Tuesday, October 26, 2010


By Pat Ahumada
Mayor, City of Brownsville
To: Argelia Miller

Dear Argelia,
Having the utmost respect for you, it disappoints me that you would write a ‘My Turn’ letter without getting your facts straight and in some instances what you pointed out is very petty. Obviously you are misinformed and you are not a Team Player.
As part of a team you have the right to disagree, but one must do so based on facts, not emotions, and not based on what someone tells you without checking it out.
Unfortunately I will be using my very valuable time to respond to a letter that will be exposed as coming from someone who is totally misinformed and sadly not credible. Instead of using my time to rest or do something productive, I have to respond to a ridiculous and misleading letter printed in the paper.
Had you taken the time to get the facts, you would have been ashamed to make the statements you have made in the paper, thus creating damage through misinformation. Either you seek attention or just do not understand the city as a whole, or the issues facing our city are too complex for you to understand. Perhaps those who are now laughing at you for being so gullible are using you.
I will take the time to get all the facts and respond one by one to expose the pettiness or the misinformed perception you have just tried to create against your own team.
You deserve a mayor like Eddie Trevino who did nothing other than leave a financial mess, cut a sweetheart deal for “Imagine Brownsville” and many other self-serving things that adversely impacted our city that we are still having to deal with today.
You deserve commissioners like Atkinson who raise your utility rates to balance the budget. It does no good for me to fight hard for you because you then turn around and use incorrect information or leave out pertinent information to create a false perception by writing a letter and speaking as if you were well informed and with authority. For example:
1) I opposed the $2.5 million grant from PUB and last year’s $3.0 million grant when the city demonstrated it had no plan to correct the shortfall budget problems I inherited. Next year the financial hole will be bigger and they will need another grant and again raise your utility rates and force PUB to cut back on projects, which hurts both the city and PUB. Just the 5% utility rate increase for this year by the commission will be more than the proposed $0.03 tax increase I proposed.
For the average household the 3 cents represents a $24.00 annual increase on property taxes, while the 5% utility rate increase alone on a $200 electric bill translates to $10.00 per month. This rate increase equals $120.00 per year. If you have any reasoning and can add, what do you think is costing citizens more? The 3-cent increase at $24.00 average per household annually or the $120.00 annual utility rate increase?
This does not include the other increases approved by the commission that Melissa Zamora and I voted against. Some of the other increases you are in essence lauding over the tax rate increase are the monthly PUB Service Charge fee by $1.00, which equals approximately $50,000 monthly, or $600,000 annually, which you support against my plan to balance the budget and keep utility rates and taxes to a minimum. Then add the increase of 1% on late fees the commission approved, which is another astronomical number that has to be paid by our poor and disadvantage citizens. Thank you for the pat on the back. (This alone shows how uninformed you are).
2) The famous tax rate increase you accuse me of voting for is as follows: In 2010 the tax rate was 0.654189 and for 2011 is 0.657556, which is mandated by the Cameron County Appraisal District assessments to generate the same revenue as the year before for our city to balance the budget. How much of an increase or decrease is the rate difference? Do the math! It is 0.003 parts of a penny.
To call it an increase is very petty with no understanding that the property assessments and the County Appraisal District dictate this formula. If you call this a tax increase, then call out the Tea Party revolt against higher taxes. All this is a mechanism prescribed by law through the property assessments to adopt a budget based on prior year tax assessments on property to ensure cities do not lose revenue and are forced to lower and raise taxes every year. It is so insignificant that it is not even worth mentioning.
Figure out how much this will impact your property, then get back to me and tell everyone your taxes were raised by the mayor... Ridiculous!
3) Then you chastise me for blaming former mayor Eddie Trevino, which if you had done your investigation and gotten the facts you would have found out the following: The tax rate in 2005 was 0.68000 and in 2006 it was lowered to 0.650235. This was done knowing the decrease would cause a shortfall to the budget, forcing the commission to dip into the reserves to balance the budget.
This was the year I was campaigning for mayor. I believe this was done to get Ernie (Hernandez) and get him elected by lowering and keeping the tax rate below the 0.6800. This action has proved to be irresponsible because it has caused us a growing deficit every year. Trevino's administration lowered it 3 cents and it sounded great, but ever since the budget has been in the red and the hole has grown tremendously with a deficit of $6.2 million.
By lowering the tax rate by 3 cents and keeping the tax rate at this level, Trevino made sure as he left office we were left with a mess, along with leaving “Imagine Brownsville” on my plate upon his exit (another costly mess!), but of course you must like this kind of leadership. I inherited this mess and it is impossible to balance the budget unless we go back to what it was and that is to responsibly restore it to the 0.6800 it was before he cut it and caused all these shortages.
Tell me where Trevino's tax policies make sense? Where in God's mind do you find that lowering the tax rate, dipping into reserves every year to balance the budget and now taking $5.0 million from PUB and sacrificing projects is helpful to our city? Please enlighten me! Tell me how you reconcile these things in good government?
Then you blast the only two people (and me particularly) who are standing up for responsible fiscal planning and calling for the responsible thing to do to get out of the mess before the deficit grows so big that we will be forced to raise your taxes by 10 cents, instead of 3 as proposed. The commission has refused to correct the problem, has dipped into reserves and obtained costly grants from PUB thus raising utility rates and fees to make up for the grants.
Unfortunately, it is not until we correct the problem that we can stop the deficits from growing. What are you going to do next year? Pray! We will need another grant, which will cause more utility rate increases. Where is your logic and reasoning to balance next year’s budget? Are you the type that plans by not worrying about things until next year comes or let someone else worry about it? Tell me! PLEASE TELL ME!
Then let's go to the pennies and nickels you are complaining about, which is petty and really insignificant in the overall big picture of the city's financial health.
You criticize the hiring of Mark Sossi and his salary. I agree! I brought this out publicly, but this is insignificant and we have a right to disagree with my colleagues. They wanted Sossi and I did not have the votes to block it. I am not going to spend the remainder of my time fighting over this, but will work with what I have until I have the votes to bring about the change we both seek.
This is not management's fault, nor mine. This is a choice voted by the majority and we must respect it, even if you and I disagree, until we have the votes to change it.
Then you refer to the check register without getting any of the facts. This is dumb and dangerous because if you had bothered to check further, you would have learned the expenses like Gold's Gym are pass-through expenses paid by our employees and not by the city.
The city deducts pays for their membership to get a discount then deducts it from the employee’s check, which is good for the employees and the city to maintain a healthy moral and physical fitness program at no expense to the city and a savings to the employee. You will also find these types of expenses on the check register but you should look further for the whole story.
You accuse me and rant about what I should do about the Mr. Amigo delegation and expenses incurred to go to Mexico City. Madam, Mr. Amigo has fundraisers and pays for all their expenses. This is a tradition that has been going on for decades, which is justified and necessary to promote our city, but Mr. Amigo pays for their travel and lodgings, etc.
You go on and on with all these petty accusations that really are pathetic. You do more damage than good by working against your own team without being informed. I do not mind criticism, but get your facts straight.
The problem with you and others like you is that you want to micromanage from afar, without having your facts or bothering to call the finance director, management, me or whomever you can to get the facts before printing it in the newspaper. Many will believe what you say to be true because it sounds like you speak with authority, but if the facts are exposed, they show an entirely different reality.
Unfortunately the damage is done! You got the attention you wanted and our city pays the price for bad information you put out.
Sorry to be so harsh but it is reckless to hear people write or make public comments on city issues without taking the time to ask before speaking to make sure you have your facts right. I will get more details for you on Taco Palenque and Ricardo’s, both of which I am confident have a reasonable explanation that you may or may not agree with, but as I said, these are the pennies you are worrying about while they are raising your utility rates and not fixing the fiscal problems we are having.
The deficit gets bigger for next year and you propose no realistic solutions, only criticize. I am sorry, I thought you were a better team player and smarter.
Best wishes and luck to you,


