Friday, October 22, 2010


By Juan Montoya
She won't admit it when asked point blank. But people close to her say that it's true.
That just as Sylvia Atkinson was enticed to leave her quest for a seat on the Brownsville Independent School District after she was offered a $90,000 grants administrator position, Dr. Christina Saavedra was also offered a position when she announced for a trustee position.
In contrast to Atkinson, however, Saavedra refused to take the bait and launched her campaign for the Place 1 trustee position.
There are three other candidates in that race. They are Daniel Pena, Eric Garza and Otis Powers. Many believe Pena's candidacy is a non-starter because, although a good man, he doesn’t stand a chance with the voters because his sister-in-law is trustee Minerva Pena.
This time around in the election, they say, the community is absolutely fed up with voting blocks on the school board (and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal expenses they have created ). Relatives, apparently, are also out.
Likewise, another candidate with relatives issues is Otis Powers.
Promotions and big salaries for his family members during his previous tenure on the board cost him the election two years ago. He hasn’t had a chance to practice that dark art of nepotism lately, but he has managed to get himself accused of sign stealing and conspiring to fire the former superintendant.
He has been named in a federal lawsuit. Powers is counting on the amnesia vote in this election. But will his loyalists remember to vote?
The other candidates, Garza and Saavedra, are not well known, but are interesting to look at as a study in contrasts.
The two are at opposite ends of a spectrum. Saavedra has her doctorate (a real one) in education. She’s worked in a variety of administrative positions, in districts both big and small, meaning she knows her way around a school district. Currently, she’s enjoying her retirement and keeping her hand in education as a teacher.
Teaching? Teaching?
Former administrators usually have too much ego to teach. Could she be the real deal – a real educator?
Garza, at the other end of that spectrum, has no experience with the public education system except for a couple of months on a construction committee. He does point out that as a recent college graduate he would serve as a role model for students.
Who will the public select? In this race it’s hard to say, although a recent poll by an indpendent polling company places Saavedra with a prohibitive lead.
The shame of it is that the voters know too much bad stuff about some of the candidates, and not enough good stuff about the others.


Anonymous said...

That $90,000 salary for Atkinson should be counted as a campaign contribution for Zayas and Cortez -- FROM THE TAXPAYERS !!!

Anonymous said...

Now that Sylvia has crawled back into BISD, someone needs to let Springston know that he has to watch his back or he will be out of a job soon. Sylvia does not care who, what or whom she has to step over to get what she wants.
Everybody in Brownsville knows that as a family tradition.

Anonymous said...

what a circus....$90,000, and next year Superintendent???

Anonymous said...

Like Springston's a keeper? Dr. Sylvia Atkinson is a BISD grad, BISD teacher, BISD administrator and a Brownsville native. She has done nothing but serve Brownsville children admirably. Crawl back to BISD? BISD is a great place to be. Any educator would be proud to work in BISD. To imply different makes you just a hater.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff about Garza: he's got more experience than simply being on a committee. He works at a nonprofit, and is on their board of directors, that deals with youth and community issues. HE cares about higher education. I remember when he came to Brownsville while he was a student at Texas A&M and held a higher education conference for the students of BISD.

Lets elect someone to our school board who obviously has a passion for education and to serve! Out with the same old people who keep running or who have special agendas...and in with someone fresh!! VOTE GARZA!

Anonymous said...

Again the rhetoric. Dr. Sylvia Atkinson was unanimously approved by the board. It's an obvious choice when you consider her experience and success. She is a Brownsville native who can make huge contributions to the school system she graduated from and in the city she loves. Give the kid a chance. She has accomplished much in such a short time because she is driven to help schools succeed.

Anonymous said...

She was too good for BISD before and left for Los Fresnos, to Santa Rosa, to Eagle Pass and to Socorro ISD's. Ask the people in those districts why she left besides a big chunk of money. Ask also why she was moved from Hanna High School. A local lawyer can give you all the details. Mark my words; give her a couple of months and you will find out!

Anonymous said...

Socorro is one of the finalist for the Broad award for the years Dr. Atkinson was at the helm. Success requires determined and qualified leadership. That what a school board is suppose to look for in a superintendent. Not shy away from. What LEADERSHIP does Springston exhibit. There is no vision. No benchmarks. That is why BISD has lost its focus. No goals and no accountability.

Anonymous said...

The Broad Award has nothing to do with the Supt or the board, like they try to take credit here. So, if the Board misses the real stuff when investigating like they did in Brownsville, so will they miss what happened in Socorro. You are right about the leadership that Springsteen exhibits except that he moves very nicely to the strings that are pulled by the board. All he knows is rigor, relevance and relationships - those between him and the board.

Anonymous said...

". Any educator would be proud to work in BISD. To imply different makes you just a hater. "

Hi, Charlie!

Anonymous said...

And I'm sure you guys think that today's Herald headline actually ADDS to your credibility.

Anonymous said...

Everyone get a grip, you will never be happy with any canidate, you are just a big old group of haters.

Anonymous said...

No, we are not haters! We are just disgusted! When everyone plays by the rules, we will stop being disgusted!!! When do you predict this will happen? Hopefully it is my lifetime so I can rejoice, but I surely will not hold my breath.
