Saturday, June 26, 2010


By Juan Montoya
"This idiot Sorola couldn't even gather 500 votes when he ran against cisneros and Zamora. By the way counselor, the 3.3 million for the sportspark is not being paid by taxpayers coming from their utility bills or trash/ The BCIC corporation is paying the note through the 4b corporation. We dont need to put the burden on the taxpayer. Get over it. The Sports Park is the citizens of Brownsville Park, not a Charlie Atkinson Park. Last night there was over 3000 people at the park playing and exercising and barbequing. It is what Brownsville people do. When the city isn't rich like ours, the cheapest form of entertainment is going to a park."

Commissioner Atkinson

Commissioner Charlie Atkinson has never been known as a suave or smooth-talking individual, as the statement on top clearly demonstrates. However, once one gets through the bluster and invective of his posting, there are differences in viewpoints regarding the funding of the $3.3 million of the Certificates Of Obligation meant for the Brownsville Sports Park that need to be cleared up.
Assistant City Manager Pete Gonzalez – who was the former director of finance for the city – said that the Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation will be paid by property taxes and revenue from the city landfill.
Now, unless Charlie knows something different, we're tempted to go with the Gonzalez version of the truth.
However, to make things perfectly clear, here below is the actual text from the city's Notice of Intention to issue Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation.

"The City Commission of the City of Brownsville, Texas (the "City") does hereby give notice of intention to issue one or more series of City of Brownsville, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the maximum aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,300,000 for the purpose of paying, in whole or part, contractual obligations to make improvements at the Brownsville Sports Park, including but not limited to bleachers, Beach Sports Cove buildings, and other improvements related to the Brownsville Sports Park (collectively, the "Projects"). and for paying all or a portion of the legal, fiscal and engineering fees in connection with the Projects and the costs of issuance related to such Certificates of Obligation. The City proposes to provide for the payment of such Certificates of Obligation from the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes in the City as provided by law and from a lien on and pledge of "Surplus Revenues", if any, received by the City from the ownership and operation of the City's municipal landfill system. The City Commission proposes to authorize the issuance of such Certificates of Obligation at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20, 2010, at a Regular Meeting, at City Hall, Brownsville, Texas. / Patricio M. Ahumada, Jr., Mayor, City of Brownsville, Texas. 06/18/2010.

We don't mean to beat on a dead horse, Chuck, but where in all this is there any mention that the "BCIC corporation is paying the note through the 4b corporation?"
Unless the city notice is lying and the commissioners are not being straightforward with the citizens, we aim to take the city's public notice at its word that it will pay for the $3.3 million though the collection of taxes and though the operation of the landfill. In other words, the $3.3 million will be paid through property taxes and trash collection revenues.
Did we miss something?
There is something unsavory about someone insulting a senior citizen from the bully pulpit of public office and we apologize to Mr. Sorola for posting the commissioner's quote above. However, we felt that our four readers might better get the sense of the commish's style by repeating it.
If you want to support the petition , you can call 542-1050 or call for forms at the ABC office at 2355 Barnard St.
You go, Moses!


Anonymous said...

Pete Gonzalez knows exactly how this 3.3. million is going to paid because he also sits as the Deputy asst. manager and financial advisor to the 4B board. He would never have sought out to give the SportsPark any money without making sure the 4B board didn't have a mechanism to pay the city back. Go and get the minutes of our last two meetings and get the facts. I heard you were a good juornalist back in your day but you are slipping and if not slipping, purposely sparking negativism toward our city. If you want to be the Brownsville Herald and get half the truth then I can see why you are washed up as you are these days. People will read your blog so don't feel the need to get the "Negative" story to boost hits for your website. Stay pure and real and your readers will appreciate your work. Stooping to the level of the Brownsville Herald just proves that you will be part of the problem for Brownsville instead of the solution. Search the minutes of the commission and the BCIC board and the truth will set you free MOntoya. The Raza is smarter than you think pendejo!!! These are not the Cesar Chavez days where most of the people you tried to lead were ignorant and ill informed. The mexican are a lot smarter. Give them some credit!!!

Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Ah, ad hominem attacks, how refreshing Commissioner Atkinson. If you were a smart Mexican you would refrain from personal insults and instead use your intellect (if any) to prove your point.

P.S.: Don't know what ad hominem means? Google is your friend if not try

El Chris

Anonymous said...

For a commish to use the p word us uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

GTC the people at the sport pork are the one signing the petition.

Anonymous said...

(The mexican are a lot smarter.)

I guess you aren't a Mexican because that was such bad grammar. Putz!

Here's the thing, putz. The notice is pretty clear where the money is going to be paid by. We, Mexicans, can read. You go Juan.

Anonymous said...

(The Raza is smarter than you think pendejo!!!)

As if Montoya is just waiting around for advice from some fat drunken slob. LOL!!!

El Indio Chano Maracas.Mecos said...

Hacina Mesmamente: " LA RAZA DE BRONZE "... Siempre fiel con Mexico, !!TRIUNFAREMOS UNIDOS !!
