Friday, October 22, 2010


By Juan Montoya
A survey performed by an independent polling company has members of the DefeatZayasCortezPowers Political Action Committee cautioning against growing overconfident based on the results.
The survey was conducted Thursday evening and involved more than 4,000 potential voters in the Brownsville school district precincts. The survey had a 3.1 percent margin of error.
The survey results showed that over time, Ruben Cortez and Rick Zayas – the two incumbents – and former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Otis Powers, have steadily lost ground and their opponents have gained momentum in the race for control of the BISD board.
In Place 1, Dr. Christina Saavedra led the other three contenders by a wide margin. She got 41 percent of the respondents' support, with Powers running at 23 percent, Eric Garza also at 23 percent, and Daniel Pena running a distant fourth with 13 percent.
In Place 2, Enrique Escobedo maintained his seemingly insurmountable lead over Cortez with 59 percent to his opponent's 41 percent.
In Place 4, Luci Longoria has vaulted over Zayas by a 56 to 44 percent lead.
That last result was most surprising to the pollsters.
"Longoria seems to have benefited tremendously from the fact that Zayas has focused his advertising on helping Cortez in his race," said a polling company principal. "Had he focused on his race instead of diverting his energies to attack the PAC, the results may have been different."
The results have changed from a poll conducted by the same firm about a month ago. In that poll, the results from the Place 1 race were Saavedra 38 percent, Powers 36 percent, Garza 16 percent, and Pena 10 percent.
"Saavedra has solidified her lead here," he said. "Perhaps as a result of the sign-stealing allegations against Powers, he lost a significant part of his core constituency."
The previous results of the Place 2 race are similar. Escobedo's numbers went from 53 percent in the earlier poll to 59 percent, while Cortez dropped from 47 to 41 percent in that period.
The real shocker was in the Zayas-Longoria race where Zayas dropped from 53 percent to 42 percent and Longoria climbed from 40 percent to 56 percent.
"If I was a Longoria supporter, this would indicate to me that I needed to work harder to maintain the apparent momentum toward my candidate," he said. "If I was Zayas, I would rethink my strategy and present a different image to the potential voters. In any case, it could be too late to shift strategies."


Anonymous said...

Out with the bad, in with the good.

Anonymous said...

How can Zayas present a different image if he has nothing to present that will benefit the children of BISD. The students and teachers have been succeeding on their own, and it is now time for Saavedra, Longoria and Escobedo to get in their and support educational programs like a board member should.

Anonymous said...

We need to bring back INTEGRITY and HUMANITY to this assured...WE WILL.

BZG said...

Juan, are you the paid blogger for the PAC? I have been reading your blog and you never state facts nor cite sources. You simply voice opinions, rhetoric and chismes. Granted, we have free speech, but you appear to cross the line between free speech and slander. Why you side with the likes of Escobedo who for years claimed to be an MD, and his slogan is "more education, less politics" is beyond understanding, unless, as I suspect, you're the paid consultant (politiquero) for the PAC who claims to be short on funds.

Anonymous said...

My entire family is voting for Zayas, Cortez, and Powers. The PAC has been a disgrace to the BISD.

Anonymous said...

The ones that have been a disgrace to BISD and the entire community are Zayas, Cortez,& Powers.

They all have milked the district and our tax dollars.

Don't be a fool. Have you check if they are up to date on their taxes???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


NO Balls? Its easy to post comments with no name.

Grow some, then post again Ruben.

Anonymous said...

When you find yours, share some ideas and initiatives. Not some juvenile attack on the person you disagree with.


Anonymous said...

why are you putting negative comments give your name and stand up don't hide behind the computer typing away your word let people know who you are. kim

Anonymous said...

Zayas and Cortez should set their sights for TSC Trustees. They can set up shop there. Bring in their "business" of placing vending machines all over campus. They can proceed to remove Juliet. Then they can place their friends and "qualified" family members in key position$$$$.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! And they can take Springston to replace Dr. Garcia and Fuller to help out since he is not certified to be anything. Sounds like a plan! Go for it, ZayCor-FulSpring Coop.
