Monday, October 18, 2010


By Juan Montoya
Early voting began today and if the the throngs crowding the early voting sites are any indications, this election should draw more than the usual measly 10 percent of the registered voters that turns out.
The race for Cameron County judge is getting heated with Carlos Cascos given an early lead in the race against longtime Precinct 2 commissioner John Wood. Across the street from the county courthouse politiquera par excellence Herminia Becerra sang out a ditty in praises of the Democrats and against Republicans. She was wearing her campaign hat and a Wood T-shirt as she sang out praises of her candidates in her grating voice.
"Voten por el Democrata, el candidato de los pobres," she yelled. "Los Republicanos son de los ricos."
Most passerbyes simply smile and nod in her direction, satisfied to walk by without getting drawn into a conversation with her.
Blake Farenthold and his workers smile at her from the sidewalk in front of the judicial wing of the courthouse.
She passes out a xeroxed "hoja suelta," the old standby for politiqueros in the barrio.
This one is in favor of Wood, or rather, against Cascos.
In it, the Democrat donkey is kicking a silhouette of Cascos in the butt. A crude paste-up job of Cascos' head is splashed upon the running figure.
There is no political disclaimer on the hoja.
Later, when a Cascos supporter questions her on the missing disclaimer, Becerra gets feisty and replies: "We got fooled once, but not anymore."
The politiqueras may not be the force they used to be. New groups are calling for their prosecution charging them with manipulating the elderly and herding adult day-care clients en masse to the polling places.
Last Friday, the Cameron County Elections Office said that no more than perhaps 365 applications were made for mail-in ballots.
Democrats are calling for a strict Democratic vote (the famous palanca), while Republicans are hoping independent Cameron County voters will again favor them as they did in the case of former county judge Tony Garza and later Cascos.
In his ads, Wood takes Cascos to task for not identifying himself as a Republican in his campaign signs and literature or his newspaper commercials.
But that's not selling well in the county.
"Neither Bill White nor Solomon Ortiz nave their party affiliation on their signs either," said a Farenthold supporter when this was pointed out. "Cameron County voters have shown that they like to demonstrate their independence. Let's hope this is the case this election, too."


Anonymous said...

An Ernie Hernandez HAT and a John Wood SHIRT!!!! Hmmmm I'm guessing, swimming across the river didn't burn enough calories to squeeze into an XL size Wood shirt, eh Herminia? It's XXXL for this gal...

That's your Cameron County Democratic party, folks.
The party of SHIT. Vote Cascos and Farenthold!

Anonymous said...

Vieja vendida!

Anonymous said...

My wife,my son, my daughter and I voted for
Carlos CASCOS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey John Wood, what happened to the 'Respect My Vote Pledge"? Was it lost in the mail or did you always intend to use "las politiqueras maƱosas"?

Anonymous said...

John Wood and other Dumbokrats encourage their party followers to remain stupid and vote the "palanka"...straight ticket. John Wood runs to be a full time judge....hell, what else has he ever done but be a professional politician??? He has no life except as a politician and not a good one at that. If the Dumbokrats elect John Wood it will be four more years of Hinojosa politics and with John showing up but unable to communicate with the citizens. ELECT CARLOS CASCOS!!!!

Anonymous said...

When I asked Herminia Becerra why she would sell out to "los politicos chuecos", she answered, "with money dancing the dog".

I think she mangled the translation of the Spanish phrase, "Con dinero baila el perro", or in correct English, "With money even the dog dances."

Don Aniceto Verduzco

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Becerra should be in jail.

Anonymous said...

That old lady is mean!
Vote for Cascos!!! Class of '71 will.

Anonymous said...

Herminia Becerra is one of the few people who cares enough about her community to try to make a difference. I would like to personally thank Becerra and ask her to keep up the good work. I guess republicans don't like for people to speak the truth about what the Republican Party really stands for. VOTE JOHN WOOD and help your community elect the best man for the job. Don’t be fooled by dirty politics that’s just CASCOS only way to shine. I guess CASCOS has been in office long enough to know that when you have been in office for four years and you haven’t done anything you promised dirty politics is the only thing you have work with.
