"It may have happened in a way that we may never know how it happened." Brownsville City Manager Charlie Cabler on the $26,000 check deposited in Mayor Pat Ahumada's mail.
We can breathe a sigh of relief now.
Brownsville City Manager Charlie Cabler says he is on the trail of the wrongdoer who sicked the intrepid city inspectors of the city’s Permitting Department on Teri Rendon's Carriage House Day Spa the day after her comments against city contract attorney Mark E. Sossi's massage parlor ordinance appeared in the local daily.
Those of us with some memory cells still left on the hard disc remember that Cabler also promised to launch a full-scale investigation into the circumstances surrounding a "mysterious" $26,139 check that was issued to Mayor Pat M. Ahumada by the city's Finance Department.
In that case, all of Cabler's investigative powers were for naught, as no one knew then – or knows now – how the check got into the mayor's mail or who put it there.
A trial based on the flimsy evidence dragged out by our stalwart city manager – and former crack investigating detective at the Brownsville Police Department – resulted in a not-guilty verdict in favor of Ahumada.
Now, as the controversy surrounding the apparent retaliatory inspection of Rendon's business by a city inspector is raising a stink, in steps Cabler to assure us he has the situation well in hand. "We are looking into the procedures and judgment of the director," Cabler told Emma Perez-Trevino, of the Brownsville Herald."That is what we are looking at and to ensure that in the future, we handle things with more caution."
Cabler's new probe from the Aug. 10 inspection ordered by City Permitting Director Evaristo Gamez after Rendon, spoke out against the city’s proposed ordinance to regulate businesses that offer massages.
Rendon said the inspector who arrived at her business made no bones about the motive of his visit, asking her if hers was the establishment that "came out in the paper today?"
"They can investigate all they want," Rendon told Emma, "but are they going to reveal to me who gave the order? They say they are doing an internal investigation, well, I’ll do my external investigation and we’ll see who comes out first," she said.
Ahumada went as far as to say that there was a conspiracy within the city trying to get him convicted and out of office, and even went wrote city officials saying he had acquired a concealed weapon license to defend himself.
"Without sounding paranoid, I do hold a CHL (concealed handgun license) and will use my firearm to protect myself, should it be required, but only as a last resort," he said in a letter.
We don't know if Rendon will go as far as to protect her business with firearms, but the Rendon clan is rather numerous and there are some big boys in that family.
Rendon noted that Sossi told her he was upset and had not known about the inspection.
"Somebody had to give the order," she said later."No one moves in the city without someone being instructed."
For his part, Cabler indicated that at the foundation of his probe, is his trust of the motives behind the inspection.
"...I don’t see any malice. The inspection was handled properly," he said.
Now, we have all heard of Cabler's prowess as an interrogator at the P.D. But will it take the usual rubber hoses and waterboard to get at the bottom of the massage parlor retaliation case? Or will we get the same as what we got when he launched his bloodhounds on the trail of the missing check?
"It may have happened in a way that we may never know how it happened."
Brownsville City Manager Charlie Cabler says he is on the trail of the wrongdoer who sicked the intrepid city inspectors of the city’s Permitting Department on Teri Rendon's Carriage House Day Spa the day after her comments against city contract attorney Mark E. Sossi's massage parlor ordinance appeared in the local daily.
Those of us with some memory cells still left on the hard disc remember that Cabler also promised to launch a full-scale investigation into the circumstances surrounding a "mysterious" $26,139 check that was issued to Mayor Pat M. Ahumada by the city's Finance Department.
In that case, all of Cabler's investigative powers were for naught, as no one knew then – or knows now – how the check got into the mayor's mail or who put it there.
A trial based on the flimsy evidence dragged out by our stalwart city manager – and former crack investigating detective at the Brownsville Police Department – resulted in a not-guilty verdict in favor of Ahumada.
Now, as the controversy surrounding the apparent retaliatory inspection of Rendon's business by a city inspector is raising a stink, in steps Cabler to assure us he has the situation well in hand. "We are looking into the procedures and judgment of the director," Cabler told Emma Perez-Trevino, of the Brownsville Herald."That is what we are looking at and to ensure that in the future, we handle things with more caution."
