To Commissioner Charlie Atkinson:
Commissioner, you called Moses Sorola an idiot and a pseudo-politician for leading a petition against the public being indebted by the issuance of $9.4 in certificates of obligation without asking them.
You called me a "pendejo," and you said that the $3.13 million in the $9.4 million certificates of obligation to

..."the 3.13 million for the sportspark is not being paid by taxpayers coming from their utility bills or trash/ The BCIC corporation is paying the note through the 4b corporation. We don't need to put the burden on the taxpayer. Get over it," you wrote.
Well, what happened to the $3.13 million that weren't going to be paid by the taxpayers Tuesday, commissioner? Apparently, the rest of the city commission knew that what you said was a falsehood. If the certificates of obligation were not going to be paid as the notice of intent to issue them stated, the possibility that the commission was engaging in fraud upon the taxpayers was very real.
Sorola's petition was gaining steam and he said that he and his supporters were working their way to the 2,000 mark. Remember how many votes got you elected?
Doubtless, you will try to find some other source of funding to keep your park going. That's your prerogative. But sometime down the road in your political development you must realize that public personal insults on those who disagree with you result in nothing positive for the public discourse.
Allow me to use a sports analogy so you will understand. In baseball, a hit is the perfect example of negative feedback to a pitcher. Likewise, the realization by a majority on the city commission that further burdening of the taxpayer by loading them with debt to push for your pet project would backfire on them pushed them to vote against you.
A good political representative will dust himself off and keep on. What will you do? Will you heap blame and abuse on everyone and pick up your ball and leave the field because things didn't go your way?
Or will you take this as an opportunity to mature and move on to gain a consensus to work with your fellow commissioners and the public on other things that benefit the city? The choice is yours.
Di que te dijo un "pendejo."
You are right that I should not have been name calling but the truth is, the 4b board was going to pay the city back for the 3.3 million dollars that we were borrowing but we did it for the low interests rates. Ur messages insists in misleading the readers. Since the city rejected the 3.3 million then our board will get this money somehow some way. Hopefully we wont have to pay a higher interest rate but if we do, don't blame me or the 4b board. We thought we were doing the right thing in getting a lower interest rate through the city instead of doing it ourselves. The property taxes and landfill revenues will have to be used to pay for all the other bond money the rest of the commission approved but the 3,3 million was not. Thats a fact and the commission knows that but it was obvious last night that it was personal. The difference between Mcallen and Brownsville leadership is that in Mcallen, if one or two commissioners get projects done and the others don't get credit, the whole commission still will approve the project if it is good for the city. In Brownsville, if a commissioner gets things done and other commissioners don't benefit, they work to kill the project even if it benefits the city. That is what happened last night and that is why Brownsville is in the state that it is. The commission knew exactly how this 3.3 million was not going to effect the taxpayers and the landfill but they chose to reject it. They have a right to do that but the 4b board has a right to offer quality of life projects without the interference of the city commission and we will do just that.
Quality of life!
Make me laugh!
Playgrounds, fields, gyms, all public, all part of the BISD locked, when with some imagination they could be used other than during school hours ....
Unlock them and that will do more for "quality of life "than the white elephant-Sports Park EVER will ....
Build pocket parks!
Find lots, like the seven acres plus near Russell School, and make them shine with nature, exercise, some fields ...for a fraction of the Sports Park's insatiable desire for more and more from the public pot ....
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