By Juan Montoya
Did you know that playing loud music was not against state law?
Yet, local cops called to a loud music (or other noise) complaint often issue a citat
ion. Ever wonder why?
Well, it seems that in a city like Brownsville, cops can not only issue citations for state traffic code offenses like speeding, expired license plats, etc., but also for city ordinance violations.
These include not only public peace violations like loud noise, but also the whole gamut of ordinance violations that include health, city inspection, animal control, fire hazards, etc.
In short, unlike health and city building code inspectors, they are not restricted to traffic and criminal violations. So next time you let your grass grow too high and your neighbor is a cop, be aware.
Until recently, cops had to carry two citation booklets, one for regular traffic and criminal violations and another for the various ordinance violations. Not anymore. After putting their heads together (and phone calls, countless meetings, conferences, Emails, teleconferences, etc.) municipal court geeks James Zavaletta and Tad Hasse came up with a one-size-fits-all citation booklet that cops can carry with them on their assigned rounds.
The participants in these love fests included not only police department reps, but also representatives from health, building code, and animal control departments and municipal judges.
The new system will complement new Panasonic Toughbook ticket machines that will provide the cops with the appropriate city ordinance codes when they run into a potential violator. In short, if they detect a potential city ordinance violation, they have the info at their fingertips to issue a ticket on the spot.
Apparently, the tough part in the streamlining of all this was to actually design a combination state code and ordinance citation ticket booklet. As usual, working by committee has its drawbacks. Nearly everyone thought they had to have the last word. And second-guessing, it was reported, was rampant.
In the end, the Top 13 violations were included in the ticket along with a blank section for the police officers to write in the ordinance violation code and number.
With this nifty move, the staff at the municipal court hope to cut down on expenses and provide the cops on the street with a more efficient way to do business.
Did you know that playing loud music was not against state law?
Yet, local cops called to a loud music (or other noise) complaint often issue a citat

Well, it seems that in a city like Brownsville, cops can not only issue citations for state traffic code offenses like speeding, expired license plats, etc., but also for city ordinance violations.
These include not only public peace violations like loud noise, but also the whole gamut of ordinance violations that include health, city inspection, animal control, fire hazards, etc.
In short, unlike health and city building code inspectors, they are not restricted to traffic and criminal violations. So next time you let your grass grow too high and your neighbor is a cop, be aware.
Until recently, cops had to carry two citation booklets, one for regular traffic and criminal violations and another for the various ordinance violations. Not anymore. After putting their heads together (and phone calls, countless meetings, conferences, Emails, teleconferences, etc.) municipal court geeks James Zavaletta and Tad Hasse came up with a one-size-fits-all citation booklet that cops can carry with them on their assigned rounds.
The participants in these love fests included not only police department reps, but also representatives from health, building code, and animal control departments and municipal judges.

Apparently, the tough part in the streamlining of all this was to actually design a combination state code and ordinance citation ticket booklet. As usual, working by committee has its drawbacks. Nearly everyone thought they had to have the last word. And second-guessing, it was reported, was rampant.
In the end, the Top 13 violations were included in the ticket along with a blank section for the police officers to write in the ordinance violation code and number.
With this nifty move, the staff at the municipal court hope to cut down on expenses and provide the cops on the street with a more efficient way to do business.
The City Commission is in total turmoil over the budget deficit, but still no one wants to enfore the laws. We would not have this deficit of the BPD was allowed to enforce all traffic laws and the municipal court "tokers" who serve as judges would levy fines. The City Commission doesn't want to raise taxes, doesn't want to "offend" any voter by enforcing the the city will continue to swirl down the toilet. I was watching the Aug 31 City Commission meeting on TV today and its amazing how eager Charlie "Chaplin" Atkinson and Ricardo "Little Ricky" Longoria are to show the public how insecure and stupid they are. This city is in flames.
What I'd like to know is how them motorcycle cops can stand the uniforms they gotta wear. Long shirts, pants tucked into their boots and then wearing that helmet, plus all of the leather gear and big assed gun? No wonder, when they get you for speeding 5 miles or more they act like they're ready to mace you or worse.
All you have to do to find out what is wrong in this city is to watch the city commission meetings on Channel 12. It is amazing, and comical. When the public challenges the commission with regards to the Sports Park...the public is met with scorn and outrage from commissioners, especially Charlie Atkinson. He won't listen...he's very defensive....he's very stupid. Then there is Ricardo "Batman" Longoria, who also reponds to the public as if the people were stupid. But, Longoria has not leadership skills and blows up like a bull frog at any criticism. These guys are making Ahumada look good. While this is going on Troiani sits and chuckles. Zamora just sits. Gowen sneers but keeps quiet. And then there is Edward "Baby Huey" Camarillo who is to naive to do anything.
(These guys are making Ahumada look good.)
Well, if it weren't for the fact that it is always the same three-four clowns who come up with their imbecillic complaints, maybe the Mayor and his comission would comport themselves differently. But it's always that ignorant Dago Barrera. some idiotic Reverend, an ugly old bitch with long hair but none on the top of her head and that idiot Uresti. Same morons, with the same acts all the time. I would behave in the same exact way the commission does if I had to comport with these same morons on a weekly basis.
We need new city commissioners, we need people that care, not self centered commish like GTC.
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