Barely into his second month on the Cameron County Commissioner Court, county sources tell su that Ernie Hernandez is already making plans to hijack the reins of the count

Regional Mobility Authority (CCRMA) and install his predecessor and recent loser in the county judge's race John Wood as a board member.
Sources tell El Rrun-Rrun that Hernandez will try to appoint Wood during the commissioners meeting Thursday. Ostensibly, two items are buried at the very end of the meeting dealing with the appointment (and reappointment) of the seven-member board.
The CCRMA's mission is to provide the area with an opportunity to significantly accelerate needed transportation projects and held its first official meeting on February 25, 2005 .
The CCRMA assists the county's residents by providing congestion relief, traffic safety, enhanced mobility and viable alternative routes in this era of time conservation. The CCRMA also works with the numerous cities in Cameron County and its neighbor to the South, the State of Tamaulipas to facilitate the more rapid construction of projects.
The initial projects that were submitted with the RMA application to the Texas Transportation Commission were the West Loop project in Brownsville and the second causeway in the Port Isabel/South Padre Island area.
Currently, its members are David E. Allex, Chairman, Yolanda Villalobos, Victor Alvarez, Michael Scaief, Ruben Gallegos, Jr., Frank Parker, Jr., and Pete Sepulveda, Jr.
Under a gentlemen's agreement, the commissioners court appoints a member of the CCRMA and allows county judge Carlos Cascos two appointments. However, under the items placed on the agenda by Hernandez, commissioners will be asked to reappoint three of the members for a two-year period and another three for a year to fill out the terms expired February 2010.
Many believe that Wood is seeking appointment to the CCRMA to reward those who supported his candidacy to the county judge's position and, conversely, to punish those who didn't.
This development in what is supposed to be a apolitical board dis not sitting well in all circles.
A little known fact is that there is already a request for a determination on whether Ruben Gallegos Jr., whose father Ruben Sr. was Wood's treasurer as well as Sofie Benavides', have both crossed the line in being involved with partisan politics while heading a tax-exempt nonprofit. Now, they seem to be stacking the CCRMA with politically-tainted members.
One of those insiders say Hernandez wants to replace with Wood is Yolanda Villalobos, the wife of the county's District Attorney Armando Villalobos.
"We want to know whether they will try to go and remove her," they said. "This board is supposed to be free of politics, but the Gallegos were deeply involved in these races and wherever Ernie goes this stuff follows."
Eddie Lucio must want a hand in a contract
I certainly support the removal of Armando Villalobos as DA and his wife from the CCRMA.
...if a new approach to the CCRMA's ideas come from John Wood and Ernie Hernandez, so much the better, especially if the West Loop idea is nixed; and to be fair, some of the other CCRMA's ideas are worthwhile ....The CCRMA should be concerned with preseving open space, as well as building roads .... ...and just maybe the West Loop idea will die, replaced by a hike, bike and nature eight miles ....
Paz Pan Salud
Wherever Ernie goes, stench follows. Anything that he proposes should be looked through with a fine toothed comb. Nothing good comes out of him.
Wood should stop trying to force himself down people's throat. We wanted you gone,...stay gone.
A new approach from Wood? Are you serious? Did you miss that article long time ago where Wood said he supported the West Loop idea? That he originated the idea? I know he said he later opposed it, but that was just to get elected (along with promising the world everything else) I guess you were one of the ones who actually believed him! Hahaha.
I think the Commission should present their candidates to the Commissioner's meeting and have their views for CCRMA discussed aloud before they vote on the matter. This will allow the public the transparency we so deserve. Especially since these individuals were not elected by the people. I don't understand why governmental bodies appoint non-elected appointees to these boards. If a person gets elected, then that person should serve no matter how many boards there are. They were elected to serve and not vice-versa.
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