Thursday, August 12, 2010


By Juan Montoya
"Is this on? Mr. Sossi…If you ask me… I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Sossi!" Mr. JOSE PUBLICO, Brownsville, Texas
The tail is wagging the dog now in Brownsville.
Suddenly, on the advice of a part-time contract attorney, the city commission has moved to license masseuses, gag the public and keep criticism from the public eye, and to otherwise exercise more power that the elected officials themselves.
This state of affairs has now reached the point where Mark E. Sossi, who has made an industry of defending the city against lawsuits in the past, is now virtually controlling the direction of public policy-making in the city.
Within the space of a few weeks he has nudged the majority of the commissioners to pass ordinances regulating masseuses and charge them $250 to do business in the city or face prosecution, shut off the broadcasting of public comments through the city's public channel, and defended the commissioners in their quest to issue $11.3 million in certificates of obligation without consulting the voters.
That last action has triggered a lawsuit from eight local residents who want a court to declare that the city commissioners must abide by the city charter, legal opinions from the Texas Attorney General notwithstanding.
To plaintiffs who have sued the city on previous cases, the Sossi style is predictable: Look for anything to denigrate the character and morals of the plaintiff, preferably without even looking at the merits of the cases.
The majority on the city commission - most notably his trustworthy ally Charlie Atkinson - count on Sossi to give them the legal justification for their whims.
How else would one explain them hiring him to defend them in court in 2007 for continuing to take health insurance, salary, and other benefits after voters in a charter amendment election soundly turned those propositions down?
In the charter election, of the 14 propositions forwarded to voters, the propositions to allow the City Commission to set its pay, more easily remove appointees to city boards and committees and add a member to the Brownsville Public Utilities Board board of directors, were unceremoniously rejected by the voters.
Proposition 8 would have deleted a provision that City Commission members be paid $10 for each meeting they attend, and allowed them to establish salaries for themselves. The other - Proposition 9 - would have allowed the City Commission to pay people who serve on appointed boards and would allow people to serve on more than one board at a time.
Opponents say the futile effort by Sossi and the majority on the city commission to defend their taking benefits in court cost the city a pretty penny - almost $40,000 - but gained him their favor. He was picked as legal counsel by the losing majority after that fiasco.
Sossi, if you remember, was hired by the majority on the commission at $10,000 a month. That's $120,000 smackers a year to advice the commissioners. Then we understand that he also serves as lead counsel to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation at and additional $5,000 a month. Add that to the $120,000 and that makes $180,000 for his services.
He was also appointed by the losing majority to the city charter review committee and sought to include insurance, medical and other benefits in the charter.
However, he as also unsuccessful there.
Emma Perez-Trevino documented that the city paid more than $300,000 since 2000 to insure most former and present elected officials and their families. That sum did not include medical claims.
In the past, Sossi also represented former city commissioner Carlos Cisneros' wife in the 2005 defamation lawsuit against his former challenger and former Brownsville Public Utilities Board member Robert Sanchez.
The Herald pointed out in a previous story that Sossi also represented the city before the Texas Attorney General's Office in the January public information request that resident Moses Sorola made requesting information about payments related to Cisneros' travel.
Sossi requested AG open records ruling, contending that Sorola's request was similar to issues raised in the benefits litigation and that he was trying to bypass the discovery process. Despite the delaying action, the city had to release the records to Sorola.
His comment after he was handed the defeat in court on the benefits lawsuit?
"I think the public wins when there is clarity on the issue," he glibly told the local daily.
But it is these latest moves by Sossi that have spawned the most resistance.
Ask Teri Rendon, who runs a spa-salon what happens if you complain about the city's heavy-handedness.
She got a city inspector knocking on her door checking her permits. The director of the health department said the inspection was "routine" even though the inspector asked Rendon whether she was the person who had complained about the ordinance in the newspaper.
Many contend that city commissioners freely use the city channel to push for their pet projects.
"Rick Longoria (who it is rumored wants to be the next mayor) has a lengthy program where he is the lone character who introduces the viewer to the Southmost Branch Library," said a city worker.
"The mayor pushes for animal rights and parks in his own program, never mind in times of disasters like tropical storms. Edward Camarillo is featured in anti-graffiti and clean-up campaigns. Rose Gowen pushes for the Framers Market. Charlie Atkinson has had lengthy programs to push for his Sports Park. Just about everybody wants the public to hear them out. Could it be he's trying to muzzle criticism against Charlie, his benefactor, before the election? Even then, why does the majority of the commissioners want to shut out the voice of the people?"


