Saturday, August 28, 2010


By The Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Judges, Attorneys and Public Officials

Sen. Eduardo Lucio succeeded in scamming the voters in the Brownsville area into electing him to the 27 th State Senate seat in 1991. Prior to that unfortunate outcome, Sen. Eduardo Lucio was a State Representative from 1986 to 1990.
Pursuant to Chapter § 254.0612 of the Election Code, for all contributions of $500 or more, a candidate is required to disclose (a) the individual’s principal occupation or job title and (b) the full name of the individual’s employer. This requirement went into effect in September 2003.
It seems readily apparent Sen. Eduardo Lucio lacks the mental acuity to comprehend simple English terms like those spelled out in the Texas Election Code cited above.
On one-hundred-forty (140) occasions from late 2003 through 2007, Sen. Eduardo Lucio violated election code disclosure requirements as set forth below. The total dollar amount of the nondisclosures by Sen. Eduardo Lucio is $154,240.00.
As irrefutable evidence that Sen. Eduardo Lucio is a certified moron and/or serial scofflaw is the fact that according to his disclosure statements he didn’t know who in the hell Bob “The Builder” Perry of Houston was.
This gross incompetence despite the fact that Bob “The Builder Perry” personally made seven (7) contributions to Sen. Eduardo Lucio totaling $25, 500 as set forth below.
As everyone knows in Texas, Bob “The Builder” Perry runs a PAC by the name of “Texans for Lawsuit Reform.” From 2000 through 2006, Sen. Eduardo Lucio received eight (8) contributions from “Texans for Lawsuit Reform” totaling $31,000 as set forth below.

[To see the whole article click here]


Anonymous said...

The Texas legislature, like the U.S. Congress is packed with people with little who are corrupt and unethical. Since so many of those elected to those bodies are corrupt, we can't expect them to take action on Lucio or others who might be corrupt...they are in self-preservation mode. And, since the voters who elect these corrupt politicians keep voting for them, we must assume that the voters are morons too. These corrupt politicians are a reflection of the voters. We don't just accept corruption in Cameron County....we demand corruption. Thus, Eddie "The Corrupt" Lucio and his son are safe here amongst the other morons.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a law in the penal code that addresses these types of violations??? And where is the Valley Morning Star, the Herald, channel 4 or channel 5 for that matter, how about channel 48???
This crooks steal like the Bonnie and Clyde.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Did anyone noticed:

4. Dannenbaum,James,Houston,20060114,500.00

10. Shepard,R.W,Harlingen,20060131,500.00

16 .Loya,Fred,El Paso,20040324,500.00

22.Butt,Charles C.,Mr,San Antonio,20040830,1000.00

Anonymous said...

Sucio collected about 4 million for his last campign, BUT he never ran.
Did he pockett the money or did he returned it.

Anonymous said...

Politics is mostly about pathological liars and hate mongers - such as we see with the Tea Party Express people. But to be fair it is on both sides. The major difference is, the radical left is not creating a movement of oppressionistas seeking to destroy everything we know about freedom and being an American. The radical right and Tea Party Express soldiers are driven in their battle to promote disinformation. The sad part is, the real dissemination forces behind the disinformation are individuals looking to rationalize their own ignorance through the ranting of lunatics and then promoting those rants.

On the issue of insensitivity these anti-American oppresionistas cry “insensitivity” like manic depressives curled up in the corner when they are made to feel ignored because as an exercise of the First Amendment an Islamic group seeks to build a community center near the location of the former World Trade Center.

Never mind, Wall Street continues to operate in the location and they through greed destroyed the lives of millions of Americans and gave us trillion dollar deficits. Oh yes, but it is okay when greed destroys America, but not okay when misguided individuals kill 3000 Americans.


Anonymous said...

(Did he pockett the money or did he return it.)

If you ask him that question directly, he will most probably answer in the exact way his is reacting in the picture above. Probably with a bigger smile, though.

Anonymous said...

Why was it, that Kino Flores, was investigated by Travis County Da and Lucio gets a free pass. Something is rotten and smells in Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article Mssr. Montoya, good read, good post. Now he has his clown in San Benito, probably doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

It's time for susio to leave, will someone please run against him? I would if I could, perhaps someday I will.

Anonymous said...

Dilbert seems confused. I saw Al Sharpton yesterday shouting that it was "their" day...shouting leftest racist blather. To believe that the right is corrupt and the left are the great saviors of our liberty and democracy is naive. If you want to live in socialist state you are surely on the right team.

Anonymous said...

I beg your pardon....the voters elect these assholes. All votes can't be bought. Eddie Lucio is a reflection of those who vote for him.

Anonymous said...

(Eddie Lucio is a reflection of those who vote for him.)

But don't forget that it is also obviously a reflection of those who defend him. I mean, he's gonna end up in a penitentiary. And his defenders may end up there, as well.


Anonymous said...

Lucio, has been getting away with way too many things. I remember when he depicted another legislator as the Devil, when he is the devil himself.
Lucio your day is coming, sooner or later, but your day will come. Sylvia Handy, thought she could get away with committing crimes and look where she is at.

Anonymous said...

Ortiz, Lucio, Zayas, Cortez, will keep company with Handy soon.

Anonymous said...

(will keep company with Handy soon.)

Wouldn't mind keeping company with her to. Just me and her, by ourselves. Mijita!

