Tuesday, August 17, 2010


By Juan Montoya
Neighbors of the historical Alonso Building are happy to hear that the venerable brick structure built in the 1890s will pass from the hands of the UTB-TSC to the Brownsville Heritage Museum.
The residents of the historical district in the St. Charles Street area say the all-night partying there by Juliet's denizens would keep them up until all hours of the morning. And they said that even after they called the local gendarmes to quell the revelers' noise, their complaints would fall on deaf ears.
"You should have heard them partying there," said an irate neighbor. "They wouldn't just sit in the patio and drink. They were shouting and carrying on until almost dawn. We called the police several times to try to get them to quiet down."
However, when the partiers saw the police cruisers heading to the building, they would quiet down and keep the noise down until they left. The complaining neighbors, n turn, said they grew frustrated with the attitude of the local boys in blue.
"They would tel us that they were not making noise when they got there," said one. "What the hell did they expect? If a cop came to your door, would you continue shouting and carrying on? They weren't stupid."
Few details have been made public on the sale to the Heritage Museum of the Alonso Building. It is one of many purchases of real estate that the college has made in the downtown area, including the Andres Cueto Building (1893) , the Kreigher Home (1920s-30s), and the old Amigoland Mall.
However, some commenters have speculated that the sale may be part of a strategy by UTB-TSC president Juliet Garcia to raise funds for the $640,000 mural for the Arnulfo Oliveira Library.
That project was shut down after local residents objected to the payment of the mural by the use of construction bond proceeds.
However, the neighbors on St. Charles Street are glad to be losing UTB-TSC as a neighbor.
"Juliet's Happy Hour Tavern is closed, and good riddance," said a disgruntled resident.


Anonymous said...

All we need to do now is get rid of EscorpiAna.

Anonymous said...

I guess all the purchases by UTB/TSC and Dr. Garcia were approved by the board, right? So why do we not hold our elected officials responsible for their actions or lack of them. I do hope that this new crop of young men will have the gumption and the guts to do what is what they were elected to do. In teaching government class, we now have to make sure that the students learn that it is who you know that matters. You see it in all the community entities that abuse what the citizens of Brownsville expect from them. If I were younger, I would make an effort to run for every public office I could and maybe win one position where I could do what is best for the people of Brownsville. I would promise not to let anyone corrupt me or ask for me to scratch their back. I am truly disappointed in Juliet if she is really the person that everyone seems to be describing now.

Anonymous said...

Except TSC/UT didn't own the building. It was owned by a separate foundation with their own board of directors that they answer to. They took a historical building, refurbished it and opened it back up to the community. Bad them!

Anonymous said...

We hear that the Stillman Foundation bought the Alonso Bldg....so the parties will go on for the neighbors down there. Also we hear that the upstairs will be the residence of the Director of the Stillman House....Priscilla Rodriguez. She doesn't party with locals....we don't even think she likes Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Why are they providing a home for Pricilla? Is Marisela getting one too. I guess the Heritage Museum is for the rich and famous and the Historical one is for the poor brown guys. Pricilla is not even from Brownsville, is she?

Anonymous said...

Are Pricilla and Marisela wh-r-s or P-mps?
