Saturday, October 30, 2010


By Juan Montoya
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

"Freedom of association is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The relevant portion states, 'Congress shall make no law . . . abridging . . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble.'Seems simple enough. We may assemble ourselves into whatever peaceful associations we choose, and the government (or anyone) is forbidden to interfere with those choices."

Will someone pleased tell Rick Zayas, an attorney, that just because he saw Pat Lehmann, his opponent Luci Longoria and Enrique Escobedo at a fundraiser he attended doen't make them automatically guilty of being members of the DefeatZayasCortezPowers PAC.
Then, in an even greater reach, he concludes that because Escobedo used the term "new majority" during an Interfaith candidates meeting, he concluded that Catalina Presas Garcia and Luci Longoria (and Escobedo, we assume) are out to form the new majority he fears.
If Cata, Escobedo, or Luci (and even Lehmann, for that matter), were his clients in a case where someone accused them of some vile conspiracy because they saw them at some public function or imagined some relationship in the advertisement of a Political Action Committee of which they are not members, he would bCheck Spellinge the first to object that they were victims of guilt by association.
So how is it be that he – a defender of individual civil rights – can openly buy an advertisement in the Brownsville Herald charging the very same thing?
We spoke to the president of the PAC and she told us in no uncertain terms that Presas-Garcia is not a member of the PAC. She said the PAC members share some of her concerns with the way the board has glossed over the glaring budget deficits over the past three years, including the $68 million deficit for 2009-2010.

Rick, estas viendo moros con tranchete. Alguien curenlo de susto.


Anonymous said...

Everyone Get Along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My grandma used to use ruda, rosmary and albahacar to cure scared people...Ah I wish my grandma was alive today, so I can take Rick to her.. Mi abuelita usaba y albacar romero y ruda para curar de espanto... Ah! como deceo que viviera mi abuela para llevar a Rick con ella.

Anonymous said...

Remember to Vote:
for Christina, Enrique and Luci.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Zayas is taking a page out of BWC's book. I guess since he couldn't get Evelon Dale's consulting he went with another crazy hen.

Anonymous said...

Do you really BELIEVE the 3 amigo/amigas can WIN after all the mud slinging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a Grip everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