Anonymous said...

We hear you pat, let's see if commenters refrain from ad hominem attacks.

Anonymous said...

Wow Mr. Mayor, I didn't think you had it in you!

Great counter punch, let the facts speak for themselves. It is about time we have a forum to view both sides of the story.

Anonymous said...

Oh! the mayor don't like Ms Miller because she is NOT a team player??? what exactly does the mayor means by this?? That Ms Miller les "saco los trapitos al sol", to ALL commissioners, and mayor, and that he did not like this?
Well.. this falls under the category of: TO BAD

Anonymous said...

OMG! Oh my God, come elections 2011, we'll see how many of these clowns remain in power...we'll.. see.

Anonymous said...

When Ahumada shows up to speak on Memorial Day at Veterans Park wearing a black shirt with a Mexican flag....he tried to bullshit the media by talking about "protocols" for the wear of flags....giving the poor reporter total bullshit with no facts to defend himself....now he is critical of someone for not having the facts. Dear Mayor....you are flying by the seat of your pants and you are not playing like a team player either. Your ego has you believing too much of your own bullshit. Mayor Ahumada....you serve yourself and you have no idea what the public wants or expects...you don't listen. You, Mr. Mayor and Commissioner Atkinson are very much alike....lots of hot air, enjoy hearing yourselves speak, and no leadership ability.....even though you say you got your leadership skills from working on a shrimp boat....WOW!!!

Anonymous said...

@3:46 PM,

I hear you too, but you have yet to refute any of his claims. Please enlighten us and tell us which parts in the article are bull.

Anonymous said...

ON MAY 2011
ON MAY 2013

Anonymous said...

While you are voting people out.....
Vote Cortez out!
Vote Zayas out!
Keep Powers out!
Vote Ortiz out!
Vote Omar Lucio out!
Vote Perry out!
Vote my dog in!

Let us run ourselves with Cascos at the helm!

Anonymous said...

