Thursday, October 28, 2010


By Juan Montoya
A lot of people credited dislike of Gilbert Hinojosa for the victory of Carlos Cascos four years ago.
You know, the old Ray Ramon Factor that led to the election of Tony Garza to become the first Republican county judge siknce Reconstruction in Cameron County.
In the case of Garza, Ramon had alienated so many of his fellow Democrats that they signed on with Tony to shun him.
At the time Ramon virtually controlled the Democratic Party and the precinct chairmen voted to nominate him in spite of the fact that he had just lost the Precinct 1 nomination to Lucino Rosenbaum and had a mortal enemy in Dolph Thomae, the longtime commissioner for Precinct 3. These factors combined to form the perfect storm that led to the Ramon – and Democratic Party – loss of the county judge's office.
As the current race between John Wood and Carlos Cascos comes to an end this Tuesday, the ties between Hinojosa and Wood are being pointed out by Wood's opponents.
One such tie is the cast of characters that Wood has introduced in his campaign and who may form part of his administration should he prevail in November.
Some are old, and some are new. But most of them have distinct ties to the Hinojosa administration.
A name that has surfaced is that of former Brownsville Navigation District commissioner and ad guru Evelon Dale as the county's grant writer. Dale is running Wood's media campaign and is responsible for the grainy photos of Wood which make him look like he's wearing an Afro.
Recently, these hnave been replaced by catchy signs bearing a heraldic shield thnat give the Wood cam,paign a touch of nobility.
And, making as reappearance as "Community Liaison" is none other than Silver Garcia, the mayor of the metropolis of Combes. You remember Silver, he held that position in the Hinojosa administration and earned a hefty salary compliments of the county taxpayers.
What he did or what communities he "liaisoned" with was never disclosed. However, he still yearns for the good old days when Gilbert dispensed patronage and paid for it from county coffers.
Maggie Carranza, currently working in Wood's Precinct 2 office, reappears as Bro Wood's executive secretary. You remember Maggie. She was on the staff of Gil's Emergency Management Dept. and was recently prohibited from dispensing free notary public services at Cameron Park on Wood's behalf as she had been doing for the last seven years.
Another holdover form the Hinojosa era is former Emergency Management Coordinator Tom Hushen. Hushen is also a city commissioner from Harlingen who has thrown his weight behind Wood in hopes he will snare the EMC position again.
And who can forget the affable (and overpaid) Remi Garza? You remember Remi. Before he left, Hinojosa tailored a position for him within the county administration, only to have Cascos abolish the post. He has been promised the county administrator position now held by Pete Sepulveda. Coming from a prominent San Benito family (his father, a doctor, and mother Yolanda, an attorney), Remi was soundly defeated by David Garza for commissioner of Precinct 3. As administrator, Remi could wreak havoc in Garza's road and bridge precinct.
And last, and least, we have Jarred Hockema, who was yet another assistant under Hinojosa and now clings to the Wood coattails for the position of assistant county administrator under Remi.
So there you have it. In Spanish, the applicable term would be that it's "La misma gata, solo revolcada."
Will the reemergence of these Hinojosa players lead voters to conclude that Hinojosa – now Cameron County Democratic Party chairman – will gain more power if Wood wins ion November.


Anonymous said...

A vote for John Wood is a vote, by proxy for Gilberto Hinojosa. John Wood has never had an orginal thought in his life....he is a follower...especially a follower of Gilberto Hinojosa. It is time for Brownsville and Cameron County to move forward...with Carlos Cascos.....

Anonymous said...

Carlos Cascos will win.

Anonymous said...

Why fix something that is not broken? I do not affiliate myself with any party because they all lie. I look at the person and objectively make my decisions based on facts that I myself have witnessed. That is why I voted for Carlos Cascos. He is the individual that epitomizes what a true public servant should be. As long as he runs and as long as I live, my vote will be for him. I am a member of the Personatic Party!!! A vote for Carlos is a vote for integrity and upward progress!

Anonymous said...

Wood doesn't even own a homestead? wtf?

Anonymous said...

Wood has no homestead because his house is owned by his wife given to her by her parents. Wood and his partner Jokyl own a couple of properties together and they pay so little in taxes that it is pathetic to think that they owed years of back taxes on those properties. Wood wants to be county judge and he can't even manage his personal business.

Anonymous said...

Wood ... nobility.... HAH!...When i saw the sign I thought the JW Marriott was opening up in town..... Makes wood and his family appear to be a bunch of pompous asses.

Anonymous said...

LOL...they are pompous asses. And No the wife doesn't own the house either, it's owned by the mother in law who lets them live there for free. You would think that being a good business man, realtor, public official, Wood would at least own his own home or other property. No wonder he votes to raise taxes. He doesn't pay property taxes. Crock.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the listing in the Herald today of contributors to John Wood....that list is right our of Gilberto Hinojosa's "list of other crooked lawyers" proves that Hinojosa still has Wood by the short hairs. Larry Jokl has been Wood's "invisible" mentor for years and now he has sold his political soul to Hinojosa. John Wood depends on his wife for his homestead, his health insurance and his ability to be a full time "pop-up" at every ribbon cutting. He will be a full time politician because he has no life, no business, no profession....he's just a full time "pop-up".

Anonymous said...

Of all the ghosts that appear at the Dancy Building, I wish the good ole County Judge, Oscar Cromwell Dancy would show up and set people straight. I am sure he would totally agree on the reelection of Carlos Cascos! I am sure that Judge Dancy used to pass by the Gonzales' home every morning on his way to work and when Carlos married into the Gonzales family, he followed Judge Dancy's footsteps to the courthouse and is trying very hard to make him proud. I have voted for Mr. Cascos, the only honest politician in Brownsville!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

puro LLORAR!!! JOHN WOOD will become our next County Judge.

Anonymous said...

Has he promised you a job already next to the Dale woman? Don't hold your breath, brother or sister! We can not afford wine and cheese parties after hours at the Dancy Building. Maybe when they used to give out cheese commodities that people used to sell all over town, we could have afforded to "borrow" a couple of clumps of cheese, but not anymore! Those days are gone! No llores!
