Thursday, October 21, 2010


The TSC Board of Trustees on Thursday rejected a new partnership agreement that would have turned over local assets and much of its autonomy to the University of Texas System. Instead, trustees said they would draft a proposal of their own.
The final nail shutting down the proposed agreement came Tuesday in the form of an open letter penned by TSC Trustee Adela Garza.
"... The only thing that changes is that UTB, suitably renamed, will assume control of everything that once belonged to the TSC district and its board," Garza wrote. "The entity proposed by President Garcia is thus a fiction. Better said, it is a legal fiction designed to permit UTB and its president to legally seize control of everything that once belonged to the TSC district and its elected representatives."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well done. Sounds like a vote of NO CONFIDENCE to me. In a Parliamentary system, the unfortunate recipient of such a vote would be shown the door. Is it time for someone to step down?

Anonymous said...

Is she still there?

Anonymous said...

A letter was delivered for the chair from the Chamber of Commerce. Apparently it was not given to the chair I wonder what was in that letter. I am sure if it had been good for Juliet we all would have heard what was in it. I was sitting in the front so I heard, Inquiry minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Adela, Kiko, Trey and Rene carried the water for all us taxpayers and did THE RIGHT THING. I appreciate the four of you for being committed to doing what is right. I hope the rest of the Board and Juliet see this experience as a referendum that the taxpayers are educated and informed and that you cannot ram your agenda down our throats.

Anonymous said...

Juliet Garcia lost the ability to be an effective president long ago. There is no more outreach, no more constituency-building, no more concern with others. It's now all about her, all about protecting herself. To those ends she has surrounded herself with a group of vicious people, despised across campus, who serve as her enforcers. If she weren't so mean and so consummately arrogant, she would almost be pitiable. She absolutely must go.

Anonymous said...

What will UT-Almighty do now?

Anonymous said...

First, job well done TSC Trustees!
Second, don't celebrate yet. This woman can not be trusted. The board has won the battle, but not the war (so to speak).
Third, it should be evident that Juliet will go to any means to get what she wants.

Anonymous said...

As we read this, Queen Scorpiana is consulting with the Kardenas Klan on ways to steal UTB-TSC from the public....from the local taxpayers. The Queen's Throne and dictatorial powers are challenged and she will pull out all stops now to protect her a Queen Bee, a Black Widow, or Nancy Pelosi. The Kardenas Klan have a wealth of experience in stealing assets and the Queen needs their help now to stave off the challenges from those who don't want TSC, all its assets and local control of our tax dollars "given away" just protect the Queens power and control.

Anonymous said...

Time to cut off her TSC salary. She has proven that she does not promote the welfare of TSC. Throw in a few provosts, while we are at it. Jus pick some at random.

Anonymous said...

Adela, a job very well done.

Anonymous said...

Adela needs to run for congress. She has guts, compassion and most of all common sense.