#2. The tax rate increase is mandated by the Cameron Appraisal District? Where in the hell do you come up with that? The CAD doesn't mandate anything. It provides the appraised value of property. It doesn't mandate to any entity what they do with their tax values. Typical Mamada Bullshit. Smoke & mirrors.

Anonymous said...

For the record so that there is no confusion, the defeatzyascortezpowerspac was created for that purpose only and we expect to be successful.

We wish both parties well and encourage them to talk in the best interest of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Well well, I leave for a few days and the Mayor goes off on a supporter of his who is a sweet lady who not only served her country in the Air Force but has also been an advocate for fairness in our city. Shame on you Mayor for chastising a Brownsville citizen that has supported you in the past. You have been losing support and your base is almost gone except for a few dog lovers and now you scare more of your support away? I stopped trying to understand you three and a half years ago. You too write lies and promote yourself as a protector of the people but lets look at the facts. You swore when you won for Mayor you would vote against any tax increases. I think the pendejo Chris Davis has that video in his archives and so does channel 5. You voted to raise taxes last year and this year so who that makes you a liar. PUB agenda archives for last year shows that you voted to raise rates. WOW you forget so quick that you voted to raise rates. I thank the commission for blocking you last year and thank them again for blocking you this year. But this year you sneak and try to add the $3 fee to every PUB rate payer to pay for your dog projects etc. We blocked that too by the way!! Admit it you fool and stop harping on an elderly woman who is just holding you accountable. And for the record, you have a choice to raise rates at PUB this year so lets see what you do. By the time you vote, I will make sure you are exposed for the con artist you are. You will have no choice but to not raise rates like you wanted to last year. PUB RATES have not gone up and don't have to unless the MAYOR and his board at PUB vote for it. YOu were mad last year that we stopped you from raising rates and you can't handle the facts that this commission has not allowed you to burden this city and its citizens. Stop lying to the people. I hope Montoya can take this reply and post it as a headliner because people need to know the truth. The Mayor may run again but he is so far gone that he doesn't realize that his support has disappeared. Unless he can get mexicans to vote, he will be but a bad memory in Brownsville politics. I apologize to Arge Miller for the Mayor's attacks. He did the same thing to us commissioners on the commission after he got elected. He had four votes when he got elected to do great things for Brownsville but because he rules like he is the only one who can have ideas, he lost it all. I actually feel sorry for the Mayor and I ask Commissioner Melissa Zamora to see what this guy has done and run away as fast as she can before she is labeled as a psychotic fool as well.

Commissioner Charles Atkinson
District 2

Anonymous said...

Argelia Miller will never play on your team, Mr. Mayor. She is too honest and a true patriot to do so. She wrote the letter to expose what you have stopped the citizens from doing in a public forum that is boardcasted for all of us to hear. She would have proudly stood before you all and told it to your face, but she did well instead by writing it so all of us could read it. Did your Mom not teach you that "lo que no es verdad, ni coraje da?" I see you fuming because someone has again exposed you. Go Argy! You faced tougher and bigger things in the Armed Services than a piece of you know what like you know who. More power to you, Argy!

Anonymous said...

@Commissioner Chaely Atkinson

Y a ti quien te hablo? Do you miss being the center of attention? It's not all about you. Just remember the refrain, "A boca cerrada no le entran moscas".

Precint 1

Anonymous said...

It is amazing...neither Charlie Atkinson nor Pat Ahumada can let anything go.....they always want to have the last word. So we will likely hear from both again. Atkinson and Ahumada are like ugly brothers....neither can shut up. Its time for both to shut up....neither of you make sense anymore.

Anonymous said...

ON MAY 2011

Anonymous said...

Ahumada and Atkinson are truly narcissistic idiots whom simply cannot get out of the way of themselves.

Anonymous said...

What is sorry Charlie really saying:

"I leave for a few days and the Mayor goes off on a supporter"
I leave the store unattended and the mayor doesn't consult with ME!

"Shame on you Mayor for chastising a Brownsville citizen"
but I can...
"I think the pendejo Chris Davis has"
MY FAVORITE - YOU TOO - emphasis on the TOO meaning also.
"You too write lies and promote yourself as a protector of the people"
I have more power than the mayor.

"By the time you vote, I will make sure you are exposed for the con artist you are." Pot, Kettle

Practice what you preach:
"Stop lying to the people" (see above, you lie too)


"I hope Montoya can take this reply and post it as a headliner because people need to know the truth"

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
"he rules like he is the only one who can have ideas"

and it takes one to know one. Now he is asking, when everyone know he HATES HER.
"I ask Commissioner Melissa Zamora to see what this guy has done and run away as fast as she can before she is labeled as a psychotic fool as well."

Anonymous said...

Chris Davis, you are not a Brownsville citizen so don't compare yourself to a true citizen like ARG Miller you doofus. You should have CAFE RANCHO VIEJO not CAFE BROWNSVILLE. Jackass! Monica hasn't left ur sorry ass? In due time. In due time!!