Anonymous said...

Rrun runn, I couldn't have said it better.

Anonymous said...

They may remove the comment section from the viewing public, but the public still knows what's under the sleeve or under the table. We sit and laugh through-out the meeting where the major tries hard to follow Robert's Rules of Order to no avail. When people have the guts to stand up and complain about their actions, they sit back and smirk and giggle and even leave the room. If the speaker is going to get across to reach the commission, he must go down to their level - screaming at each other. The commissioners need to learn to listen to the comments, smile and not rebuttle. That is the way things are done. Don't get in a fight with the speaker. We see all of this going on and you think that shutting off the public comment is going to keep us from opening our mouth out in the streets, you've got another thing coming. What embarrassment for the citizens of Brownsville for voting in 7 representatives who have made a laughing stock out of our beloved Brownsville. Let's get together so we can get rid of as many as we can this November and the rest the following election. Search and convince legitimate persons who really want to serve for the good of our city. Go out and vote!!!!!

Brownsville Living said...

Keep up the fight El Rrun Rrun! Feel free to join me on my Facebook page Brownsville Living to fight this injustice against our citizens.

Craig Grove
Founder - Brownsville Living

Anonymous said...

If the public comments aren't going to be presented to the public on TV, why not just eliminate the commission meetings from TV. The Commissioners grandstand to the public even more than the citizens. Charlie Atkinson talks to the camera....even sends his "good nights" to his kids via the broadcast. Longoria is akin to Rev. Resendez in his presentations to the public....looking into the camera as he pontificates. And poor Camarillo....he does the same and won't shut up. And then there's the mayor....Ahumada won't leave any comment without rebuttal...he has to have the last word and turns the three-minute comment into a lengthy debate. The Commissioners are the problem and deny transparency (Melissa Zamora used to use this she is part of the problem) by denying the public comments on TV. As for the finances of the city....we could make a lot of money if we sold the TV rights to our city commission meetings to The Comedy Channel....or to other networks as a hard core reality show.

Anonymous said...

Mark Sossi has an agenda.When he sat on the City Charter Committee he had an agenda. Why is it that lawyers think they are smarter than the general public. If you have ever talked to Sossi, you know he talks down to almost everyone. His haughty; know it all attitude is bad for Brownsville. Unfortunately he seems to have his chain attached to the ring in the noses of the city commissioners and is tugging them down "his" path. The city commissioners seem to be willing oxen.....having no leaders among them. Still begs the question; what is Sossi's agenda and is he serving one of the commissioners by his actions. My money is on of his legal budz.

Anonymous said...

the poor shall be treated like poor, forever abused. You lose. again, pendejo

Anonymous said...

Juan where is the scoop on Sylvia Atkingson being hired tuesday for the BISD grants department?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the poor shall be treated like poor, forever abused. You lose. again, pendejo

August 13, 2010 2:26 PM


Anonymous said...

OK, public audience or TV audience. Let's try something different. Let's all of us go and sit at the commissioners meeting, oops, circus, and stand at every public hearing and sign up for every public forum in person. Bring your "pacon" to chew on as we crowd Pat's chambers. They won't allow us to view it on TV and I am upset that I won't get to watch my comedy show anymore. The public forum is just that and if it is going to be allowed, it should be totally allowed. What are they afraid of? That one of us locos will stand in front of them and ruin their reputation with one of our comments? What reputation, you ask! Why are we so stupid and naive to allow this to happen with our city officials and with our school officials? I say, Let's elect Fernando Ruiz for mayor on his next go-around. At least he tells it how it is and he studies each case he speaks about. "Arriba con Fernando para que no nos esten fregando!" Mr. Ruiz, you may want to use this slogan for your next campaign!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above blogger! What we should do is bombard the Brownsville Herald with letters to the editor. Hopefully Sossi will not sue the BH for printing our letters. Like someone says, what are they so worried about coming out from the public audience. All of them have been exposed in the Herald or all the other informative bloggers on the Internet, so what are they trying to hide from.

Anonymous said...

Let's Vote OUT: GTC, El otro Ricky, y El Tonto.
