Monday, January 31, 2011


From Care Brownsville
For Immediate Distribution
From the Public Relations Firm of Sleeze, Worm and Don't Worry
Bulletin: Zayas/Cortez/Fuller/Springston (GANG OF $4), Public Relations Firm of Sleeze,Worm and Dontworry just announced that yes there is a problem, but not with the IFA Bonds.
Don't worry taxpayers. The Gang of $4 sees no problem in taxpayers paying $8 million (the real figure is closer to $ 12 million) when it can get $26 million in "free" money.
Come and get it, it's waiting for you.
More information please contact: Brett Springston, Superintendent of Brownsville Independent School District. (956 548-5000)
What a warped mentality that these guys are trying to lay on the taxpayers of the BISD that they should pay $12 million in funds that were rejected by TEA.
Add this to the $50 million dollars in state budget cuts and an already admitted budget deficit of $43 million and you have a budget deficit of over $100 million dollars. That also means that the fund balance is dangerously close top being depleted because it loaned the Construction Bond Program the $26 million dollars that has been rejected, or at least $12 million of it.
How much more can Brownsville taxpayers accept, the deception, the lies that have been told to the Board.
An additional $220,000 is being recommended for payment to architects at Tuesday meeting, despite the fact that TEA has rejected $12 million dollars of these funds.
There has been no public input, no discussion by the taxpayers approving this "free money" and still Springston and Tony Fuller have the audacity to say don't worry, trust us, we are getting free money and we only have to pay $12 million dollars or as the Public Relations Flacks alluded ONLY 8 MILLION DOLLARS that taxpayers have to pay back.
Tomorrow everyone will play the blame game.
Estrada/Hinojosa will present a spectacular picture that BISD is receiving all this money and only has to pay 8 or 12 million to complete the projects. Minerva Pena will say: "We need a $6 million auditorium that seats 300 people. Yes it is more expensive than building the learning center at UTB/TSC. That is also part of this Bond Program and we may need to lay off teachers and support staff to cover that $12 million. But just think of it, we will have a beautiful auditorium...our Children come first".
At whose expense?, we may we ask.
While Hinojosa Estrada will get their millions in commissions, the poorest city in the Valley will get stuck with a 12 million dollar debt, compliments of Incompetence (Springston) and Negligence (Fuller).
Instead of suing Healthsmart, we should sue Brett Springston, Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez and Noe Hinojosa, for giving the Trustees who voted for it on December 7, 2010, bad advice.
Brownsville don't be bamboozled, say no to paying $8 million or $12 million dollars for someone else's mistake


Anonymous said...

All elected BISD officials believe themselves to be smarter than the no public input is sought for most issues. The higher the pay check the greater the ego. Taxpayers are treated like mushrooms....kept in the dark and fed shit.

Anonymous said...

presses? is that plural for press?
