Monday, October 25, 2010


By Juan Montoya
The entire truth behind the dogfight to approve Juliet Garcia's "new and improved" partnership agreement betwen the UT System and Texas Southmost College will probably never be told.
But a few indication of the breadth and scope of the campaing have begun to emerge.
Consider. for example, the following:
First, on Juliet's orders, Michael Putegnat appeared before the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce asking for a resolution in support of the new operating agreement. The most vocal Chamber proponent was none other than Reba Cardenas McNair.
The Chamber disagreed with Putegnat, however, and produced its own document opposing the new agreement. The trustees had this in hand last Thursday night at the Board meeting, though it was not made public once it became clear the new agreement would not pass.
Second, members of the Cardenas family exerted very serious pressure on former trustees to get them to publicly support the new operating agreement. Some of this pressure actually bordered on threats and intimidation.
Third, there are credible rumors abroad that TSC legal counsel Daniel Rentfro had been promised the job of UTB attorney once the new partnership agreement was approved. Not coincidentally, perhaps, Dan’s wife has been given quite a few perks at UTB over the past year or so as Dan worked with Putegnat, Wayne Moore, Rosemary Martinez, and Alan F. J. Artibise on the agreement.
During the negotiations with UT System, it is difficult to imagine someone with a more serious conflict of interest than Mr. Rentfro.
Fourth, so presumptuous were Juliet Garcia and her staff that they had already penned the press release announcing the approval of their new agreement before the Board meeting.
Finally, the Garcia and her associates told everyone publicly, but even more in private, that UT System would pull out of Brownsville if the new operating agreement was not passed. This was a complete falsehood. It was also a scare tactic. However, several trustees had received very specific assurances from UT System that this was not the case.
Rather than such exercises in Machiavellianism, perhaps Dr. Garcia should have used her impressive communication skills to try to secure additional funding for our institution? That is, after all, a president's main job.
Quick: how much has Juliet Garcia, a national figure who could gain access to any board room or corporate officer, raised in private and corporate donations over the past 20 years? In her most important job she has been an abject failure.


Anonymous said...

It is pure Kardenas Klanism....greed, threats and intimidation that is at work at UTB-TSC. Juliet has become an advocate of Kardenas Klan strategyies in order to grow her power and extend her ability to abuse this ocmmunity. Along the way she has always been able to depend on a special group of thieves to do her dirty work....Tony Zavaleta, Wayne Moore, Michael Putegnant, Freddie Rusteburg, Eduardo Rodriquez, and others to carry her, to promote her and to pull the wool over the public's eyes. Juliet has tried to increase her personal power and wealth much like "little Ricky" Kardenas tried to steal from the Tijerina family. Juliet and her minions smile all the while that they plot against the public and steal the tax dollar. We don't need this. We need local control of our money and of our community college. The "new" partnership only solidifies Juliet's power and does not improve education here.

Anonymous said...

Juliet had a press release announcing her victory over the people...much like the Yankees bought champagne, hats and shirts to declare their victory....just in case they won. Like those in professional sports, Juliet seeks continuity and a seamless transfer of her success. But, Juliet spends our tax dollars....not private money. Juliet and TSC are now going to sell the Yound House on St. Charles....after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to turn it into a "university" hub. Thousands of hours of volunteer time and labor by students will now be sold off. Now, Juliet will provide someone with a "sweet" deal...much like the "sweet" deal she got when Mary Rose Kardenas and "The Trustees" turned over the Canales house to Juliet after UTPA and TSC spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to renovate and upgrade the house. Juliet likes "sweet" deals when she is on the receiving end. For years Juliet has been able to get many "sweet" deals, but not that the Kardenas Klan is under scrutiny and the trustees are elected by the public, instead of being hand-picked by Juliet and her crew...we are seeing "change". Pobricita Juliet....

Anonymous said...

"Rather than such exercises in Machiavellianism"....Holding someone to a standard you will not or cannot hold yourself to is nauseatingly hypocritical.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The scarcity principle, or law of scarcity, is what drives Juliet. She feels compelled to eliminate the board because she does not have total control.
She needs to calm down. Juliet you will never have your dictatorship back.
Juliet, do everyone and yourself a favor...retire.

Anonymous said...

Juliet and her cronies (Wayne "gotta have" Moore, Michael Puto-gnat, Tony Zaca-la-gara, Rent-free, etc...) have been leeching off of TSC long enough.

Kick all those worthless scoundrels out of there!

Anonymous said...

It is now Tuesday, and I'm still asking,"Is she still here?"

Anonymous said...

FYI: I was in the referred to Chamber meeting and I can report that Putegnat did not request any resolution for or against. He only answered questions from the board members and one was whether UT would pull out of Brownsville. He said absolutely not.
