Friday, October 1, 2010


By Juan Montoya
A newly-formed specific purpose Political Action Committee had the doors slammed in its face by a local NBC affiliate when it tried to purchase $1,000 of air space for their one-minute ad urging voters to vote against Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, and Otis Powers in the upcoming Brownsville Independent School District elections in November.
The members of the DefeatZayasCortezPowers PAC had been trying to contract with KVEO to air their political ad for two days. During the first meeting, the station's manager, William Jorn, demanded of their media buyer that he produce the money up front before even talking about the time slots available for placing their one-minute ad.
When the group procured the money, they went to the station to meet with business manager Maria Fulford, only to be handed off to a station staffer who admitted he wasn't really a salesman but offered to help in selecting the time slots.
The group had their representative leave the group's ad on a beta video tape and awaited the decision, to be made by either Jorn or Fulford.
On Thursday afternoon, money in hand, their representative was told by Jorn that there were some complications.
"We have a problem," Jorn said. "This is a personal attack. If you get sued, I get sued. Then it's not just going to be your problem, but mine, too."
When the group's representative protested that the contents were merely a statement of facts and offered to produce documentation proving it, Jorn declined and told him that the station's attorney's would be reviewing the tape and that he should call back at 9 a.m. Friday.
"Our attorneys want to look this over and we'll let you know in the morning," he said.
This Friday, the group's representative was told over the telephone that the station had "no problem with the contents," but that it had no space to run the ad over the three days starting Friday through Sunday that the ad was to run.
"I could take your money but I have no space to place them," said an apologetic Jorn. "Why don't you try Channel 4? They might have some time for you."
The group's media buyer asked Jorn how, given the downturn in advertising, the station could have no space for the group's ad.
"We're doing alright despite that," he said.
Later, when another member of the PAC called up Jorn to confirm what the group's representative had said, a station spokesman called back to tell him that the station had formed a policy that it was not going to sell any advertising to anyone (candidate or otherwise) associated with the BISD elections.
"What does Channel 23 think it is?," asked an angry PAC member. "Don't they know those are the public's airwaves?" first they say they want the money up front, then they say the content is a personal attack, and then they say they have no space to sell. Our lawyers are already looking into this. If ever ac case had all the signs of prior restraint, this is it. We might own a television station before this is over and done with."
(Ed.: This blog was approached with a copy of the tape and after viewing it and assessing the documentation on its contents agreed to air it on our site. To view it, click on the You Tube icon on the top right side of the screen.)


Anonymous said...

What is KVEO afraid of,the truth. I am voting for Luci Longoria and keep fighting, we are with you. My family has about 50 votes. I encourage everyone to go out and vote. Great commercial.

Anonymous said...

Did the PAC file with BISD as a specific PAC involved with the election?

Anonymous said...

Montoya, good job, it is about time that someone puts Bobby Cervantes in his place. Good for Ms. Longoria, if that idiot tries to sue her, I would be happy to contribute to both her legal defense fund and her election campaign. Can you post where we can reach Ms. Longoria, how we can contribute to her campaign and how we can help.

Anonymous said...

JMON you forgot to post that Mr. Cervantes has been lying to all of us about his good life, I hear that the process server went to his former home and that there were all kinds of Forcible Detainers on his property ordering him to VACATE his foreclosed home. Now that is the company that Zayas and Cortez keep.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good for politics tell us how great YOU are...and maybe we vote for you...telling us how bad YOU THINK the other guy...means you have nothing great to say about yourself....thus...why vote for either.
Candidates don't get it....sell yourself....that's how you win my vote.

Anonymous said...

lucy and her ball of haters are full of them self . why cant they play nicely like good little girls. and get to the point what excample are they giving our children if you love a child educated them. don't be slandering people by trying to get votes that just showing me and my community what kind of people you are and i will go out and get rick ruben otis at least 1,500 votes so to all you haters play like good little girls and boys. and to my community vote for those who will do something good for our children and to lucy and her haters you know what you can do, and put it where the sun don't shine.
thank you

Anonymous said...

