By Juan Montoya
Is the love-fest between Brownsville Independent School District trustee Ri
ck Zayas and 404th Judicial District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez over?
Is the love-fest between Brownsville Independent School District trustee Ri

For many years, Zayas has enjoyed the rights and privileges that are afforded a colleague and longtime friend in Cornejo-Lopez's court. Now, we hear, those may be tempered by the turmoil and musical chairs going on at the BISD.
The break apparently occurred when Elia wanted to start dancing classes at Sharp Elementary as an after-class activity since her daughter attends classes there.
She is said to have approached Sharp principal Karen Trevino – who is first cousin to BISD board member Rick Zayas to let interested students use the school's facilities for that purpose. To Elia's dismay, Treviño turned down her request to hold the classes there without much of an explanation.
Now, those of us who know Elia know that she doesn't take kindly to being snubbed by mere mortals such as an elementary school principal, no matter who she may be related to.
So, the good lawyer that she is, she filed a grievance with the district.
Meanwhile, the board of trustees was playing musical chairs with administrators and one of those moved (promoted) was Ms. Treviño who was sent to do her thing at Cummings Middle School.
That allowed for Sandra Cortez – wife of board member Ruben Cortez and Zayas partner in business and other things – to be moved to the coveted Sharp Elementary helm.
With Cortez's wife there, Zayas thought it might be a good time to approach Elia and ask her to bury the hatchet and drop the grievance against his first cousin since his partner's wife would probably prove more malleable to her request.
No dice, Elia was said to have told Zayas, and the grievance continues to wend its way through the process.
Political observers are wondering whether this apparent spat will have any political consequences for Zayas and Cortez since Elia's support was crucial in their last elections. One thing we do know, however, is that the good judge has now seen how blatantly the sitting trustee board has been able to manipulate the goings-on at the district.
Does hell have no fury like a woman scorned? Stay tuned.
In BISD it's not about education, its about compadrismo. The kids and their education is secondary or tertiary to "la familia" and corruption. Unfortunately for those looking for quality education, most parents are looking only for day-care. BISD is a day care facility and the parents don't really give a shit about education.
Way to go Elia. Fight to get good programs and to break the "boring" educational system in Brownsville. BISD needs people with new ideas...not just bureacrats who occupy the classrooms for pay. Its time to be innovative and get the students to think critically about education, life, etc.
That bad, so who is turning to stone, Zayas, or Cortez, or Maybe Cornejo Lopez.
Dumb (Ricky), and Dumber (Caveman) will have their day in court and jail.
But again, if you don't do as I ask, I will file grievance. What for? The Board throws it out behind close doors and comes back mute even refusing to make a motion. By remaining silent the grievance will die but let's hope that the judge will open the can of worms that needs to be opened. Those worms are already squirming in their pants so you can imagine what will happen when they do go to court. Go, Elia, you should have run for the school board again! And better still, against Rick, mirada de diablo.
Judge Cornjo Lopez keep on with the grievance and bring out to light all grievances filed on La Trevi. Someone investigate what is going on at Cummings and all the changes made by La Trevi. Sadly people will not file a grievance cuz yes they do not listen to you. How many grievance does La Trevi have (more than 25)is it a rumor or true, yet she get shuffled and everything is kept quiet.
I am with Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez, I supported her than and I totally support her now.
Keep going after Zayas and his cousin, Karen. Let us know about all the grievances that she had filed against her in one year that she was at Sharp. Now she has come to Cummings and done a "fruit-basket" turn-over with no just cause or explanation to those involved. Some of those teachers have been there since Cummings started and even before she was born, so don't under estimate their resolve. Con la Cummings no se metan! A principal in jeans dares to tell someone that his or her dress attire is not proper? Something is wrong with this picture, Mr. Springston and Ms. Fox who gave her this promotion. Check it out and don't let Zayas manipulate you in all your actions!!!
"Good Judge", Elia Lopez Cornejo, Ha! I beg to differ. The only reason she has filed a grievance against the ex-principal at Sharp was because she couldn't get her way with her. "Good Lawyer" please! It takes someone who has worked with her to know that nothing good can ever come from that woman. She needs to learn that she won't always get her way, but ofcourse those of you who don't know her working "ethics" have no idea what I am refering to. She will cry, shout, squirm, and do whatever it takes until she gets her way. For those of you who complain that Zayas and Cortez abuse their power, think about what greater damage Elia would do if she was on the board.
Sounds as if some of those fermented teachers that have been at Cummings since it opened could spoil the fruit basket. I say "get on the bus" with change or move out!
Vote for Elia for BISD.
The BISD bus is busted and so is its driver, Brett Springston. Let's get those stingin Red Ants to start stinging butts at the board room which is occupied by those who hire friends, relatives and compadres.
“Get on the bus” with change or move?
“Get on the bus” is getting a little old and only works when the bus driver is leading her passengers in the right direction. Just because you drive a bus doesn't mean you are a great bus driver. La Trevi was already kicked off one bus at Sharp and now she want to drive the RED ANTS out off their colony. Is La Trevi making all those changes at the misguidance of her admin La Ti(tere)? Do the MIGHT Y RED ANTS have a red ant traitor La Ti(tere) on their bus? Hormigas Rojas no se dejen!
Let's vote the incumbents out.
That includes you Otis.
Las "hormigas rojas" are obviously blinded by their biases. No wonder the colony needed change! Educational paradigm shifts come with understanding the need for change and moving in the direction for what's best for students. Same old, same old doesn't cut it. And if it means stirring up the ant pile, so be it. Sounds like it's time to retire, or is it re-retire?
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