Amfels, the second largest employer in Brownsville, Texas, has decided to change their current PPO group health plan to a Cost Plus plan. Estimated savings are expected to be significant.
An analysis of an in-patient hospital claim from a local Brownsville hospital illustrates the

Using a Cost Plus 12% or Medicare +20%, whichever is more, this claim was audited and repriced down to Medicare +20%, or $24,336.76, which represents +79% off billed charges. Had a Cost Plus Plan been in effect at Amfels just 60 days ago, their self-funded group medical plan would have saved over $40,000 on just one claim.
This is an actual claim, incurred at a local Brownsville, Texas hospital, less than 60 days ago. See audit here – Cost Plus Elap Audited claim.
Amfels is not the first Valley employer to change from a PPO plan to Cost Plus. Another large Brownsville based employer with over 500 employees embraced the concept over a year ago. They have realized significant savings.
Several Valley independent school districts have also made the decision to do away with their PPO plan and implement a Cost Plus plan later this year. An analysis of past claims for these groups shows estimated savings in the millions of dollars. With the state budgetary crisis looming, these districts are taking a proactive approach to cutting their health care expenses while maintaining and even improving benefits.
Cost Plus is not a new method of paying hospital claims. Medicare is utilizing a cost plus approach with select hospitals across the country –’s Note: This blog has written about PPO network versus Cost Plus for several years. Many of our clients who have elected to implement a cost plus plan have achieved significant plan savings as a result – See Bill Miller Forbes. The first political subdivision in Texas to adopt the concept was San Patricio County – Health Care Strategies for Texas Political Subdivisions. The Brownsville Independent School District, currently in turmoil over truth and fiction regarding plan “savings” and which PPO has the best “discounts” should consider a Cost Plus approach. This Brownsville taxpayer whose local taxes have increased over 100% in the past ten years, would welcome any effort by the Brownsville Independent School District to cut unnecessary expenditures. A Cost Plus approach may be a very good step in that direction.)
A Cost Plus approach may not be a very good step. Is this the reason Looney lost his job?He wouldn't play ball with the politicos' aspirations on making money from the taxpayers?Is this another scheme to make money from the BISD at the expense of the taxpayers?
The reason Looney lost his job is he doesn't play with anybody. He is a true professional. He has been offered bribes before and has turned them down. The discounts mentioned that are used for Amfels are not the same as the ones for BISD. BISD has had for many years very good discounts not 35%. Bill Rusteburg wants to get his hands on some of the BISD money. He hasn't been sucessful so far but has tried many times.
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