Wednesday, June 23, 2010


By Eugene "Gene" Novogrodsky
All but the most cold-hearted among Cameron County residents would say that a prisoner released from the Cameron County Jail in Olmito should be freed in daylight, after breakfast and then given a ride to one of the county's centers, for instance, Brownsville and Harlingen.
We citizens of Cameron County should demand better of the sheriff and his jailers.
Highway 511 is not a walker's dream, night or day, and for one already addled, it can be fatal as it was for the woman who died last week.
The Cameron County Commissioners when looking at the sheriff's budget request for the upcoming fiscal year, should include money for a released-prisoner-transport van, even if it is not sought.


Anonymous said...

(and for one already addled,)

I agree with you on this one, Gene. I've done something like the Sheriff's department does, for U.Sam. No way are they (SAM) gonna allow a known prostitute to walk, from the facility, on a road like 511. BTW, how was last weeks bingo night?

Anonymous said...

We must demand that no prisoner be released if someone is not there to pick them up or if they are not transported into town. Who in their right mind would release someone who is confused or not on top of the world in such a dangerous area under construction. Come on, city officials or county officials, what are you there for?

Moon goddesss said...

They need to light up the road, specially the road leading from the facility to 511. That place is busy 24-7.
Omar Lucio, and his creepy accent is too old to continue running for sherrif. He is just to damn old. Time to go.

Anonymous said...

(Omar lucio, and his creepy accent is too old)

I've heard rumors that he is close to being senile. Don't know how true that is, but he sure looks it when on tv. I see law suits galore coming their (sheriff's dept.) way.

Anonymous said...

Please make sure that if new orders are issued as to the release of prisoner, the Sheriff Lucio gets his puppet Reyna to place it in writing because if Lucio tries to explain in orally, more than half of us will not be able to understand what he is mumbling under that mustache, since his accent and Mexican-slur prevents you from understand anything that he is trying to say - contrary to Lupe Trevino from Hidalgo County who is so articulate -overboard!

Anonymous said...

(-contrary to Lupe Trevino)

I can't believe how that dude never got a federal law enforcement position. I agree, he's awesome.

Anonymous said...

Why not release the prisoners during day light hours. What's so hard about that, sometimes I wonder if criminals are running that county jail system.