This is a negative ad, Juan, and you know it.
What makes Escobedo a better choice? So far, I can't find the lesser of the evils.

Anonymous said...

(Montoya, good job, it is about time somebody puts Bobby Cervantes)

Juan, I was at his blog early this morning. And boy is he pissed at you, brother. You get him, my man.

Anonymous said...

Lucy Longoria, what do you mean by PAC? My family does not believe in negative campaigning. In our opinion, we feel you cross over the line. By mentioning individual names, you can be held liable for defamation, slanderous remarks.

Anonymous said...

How can we join the DEFEATZAYASCORTEZPOWERS PAC??? We can help rally up the whole town to support a candidate that is really going to make a difference and not for themselves/family. How many "Powers" related family members are Administrators in BISD??? ALL of them!!! NO MORE POWERS!!


Anonymous said...

The negative ads started with Cervantes and his new found compadre Rick Zayas accusing Luci of being in bed with someone other than her husband, hat is disgusting to me and it should be disgusting to you too, Kimberly.

Not to mention that these guys have made a mess of BISD,administratively speaking, because teachers and non political personnel are making the difference.

Maria Cantu

Anonymous said...

Bobby Cervantes Zayas threats to sue Luci Longoria and her husband should be responded to with a counter suit for vexatious litigant, that is what he is. Brownsville is tired of that piece of shit rat and his rat pack.

Anonymous said...

go to we are building an army.

Anonymous said...

The ad is a not true...check the facts....she lies...and this makes her the better candidate? Really? It makes her a target for a lawsuit from those she lies about...

Anonymous said...

Kimberly, you are so stupid, you think Rick is doing good for your children?? Running the district to a approx. 1 mil in the deficit, you call this good for the children and the community.
Hiring Cortez' wife over 25 applicants and hiring his partner's wife to a higher position.

Why don't you get your head out of the place where the sun don't shine.

Anonymous said...

We can say the same about your Rick and bud Cervantes, they definitely have stated slanderous and defamation remarks and mentioned Luci's name.

What do you say about that????

Anonymous said...

Rick and Cervantes started all this mess. Blame them, Rick is not a saint and everybody knows that.

Anonymous said...

Luci has more class, she doesn't go around vandalizing signs nor saying slanderous remarks about rick.

She is a first class lady.

Anonymous said...

Vote early election and election day.

Anonymous said...

Great job!! Bobby has sued Time Warner, Wells Fargo and Dairy Queen for serving up only 1 banana in his banana split.

Anonymous said...

Everyone just vote for those who will REALLY help ALL children, not just their relatives children. Forget all the bashing, just concentrate on who will actually be good for the students.

Anonymous said...

all of you girls in favor of the ged boy and the weasel looking girly man must not care about education or the children of brownsville. You are part of the problem and you have proably been trying to get Conrado Cantu out of jail. After all acording to your standards Conrado should be on his second term as the high sheriff. you are loosers.

Anonymous said...

This goes to show how much reading, either books, newspapers or online, these people do. If you haven't ever heard the phrase "in bed with" used in political context, you probably don't have the sense to be voting.
Se los estan mofleando, raza!

Edmundo Leandro III said...

This was not endorsed by Luci Longoria. She has asked that it be removed from youtube and she does not believe in negative campaigning. If you don't understand what a PAC is then google it. Nowhere in the video does it mention that it was paid for or endorsed by Luci Longoria or her campaign.

Anonymous said...

Kimberly what example is your Rick giving our children RIGHT NOW, and he is to blame for the fiasco.

He and Cervantes took a cheap shot by accusing a lady of being involved in a personal affair in order to try to ruin her creditability. He will not succeed, we know Luci and she is not scum like rick and cervantes. They can say all they want, the fact of the matter is we know her and she has more integrity and high morals than these two and you put together.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's all Rick's doing. Read cervantes blog, he is admitting rick gave him a copy of the depo and had spoken to him in the courtroom.

