How does a well-heeled academic chief executive pamper herself after a particularly bad season? For University of Texas-Texas Southmost College president Juliet Garcia, the past few months have not been particularly memorable.
Despite her guile, all but one of her hand-picked candidates to the TSC board lost, her efforts to add cachet to the campus with a taxpayer-funded mural at a cost of $640,000 was thwarted after word got out, and her plan to hand over the real estate

A bad season, indeed.
Well, it's nothing a little reward for bearing all those bad memories can't cure.
Unbeknownst to the uninitiated, in the supplements to the 2010-2011 budget passed pro forma by the TSC board was...a $38,726 raise compliments of the very district she was trying to sell down the river to the UT System.
And, since the salary increase was never disclosed to TSC trustees, they routinely approved the transfer of TSC funds not knowing they were giving Garcia additional money.
"It was never brought before us as a raise when we voted for the budget," said one. "We never knew that hidden within all those routine transfers was a raise for the president. It was included in the UTB budget as a transfer from TSC."
The raise, tucked away on page G.38 of the University of Texas at Brownsville Budget, includes a Supplemental Compensation appendix prepared by Marilyn Woods, her Executive Assistant. The transfer is from the TSC contract designate line item in the sum of $38,726 to be added to the $322,685 paid her in the 2009-2010 budget.
In that same summary is a notation of salary roster from the English Department that indicates that some of the money that goes to her salary was taken from that department. In other words, part of her salary and raise was taken from instruction to give her what (in her eyes) was a well deserved raise.
Given the current UTB-TSC track record of retaining less than 50 percent of its freshmen class, a dismal 16 percent graduation rate over six years, and having imposed the highest costs in tuition and student fees in the entire state, what else could Garcia do?
And once you consider that she has all of 11 to 15 TSC employees to manage, costs do add up, you know. After all this is the same woman who has drawn $75,400 from TSC for the last 19 years ($1,432,600) for her labors. What's a measly $38,726?
Everyone needs a stroke every once in a while, right? In Juliet's case, $38,726 at one fell swoop doesn't sound too bad, does it?
can the "raise" be returned ? what an evil woman she's brownsville "BLACK WIDOW"!
How does a local yocal make $ 300,000.00 in a poor district area?
If the state has a budget problem, start with reducing the president's salary to at least $ 100,000. I fail to see how a University President should make more than a $ 100,000.00.
They really don't produce much to earn all that cash.
For heavn sakes we are in a recession. And the her job performance, is questionable at best. Who evaluates Mrs. Garcia anyway??? I hope this board does a little better job, than the previous.
Esta Pinche vieja enbalsamada, tiene a todo el mundo dormido con los ojos cerados.
ok, board members, now you know, place the item on the agenda, and amend the budget, delete this crap.
We are witnessing the beginnings of "SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM blatantly playing out at our local college. As to WHY the BLACK WIDOW juliet garcia earns over 300K AND DESERVES A RAISE, well, in her SOCIALIST WORLD she IS accomplishing what every SOCIALIST ELITIST are doing throughout the country, destroying AMERICA'S WAY OF LIFE!!! That's an accomplishment in their DEMENTED MINDS!!!!
juliet garcia is the typical ELITIST that only the "INTELLIGENT" the "ENLIGHTEN" the "CHOSEN ONE" deserve a $3,227.17 A MONTH which is what she got. While everybody else do not get raises or if your very lucky (or one of juliet's lap dog) a $100. monthly!!!
Juliet is like an elected official, she wants belts to be tightened, but not hers. She sees herself as so important that we (TSC) can't do without her and she takes advantage. She learned well from the Kardenas Klan about how to take someone else's money. It is a shame that she feels so much above the rest of us that she "deserves" the excessive salary that she is paid. What a "witch".
My friends, this stealth skimming of community resources has been taking place for many, many years. Juliet Garcia has taken millions of dollars in precisely this manner. Millions, that is, beyond the additional millions of her salary. Long ago this terrible woman lost the capacity for leadership. She is a sociopath. Really. Check the definition and see.
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