Cabler's new probe from the Aug. 10 inspection ordered by City Permitting Director Evaristo Gamez after Rendon, spoke out against the city’s proposed ordinance to regulate businesses that offer massages.
Rendon said the inspector who arrived at her business made no bones about the motive of his visit, asking her if hers was the establishment that "came out in the paper today?"
"They can investigate all they want," Rendon told Emma, "but are they going to reveal to me who gave the order? They say they are doing an internal investigation, well, I’ll do my external investigation and we’ll see who comes out first," she said.
Ahumada went as far as to say that there was a conspiracy within the city trying to get him convicted and out of office, and even went wrote city officials saying he had acquired a concealed weapon license to defend himself.
"Without sounding paranoid, I do hold a CHL (concealed handgun license) and will use my firearm to protect myself, should it be required, but only as a last resort," he said in a letter.
We don't know if Rendon will go as far as to protect her business with firearms, but the Rendon clan is rather numerous and there are some big boys in that family.
Rendon noted that Sossi told her he was upset and had not known about the inspection.
"Somebody had to give the order," she said later."No one moves in the city without someone being instructed."
For his part, Cabler indicated that at the foundation of his probe, is his trust of the motives behind the inspection.
"...I don’t see any malice. The inspection was handled properly," he said.
Now, we have all heard of Cabler's prowess as an interrogator at the P.D. But will it take the usual rubber hoses and waterboard to get at the bottom of the massage parlor retaliation case? Or will we get the same as what we got when he launched his bloodhounds on the trail of the missing check?
"It may have happened in a way that we may never know how it happened."
Montoya, that is one good looking dawg, as they say in Gogia.
No conspiracy, inspectors just doing his job. There is no reason for Cabler to investigate, there is nothing there.
Let municipla inspectors do there job. Brownsville is so ugly anything will do to make the city more attractive.
I salute the Inspections dept. Now it is time to start inspecting las cantinuchas, where the most interesting man in town hangs around.
Juan, I am going to begin with the issue of Sylvia Atkinson. I have zero proof she announced an intent to run for office. Other than rumor on the internet I have seen nothing directly from the horse’s mouth. Now if someone has real proof, let me know. It is a crime for an elected official to offer a job to a prospective opponent. If there is real proof - something a grand jury can consider as credible, I will take it from there. Reel proof means she was going around town telling people she intended to run against a particular trustee. I would need affidavits from several people who heard the same thing. Better would be a filing with the BISD on the issue.
The prima dona drama queens who run this city just can't deal with criticism. Just as they "must" have the last word in city commission meetings and seem to take offense at any comment critical of their actions....they have now started to take "harmful" action against their critics. First, upon the recommendation of Mark Sossi, the citizens' comments are censored out of the video of the commission meeting. Now, upon the recommendation of Sossi, the city wants to go into debt without public approval. If that wasn't enough....now the city seeks to "punish" the public..those who dare to question the leadership. Charlie Cable isn't going to take any action...he works to please his bosses who are the problem. We must assume that those who speak out will be "investigated" by the city...with the blessing of Cabler. What a mess we are in....and the city commission and the city employees are like a rudderless ship....going nowhere. But the taxpayers pay the bills for their mismanagement.
Juan, over the Summer I went to see Bruce Springston and the Board over Jimenez’s failure to insure special needs children’s information followed them to Summer school campuses. The middle school this child was going to had no idea about his mental health problems, until it was too late and an incident followed. I warned the Board this would be a problem come the Fall as the information did not now follow the child to high school. I even did an entire post on this issue.
Jake (Ottis),
Everyone knew that Atkinson is buddys with Zayas who is Buddys you (Ottis) and Cortez.
But she did tell more than a few people her intentions of running.
There is a recording (like the one with your voice Ottis) with of her intentions of running.
Working on the affidavits to turn them to the FBI.
Montoya, I think Cabler has been city Manager way too long. Why are they retaliating against citizens is beyond me. People have the right to speak. Like any city Commission most of them are clueless on many, many issues. Brownsville sounds like one of them.
As far as Sylvia Atkinson, man she a clouded past. And her Job history is questionable at best.
Pat Ahumada while drunk as a skunk, spying old Cabler behind the tree and pissing his ass off. Wonderful pic, Juan. LOL!
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