A biblical king saw the writing on the wall.
And ancient Sumerians used to read the livers of sheep to foretell the future.
And, if it's true that what many political pundits say that getting the first place on the ballot portends a favorable outcome, those challenging incumbents Rick Zayas and Ruben Cortez got a lift from the drawing at the BISD administration building Tuesday for the election on November.
At the drawing for ballots positions for Position 1, of four candidates in the running, Christy Saavedra drew the first place followed by Otis Powers, Daniel Peña Jr. (Trustee Minerva Peña's brother-in-law) at third, and Eric Garza drew fourth.
Garza is said to be the candidate put in the race for that position by Zayas and Cortez.
The drawing went the same way for Position 2 where incumbent Enrique Escobedo (one of the trustees in the minority and a staunch Zayas-Cortez foe) drew first place followed by Cortez in second, and then by Mauricio Paniagua, in third. Insiders say that Paniagua's personal attorney is Zayas, indicating that Zayas may be hedging his bets in case his sidekick and business associate Cortez, bites the dust.
Lastly, in the drawing for Place 4, Luci Longoria drew the first position followed by Argelia Miller in second, and coming in last was incumbent Rick Zayas.
Insiders say Miller placed her name on the ballot in case there was some hanky-panky and someone would try to disqualify Longoria at the last moment or if no opponent appeared to run against Zayas.
Miller, after the drawing, said she would in all probability pull out of the race once she saw that Longoria was not removed by subterfuge.
"You should have seen Zayas and Cortez," said a witness at the drawing. "They ran out of the building like cockroaches. And no one had even sprayed the place with Raid."
Meanwhile, supporters of the board's minority (Escobedo, Catalina Presas-Garcia and Minerva Peña), were jubilant on the good fortune of the ballot placement.
"Every dog has its day," said one. "Their time was bound to come and now we're ready for the campaign and to win this election."
The day will come when all 7 of the board members are replaced by professional, well educated individuals.
(well educated individuals.)
My prediction is that the above will occur some time near 2100.
Right now we have an alleged well educated attorney que es alleged Rata.
Who in the world is Eric Garza besides the ZarCor Spoiler - placed in there to split the vote and require a run off. What is this - All in the Family - with the name of Pena becoming as popular as Atkinson. No! Pena will be cohersed into voting with Big Mouth Minerva who often swings her vote to please her buddy Zayas. I'd take my hats off to Mrs. Miller for coming in with such strategy, making it obvious that the public and sick and tired of Zayas. Who is running against Cortez and Escobedo? I hear say that Escobedo is going after Cortez. In spite of the Dr. title fiasco, I would go 200 times for Mr. Escobedo because he has shown some integrity. BUT, I am disappointed to hear about the Jimenez-Escobedo plot. Now we all have to do own politicing and get a new board in there. Dr. Saaverda, Luci Longoria, and Enrique Escobedo - out with the rats. When is Colunga up for reelection? Enough is enough with him - what does he do anyway beside secure special favors for his son?
We need honest, decent people that really care about education not their self interest.
It is sad that everyone commenting on this are all from the same little click. The operative word is "little". It is very obvious who your are and you are Very Sad People.
You are right that we are sad people - and with every right. First because our school board is the laughing stock of the state, 2nd because our kids are being harmed, 3rd because they are making fools of all of us and 4th because I can just imagine how their mothers are reacting to their son's actions. What a sad moment in Brownsville! Yes, we belong to the same click that still believe that BISD should be about the children. Do you ever bother to attend board meetings and check out the 60 item agenda that relates to buying and selling and casting lots and hiring lawyers, and grievences, and pending legiation. Yes, I am very SAD!
The truth will come out in the courtroom. Hope we can get them out before then.
I would much rather have everything come out in court so they will all be kicked out, and some even disbarred. This will shame them, if they know what shame is, as they are removed from the board for being the "hot heads" that they are. Sadly enough, if we wait for the elections, I am worried that not enough of us "unbought voters" will show up at the polls.
I just wish that everything would come out in court so that we all would know exactly what is going on in that Rat Place of the Boards conference room or over in the Cantina Area of 14th street where one keeps a so-called office where he pretends to work but lives of his kickbacks and shenenigans. Maybe this will keep his poor mother from going around praising her baby boy - mirada de diablo, Zayas!
Vote Cristi, Lucy and Escobedo.
It is time to have honest, trustworthy people as public officials. Enough of self-serving thieves.
I will vote for whomever can get that big fat smelly "fox" out of the chicken coop.
Careful "WHO" you vote for, it can be worst.
Yea, be careful who you vote for, if you vote for Rick and Ruben things WILL be worse.
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