A unanimous board sent the Texas Southmost College district a message loud and clear when it elected Kiko Rendon as its new chairman: "We're off on a new direction."
At the first meeting held with the new board Thursday, the trustees elected Rendon as their chairman and he minced no words afterward when he was asked about the campaign promises he had made to the residents in the district.
'We're off on a new direction," he said. "We will move carefully, but we will keep all the promises we made during the campaign."
Rendon handily defeated the administration's candidate, incumbent Rosemary Breedove in the runoff election. The first meeting of the new board was held Thursday.
Left unsaid was the new board majority's consensus on the fate of UTB-TSC president Juliet Garcia. Rendon said the new board would work with the administration, but remained firmly committed to the proposition that the administration and staff at the university-community college hybrid would have to follow the directives of the board, and not the other way around.
To parents in the district who are now paying the highest tuition of any other community college in the district, the news that some form of the traditional lower rates for in-district students may be reinstated could not have come soon enough.
"I've just paid more than $1,000 in tuition for my kid and I'm waiting for the check for the other $650 check to clear that I paid for books," said a visibly angered parent. "They have to do something about these high rates."
Local industrialist and business leader Mario Villarreal said the tuition costs at the college were too much for the average community students of their parents to bear.
"We have always looked at education to lift up our people," he said. "But these costs are way beyond the resources of may of our local residents to bear. They have to turn this thing around." During the runoff election, we learned that minutes from the September 26, 2007 meeting indicate that on a motion by David Oliveira and a second by Rosemary Breedlove, the board followed the recommendations of David E. Pearson(Agenda Item #6), vice-president for UTB-TSC Partnership Affairs to "convert the current tuition subsidy (in-district) into a TSC Trustees Scholarship" explicitly designed to "facilitate students' movement toward a Associate Baccalaureate of Arts degree."
In the following item (#7), Breedlove seconded the resolution on a motion by Dolly Zimmerman to allow the college to "consider possible alternative uses for approximately $3.2 million" of its operating budget..to best enhance academic success for in-district students..."
In one fell swoop and under the guise of creating a scholarship to be administered by the trustees, the board members raised tuition costs by 39 percent for in-district students.
And the "scholarships" that average only $258 are to be administered according to the rules set by the college. In other words, while everyone who lived in the TSC district received lower tuition rates, under the new scheme they would all pay the higher rates without any guarantee that they would receive a "trustee scholarship."
As a result of this maneuver, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board reported in its 2009-2010 report that the average community college students in Texas pays $1,870 per year in tuition and fees while our fortunate local residents pay $5,498.
In fact, TSC's rates are higher than all 53 community colleges surveyed in the state of Texas
And what results do we get from these high tuition and student fees?
We have just learned that nearly half of the students entering TSC leave school after their first year. Of those left, the Education Trust found that what Breedlove called one of the "Finest Community Universities in America" graduated a whopping 16 percent of students over a six-year period.
There is no doubt that the task of undoing some of their administration and former boards' handiwork will take some time and effort. But Rendon said he is confident that the new united board will move to address these issues.
"We are going to keep our campaign promises and act as a united board to improve the educational opportunities for our students," he said. "We will continue to seek everyone's support and ask for a little patience from our residents as we set about accomplishing our goals."
Mr. REndon has a difficult task ahead, I swear Juliet Garcia ought to be terminate as soon as possible. Juliet and her henchmen have raped the parents of students at TSC with the obsorbent fees.
I appeal to the board to stop this outrageous fees,and make our community college more affordable.
(Juliet Garcia ought to be terminate)
Let me guess, you're a teacher, huh?
The Voters can make a difference.
No, I am a concern citizen, who pays for a daughters ed at TSC.
Sadly... It really doesn't matter How little progress The Mexican - Americans, Hispanics gain Here... This Is the Real Truth; The Spanish Conquerors raped all of our Mexican - AmerIndians, but The Anglo - Saxons, Raped and Castrated all of our Mexican - American Men !!!
Anonymouse, "Sadly" you have to get out of this blame thing and start thinking more positive. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and the indiginous people.
Do something about it, write letters to editor, run for office, encourage people, start an organization, educate people on our history. And don't forget not everyone has a lab top, or computer.
Do as the Minstrel use to do, speak your message in street corners. I hear you, bro!!!!.
What that boy needs to do is do us all a favor and go to a closet, close the door and slit his wrists.
Parents have been spoiled by a public education system where everything is provided free and when the child goes to UTB the parents in many cases have to start footing bills they have never paid before....books, musical instruments, and all the student activities fees and parking fees levied by UTB. Parents have never paid and it seems to piss them off to have to pay. BUT....to attend a community college, TSC students pay the same as UTB and then are put in overcrowded classrooms with UTB students. Its time to end the partnership. Its time to have a community college with community college fees. Parents will continue to whine for anything that isn't free....regardless of price, but there needs to be change.
El happy check list:
Run for Office- Check
Write letter to editor- Check
Encourage people to vote- Check
tell people to get on their laPtops and
computers and send emails and keep in touch- Check
Mr Rendon might benefit by reading a little about Isoroku Yamamoto, another ambitious fellow with a steep learning curve. This isn't the minor leagues any more.
Cortez, Zayas should learn the song
they will be singing in jail like cantu.
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