Wednesday, October 20, 2010


By Juan Montoya
He promises he'll be the "full-time" county judge, but these days if you need to do business with Precinct 2, you'll find out commissioner John Wood and his staff are really full-time campaigners.
In fact, so are Precinct 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides and her assistants next door at the Dancy building.
County workers say Sofia and Wood have been missing in action since the beginning of early voting Monday.
We decided to take a look ourselves and found out that the only thing meeting constituents at the precinct offices were two witches decorating both doors of their respective offices.
"No one was here yesterday, either," a county worker told us Tuesday afternoon. "There were people knocking on the doors but no one answered."
Instead, if you dial the precinct office number, you will be transfered to the commissoners' cell phones. We had someone call them and they were told to call the office in the morning.
Sources tell us the commissioners were busy hauling voters to the early voting polls all day as were their staff.
Want to ask them yourself? Sofia's cell phone number is 574-8167. Wood's number is 983- 5091.
Now, we wonder, if Wood says he'll be a full-time county judge, will he do the same come election time if voters believe him and give him the nod?


Anonymous said...

This is typical of a politician. They spew lies in an effort to win office. Sophie is working harder than she did for her campaign or her husbands's, the late Pete Benavidez. Way to put our tax dollars at work Mrs. Benavidez and Mr. Wood.

Anonymous said...

I know it's Halloween, but is Sophie & John advocating Satanism or Witchraft? I thought they were devout Catholics! At an event, Sophie was bragging that her & Wood's office was the only county offices with open doors...Huh! Just wondering!

Anonymous said...

So what's up this those Text messages going around the community of Cameron County that, "IF WE WANT A GOD BELIEVING JUDGE TO VOTE 4 JOHN WOOD" well what an example with those Witches hanging in their doors. Come on Staff u should be setting the example.

Anonymous said...

This isnt surprising....they pulled the same stunt when Sonsa Benavides ran. Bola de ratas.

Moon goddesss said...

Damn,screwed up bastards. Pinche
Sofia, se la anda mamando el pinche viejo Woods que no vale madre.

Anonymous said...

John Wood is pathetic. He is a professional politico who has no experience in anything. He was a failure as Precinct 2 Commissioner. He has little credibility and he advertises at UTB with his wife...playing on her position as a Juliet Garcia clone...and she has not experience in anything except as a mother and taking orders. She brings nothing to the table politically. John Wood is under the wing of Gilberto Hinojosa and the "Old Dumbokratic" Party of Cameron County. A vote for John continues the corruption and poor government.

Anonymous said...

I hope the voter's dissappoint commissioner Wood by not electing him into office. I hope the voters have the sense to see between the lines.

Anonymous said...

You guys are fucking ridiculous, did you notice it's Halloween time or can't you read a calender? What about the Ex Democrat/Not really Republican Casco, he stated the he believes in trolls! Who's the dummy? Go Wood we need the change from the dictatorship that the wannabe musolini has been doing for 4 years.
Isn't it sad and thoughtfull that of the around 2000 county employees the only one that had a raise in 4 years are the Casco staff?

Anonymous said...


You mean the raise Cascos' staff received because Melissa Zamora's position was eliminated and restructuring occurred and each staff member had more duties? The same raise that was voted on and approved by John Wood? The same John Wood who only supports raising taxes when there is a raise involved for himself, but if its to protect County jobs for everyone else, he votes "No" on it? And quit chingando about raises already when County employees should be lucky they still have their jobs with the national economy the way it is! Funny how you same anti-Cascos people are up in arms about this "raise" that staff got when everyone was fine with Gilbert Hinojosa's staff getting 2 raises within a week (voted by John Wood). Nevermind, that Cascos' budget is less than what other County Judges have had in the past. A Cascos' dictatorship? Wow, now who is delusional? I have a hard time believing that the lone Republican on the court has outmaneuvered the four Democrats. Maybe you don't know what a dictatorship is? If you are going to find fault with Cascos, at least pick a legitimate issue. Cuz this fluffy shit hasn't sold me on why there needs to be a change.

--La Bruja, reporting from outside of John Wood's closed door.

Anonymous said... the offices were closed because of Halloween? And the county has 2000 employees? Wow. Pendejo.
