Wednesday, June 9, 2010


By Dr. Tony Zavaleta

Fred, to say that Texas Southmost College exists in name only is a gross understatement. At the very least it is misleading to the reader. Frankly, I expect more from you!
You say you base your Libertarian beliefs on veracity yet you espouse a crooked agenda. Texas Southmost College has an elected board of Trustees who set the tax rate, oversee the operation of their partnership with UTB and meet with their partners, the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System on a level playing field to discuss business and make decisions.
A community college exists when it guarantees open access, affordable education, transferability of credit and offers workforce training and continuing education programs. Texas Southmost College does all these things and much more.
In fact Fred, we have much more than just a community college we have a community college and a community university and together they guarantee the future of our community by providing an educated and trained workforce.
Fraud is a very serious word Fred. In these difficult times, our community university had struggled to maintain open access and quality education for the neediest population in Texas and has been successful doing it. How do you explain our more than 900 graduates two weeks ago and the same year after year? Where would these graduates have gone to school if not for UTB/TSC. You dishonor our graduates and our students with your comments. Additionally, I believe our TSC Trustees have much to be proud of.
Yes Fred, I was present at Saint Mary’s that evening you were there and on many other evenings when you were not. We took the bond proposal “on the road” around the TSC district because we believed in it as we do now. The result was that the greatest number of people who voted in the bond election saw our vision and supported the continued development of the community college. They got the message and the results are tangible. We were straight with you then and we are straight with you now.
We built the $68 million dollars in facilities for the future of our children and our community. The approximately $150 million dollars in new construction on our campus in the last three years has created new jobs, put people to work and guaranteed a desk for the elementary school students of the district long into future.
As we promised you that day your tax rate did not go up. You must take into consideration that the tax rate is a concept which is relative to the increase or decrease in the value of property and the total evaluation of the district. It’s a moving target Fred and you shot and missed it. At the time of the TSC bond referendum we promised the voters not to exceed a tax rate of 0.166782 and currently the tax rate is 0.1619924. Today’s actual tax rate is lower than it was back then and simply stated this is good stewardship of taxpayers’ funds and obligations.
You use terminology that is intended to inflame and infuriate because you know you can’t be held accountable. Who is the real flimflam artist here?
At UTB/TSC we take pride in being held accountable every day. Texas Southmost College is listed with all other community colleges in Texas and its tuition appears high, however, UTB is also listed with all public universities in Texas and has the second lowest tuition in the State.
You also overlook the fact that there are a number of ways in which TSC tuition is subsidized including tuition reduction programs, tuition freezes for course loads greater than 5 per semester; scholarships work opportunities, not to mention Federal financial aid. The bottom line is that UTB/TSC is one of the most affordable institutions of higher education in Texas. Considering the total value added for our students by their community college UTB/TSC is a viable alternative to high priced upstate higher education.
Fred, I’m sorry to say that you are a “half empty” glass.
UTB/TSC creates opportunity and jobs for families who are struggling to put food in their mouths. A large percentage of UTB/TSC students are first generation college-going students, as I was back in the day. For them education is a great equalizer and UTB/TSC serves as the most powerful economic dynamo of our community. Imagine for a moment Fred, a community without a UTB/TSC, that community would be out trying to create one.
The taxpayers of the TSC district are receiving tremendous returns on their investment. In fact, the UTB/TSC model is the envy of most community college districts in Texas and the nation. The key is access, combined with affordability, and our ability to keep our family members at home with their loved ones while they work and attend college.
Did you ever consider the value of not having to leave home to get an education? Today I had a man come into the office, who, in his words, wanted to give something back to the college for the education he, his wife and their three children, all professionals, had received at UTB/TSC.
Today he is retired and his three children, all graduates of UTB/TSC, are working at good paying jobs. He is the first generation of his family to be able to retire without having to die for it. He said he could not abide your letter and simply wanted to do something for us thanks to your wrong-headed letter. Today it is harder and harder to leave town to get an education. Please don’t leave living expense to parents out of your calculations.
Hey Fred, let’s talk about productivity for a moment. Over the years 2001 to 2009 TSC has increased certificate and associate degree production from approximately 500 to approximately 1,200 graduates per year. To me, that sounds exactly like the productivity you are requesting and we are already producing. An education at UTB/TSC guarantees jobs leading to careers and the attainment of the American Dream. Many of our graduates cross the stage and go right to work.
Fred we are all concerned about college affordability and especially for the middle class. The good news is that your friend the nurse has a good income. The bad news is that because of his income it is more difficult for him to access financial aid to offset his tuition expenses to complete his bachelor’s degree in nursing. We are committed to finding a way to assist him and others like him to graduation.
Fred I don’t get what reference point you are using when you refer to students who are not from here. Who exactly are you talking about? In addition to the reference being mean spirited, approximately 90% of our UTB/TSC students are Valley residents (four county area). Only those who are distance education students are out of the district or Valley.
Fred you said you couldn’t find the TSC Office and I know you better than that. You didn’t want to find it. I would have gladly assisted you. I wish you’d called me and I would have taken you to the TSC office myself. Since we are operating a partnership, all of the essential services are handled by the UTB/TSC partnership, including enrollment and financial aid. Fred it’s a big mistake to “drop-out” the TSC from UTB/TSC. Proudly we are, UTB/TSC.
Fred I am confident that once you know the facts, and I will be pleased to discuss this with you any time, the reality of Texas Southmost College will come alive for you as it has for me. You will understand its benefits if you want to.
Fred, extortion is an ugly word. All Texas Southmost College funds are invested directly back into the educational enterprise and are used to leverage additional State dollars producing a powerful and effective community university. Do you think that the State of Texas and the Federal Government aren’t auditing what’s going on here?
The Legislature, the Legislative Budget Board and the Coordinating Board and the Board of Regents all applaud the UTB/TSC partnership you call extortion. They consider it a model that should be replicated because it saves money by eliminating duplication of services. Why settle for a community college when you can have a community university?
What a surprise I got as I approached the end of your essay, you mean this was all about politics? Shame on you Fred.

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