Saturday, October 23, 2010


By Juan Montoya
On the heels of reports from Washington that U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-Texas) – already under investigation for abusing travel funds – may have used earmarks to benefit his former security firm, we now hear that he has asked for a lifeline from former president Bill Clinton.
In a lengthy report on written by Susan Crabtree Oct. 22, Ortiz is said to have has requested millions of dollars in earmarks that may have benefited a security firm he founded.
"Ortiz, a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, helped direct earmarks and federal grants worth tens of millions of dollars to the Port of Corpus Christi, the nation’s fifth largest port," Crabtree writes.
"Since 1997, the port — which is in Ortiz’s district — has hired Amtex Global Services, Ortiz’s former firm, on contracts that have ranged from $900,0000 to more than $1 million annually. The company continues to pay Ortiz for the sale of his stake in it," her report continues.
The report states that "Ortiz sold his 55 percent ownership in the firm in late 2003 after media reports raised conflict-of-interest concerns and accusations of political retaliation against critics of Amtex Security. He noted the sale on his congressional financial disclosure forms for that year.
Yet financial disclosure reports filed by Ortiz between 2005 and 2010 show a $250,000 to $500,000 holding labeled Amtex Security, as well as $15,000 to $50,000 worth of annual “interest/capital gains.”
Ortiz’s spokesman said the congressman didn’t get a lump payment for the sale, and instead was given a note and has been receiving payments in the range of $15,000 to $50,000 each year that constitute principal and interest.
Ortiz’s spokesman said his boss would amend disclosure statements to reflect that the income received was “interest” not “interest/capital gains,” but he argued there is nothing wrong with the fact that Ortiz continues to get payments from Amtex since he is no longer involved with the firm’s operations.
Ortiz signed a series of pledges for each of the earmarks certifying that he had no financial interest in them. In 2007, House leaders required that lawmakers sign the pledges because of earmark ethics scandals on both sides of the aisle. Ethics watchdogs say violating the written pledge is not illegal because it pertains to a House rule, not a federal law.
Craig Holman of Public Citizen said Ortiz’s response — that he sold the company — appears to contradict the capital gains notation on his financial disclosure forms and requires further clarification to avoid conflict-of-interest accusations.
“Both answers cannot be true,” Holman said. “The fact that an accountant for Ortiz is reporting a steady stream of income from Amtex Security strongly suggests that Rep. Ortiz may be violating his pledge to avoid personally benefiting from earmarks.”
The security company link and potential violations of his personal pledge are just the tip of the iceberg of troubles facing Ortiz. Believe it or not, the congressman is running short of cash with 10 days to go until the Nov. 2 election.
In documents his campaign filed with the Federal elections Commission Oct. 13, 2010, Ortiz states that he had received net receipts of $894,035 and had disbursed $85,086 in this campaign. He reported having $145,027 in cash and having had to lend himself $95,000.
Now,Clinton is expected to campaign for the Valley's three Democratic Congressmen: Solomon Ortiz, Ruben Hinojosa and Henry Cuellar, all Democratic incumbents seeking re-election and each with a Republican challenger in their races.
Officials with Ortiz's office said Clinton is coming to Brownsville on Monday at the request of the congressman.
"We are tickled pink that Ortiz felt desperate enough to call on Clinton, whose adulterous escapades and pro-abortion, pro-gay stands are clearly out of touch with the conservative and family-oriented values of the people of South Texas," said a staff member of the Blake Farenthold campaign, his Republican opponent.
"These are the moves of a a candidate in desperation," he said. "Or, as we say around this area, 'son patadas de ahogado (the desperate kicks of a drowning man)',"


Anonymous said...

Ortiz is right at home with Cameron County Dumbokratic politics......"Poly" means many, and "Tics" are blood sucking insects. For our Dumbokrats, substitute "tax dollars" for "blood". He is as crooked as a cork screw and has a brain the size of a pea. Ortiz can't speak, travels the world at taxpayers expense to avoid the legisltative boredom and should be defeated...for the sake of all of us. His corruption hasn't yet convinced local businessment and the Port of Brownsville that he should go....perhaps they are on his payroll.

Anonymous said...



Fred Drew said...

It is very apparent that the only candidate that will provide change to the Tax and steal politics of the Republican-Democrats is Ed Mishou as Juan seemed to sense when he accepted his ad.

Anonymous said...

While they investigate Ortiz's potential fraud in Corpus and that area turns very Republican, he turns to the Dumbokrats of Cameron County to float his boat again. BND is in bed with Ortiz and his much that I am surprized that Bill Clinton's visit wasn't there. It breaks my heart to hear that so many local businessmen continue to support Ortiz...he is a dinasaur, and they are extinct. He is uneducated, can't speak and is he should be running for Mayor of Brownsville.....not for a real job in Congress.
