreation Fee: $79 per semester
Athletic Fee: $7 per semester hour

And what if you never get sick, don't attend recreational events on campus and aren't into sports? Tough. You're not being a good college sport, sport.
Had enough for one posting?
We'll be compassionate on you, our three readers. In future postings we will list the other four and one-half pages of fees that apply to the different departments and schools on campus.
During the debates preceding the primary elections, Rendon's message of making our community college accessible and affordable for local students resonated with the voters. Rosemary Breedlove, the incumbent and the administration's candidate, remained silent until she realized the message was effective with the voters. She then suggested the time-honored politicians' response and said she would call for a "workshop" to study the issue.
As an indication of the administration's efforts to keep Rendon out of the board room it is interesting to note that somne people are saying that Eduardo Camarillo and Melissa Zamora attended Tony Martinez's bash for Breedlove (which Zamora denies).
There is no question that Juliet is pulling out all the stops to maintain control of her empire. Will the long-suffered taxpayers let her? We think not.
What will Juliet's "required-fees" minions come up with next? How about a "Breathing Air on TSC Grounds Fee"? Or how about a "Stepping on TSC Grounds Fee?" Or even better yet, "Viewing Jukiet's Ivory Tower From a Distance Fee?"
Let's get Rid of Breedlove and get Kiko in there.


Anonymous said...

Juan, Edward wasn't a college student when the Student Union Fee was voted on. Get your facts straight.

Fred Drew said...

The situation is obviously not helping those that a community college is supposed to help. I have a friend who is a lpn nurse and cares for the strange wounds on my legs. He is trying to work towards an RN. His bill for a few credits is $1500 and you can see where much of it comes from.
Somthing needs to be done

Anonymous said...

I read an article that utb is graduating 16% of some of the students it enrolls, only texas southern graduates less.
The Brownsville Herald needs to expose this numbers to the public, I know they were posted on the blog sometime back. How can Juliet come lately keep her job as the president of utb and tsc is beyond anyone who can read. Does anyone on the college board care, and where is krgv and kgbt tv on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya, I do not know how to get this to you but did you view the school board meeting tonight? Can you make an effort to view it and check how Rick Zayas made a comment that was heard over the mike? He said, "Chingado!" Dr. Escobedo referred it to him and others reacted to it also. I think here is another example of the type of elected officials we have. Maybe Mr. Gary Long can give you what he heard.

Melissa Zamora said...

You are incorrect, Mr. Montoya. I've never attended a function for Ms. Breedlove, nor have I ever been to Mr. Tony Martinez's home.

Please correct your false statement.

Thank you,

Melissa Zamora

Rosario said...

Mr. Montoya, occassionally I read el Roci, and I have noticed they post many of your write ups. Are you writing for them to??? So much of your articles appear at el Roci, I thought you were working for them.
I guess it should be a compliment.

Anonymous said...

To Rosario (a reader),
Fr: Juana la Cubana (another reader),

Have you noticed that Mr. Montoya's writings are so popular that you often find them at el Roci, el brownsville Herald, el brownsville Voice, to name a few.....

Rosario said...

To: La Cubana, from Rosario,

His articles are very interesting and very truthful, maybe thats why, Montoya never responds to any of the comments posed to him on the blog.

Anonymous said...

(Montoya never responds)

But he does allow you to either make yourself look very intelligent or very stupid.