Rick and cervantes are sick, twisting things around and degrading women if they don't get it their way.

Bunch of low life scums!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it okay for Rick to go around smiling and blinking his eye at women and get away with it? Is he married? and isn't he a father?

Wouldn't you say this is infidelity? Lusting is a sin and considered adultery even sexual harrassment.

Anonymous said...

(Lusting is a sin and considered adultery even sexual harrassment.)

And what religion is this, roman wizard of ozology?

Anonymous said...

You all shouldn't believe all this garbage, especially coming from wacko Bobby. He never has anything nice to say about anyone. He is a bitter, loser, and if zayas is involved with him, that doesn't say much about him.

Dime con quien te juntas y te dire quien eres.

Anonymous said...

Luci, we know you better than Rick and Bobby. This only shows rick is running scared and is intimidated by a classy woman. As for Bobby is starving for attention.

Rick and Bobby all of this is going to back fire on both of you. Remember EVIL NEVER triumphs.

Face it Rick you have lost all creditability everybody wants you OUT.
You have burned too many bridges.

Anonymous said...

We are all adults...are we not?
we all came from a we not?
Some of us have daughters, and/or sisters.
Now, I ask myself this question: Does Cervantes and Zayas have a mother... daughter, or sister?? Would it be OK if someone TRASHES their families?... I would think not!

Todos somos adultos. Sí, o No?
Todos venimos de una Madre Sí, o No?
Algunos tenemos hijas Si, o No?
Ahora, yo me pregunto: Cervantes y Zayas TENDRAN MADRE..... HIJAS, O HERMANAS???

Luci B. Longoria said...

I would like the public to know that eventhough the individual(s)that were responding to defend my good name from false accusations made by certain person(s)on a blog, did not have my approval or endorsement of such video.

It saddens me that people that don't know me would ridicule me in this manner; not only to hurt me but more importantly my family.

I made a pledge that I would run a professional and clean campaign and I have stood by it. Despite the fact that I have been a victim of vendalism, false accusations, and individuals trasspassing on my property.

I am totally against dirty politics, I believe that whoever wins this election, will be on our own merits and accomplishments.

Lastly, I ask that the person(s) that have instigated these false malicious accusations about me to stop and take back what they have said. This is uncall for and only creating bad publicity and controversy.

I have more important things to focus on and that is my campaign.

Anonymous said...

Edmundo,Luci should be satisfied that the pac responded to that shitface bobby cervantes his new found collaborator Rick Zayas. Rick how does it feel to be in bed with a loser, wondering what the wifey has to say

Anonymous said...

Rick Zayas apologize to Luci you loser, lowlife, run on issues,instead of throwing slime at women. Slimeball Rick Zayas, that goes for you too Ruben Cortez, how would you like if if they threw shit on your moma.

Anonymous said...

Luci, don't let these guy threaten you. The thruth is the truth. What can they say that BISD is not in a finacial mess and budget defict. Can they deny that they have spent millions of dollars on legal fees defending themselves. Can they deny that they gave Joe Rod $90,000 as a settlement and that they sued the AG to hide and supress the BISD Internal Audit Reports that were only made available after the group from Dallas brought it to our attention. Are they saying that the judge who ruled them personally liable is a deranged sick puppy and liar. I do not think so.

Courage to point out the miserable failure of these guys is part of your track record. It takes courage to defend our children, pac or not it needs to be done. We need to remind the voters here in Brownsville that our Children do come first.

The facts speak for themselves, watch the ad and it speaks the truth. Cheers for Luci.

BISD Administrator.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Leandro, what up?

Anonymous said...

Now these three guys are stealing campaign signs, add that to their list of accomplishments.

Bobby what do you think of that.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Mr. Zayas has a double life; one of them being an alternative lifestyle? Is that what some of you are implying? Interesting!
