There is never a shortage of Doubting Thomases around town who will question whether it's the sun that comes up in the morning or whether we're making it up.
The post we ran on TSC-UTB President Juliet Garcia elicited such a response from a commenter so we decided to make the page from the university's budget where the transfer of funds to Juliet's salary is listed available to our readers. [click on image]
Rather than print the entire document, we printed Page G-38 where her salary is listed and also notes the funds where the transfers to her salary come from.
As you can see, Garcia's salary jumped from $321,665 to 361,411, a hefty $38,726 raise (or 12 percent) at a time when the state's educational budget is being slashed in Austin. In fact, Garcia will be in the state capital to address this very issue and tell our political representatives in the legislature how to trim our budget.
Will she volunteer to give back her raise?
If you read the page carefully, you will see that Garcia's salary includes transfers from the TSC budget, including a nice portion from the English Department.
It's bad enough that local students are paying the highest tuition and student fees in the state and that half of them leave the university after their freshman year and that only about 16 to 17 percent graduate after six years here.
Then, on top of that, as the state considers further raising the tuition costs and slashing grants for needy students, their president (who we are sure feels our pain) give herself a fat little raise while wringing her hands and wailing at the legislature about cutting educational funds.
The raise, by the way, was tucked away in the UTB budget and the TSC trustees only saw the innocuous transfers when they were asked to approve their budget. We're sure that if they had known the Garcia raise was in the offing, they would never have approved the increase.
She probably feels that she deserves the increase after she failed at the heavy lifting required to ram the new and improved partnership agreement between UTB and TSC. Under that agreement, local trustees would have little or no say in the management of the university. As it is, Garcia is doing as she wishes. Now she wants the trustees to give the UT System everything it owns (except, of course, its debt) and allow her to have unbridled power.
No, hell no.
Hell no! We need to start moving alot faster to STOP this....woman.
I invite ALL of the candidates for Mayor, to give us their take into this, as I am sure el rrun rrun will be more than glad to print it.
Mary S Rey
UTB-TSC has been operated as a dictatorship since the partnership was formed. It's Juliet's way or the highway. Everyone was beholding to her and she fired or drove off anyone who didn't follow her instructions. She denied students the ability to have a real student government...because she cannot and will not accept criticism. She put her "henchmen and henchwomen" on all committees to insure that everything was done her way....and she intimidated those who questioned her directions or policies. She protected her "colleagues", especially the old TSC faculty, and hid their skeletons in order to have something to hold over their heads and to get them to follow her path. Those who did her bidding were given tenure...those that didn't were denied tenure and let go. Juliet, a follower of the Kardenas Klan Program of Public Corruption, continues to see herself as the smartest person in this region and is willing to trample over locals to pad her own resume and salve her enormous ego.
Instead of pressing UT System to make changes to the partnership agreement, she has taken sides with UT System against this community. She believes it fair to give TSC and all its assets to UT System, to give our taxes to UT System...and take away any local control over the money or education. She sold out TSC, now she accuses the public of being stupid. She may have a Tahir Square event at next weeks TSC board meeting to which she has called for public attendance.
Juliet cares nothing for this community. She sees herself as the Queen and the rest of us as her servants or subjects.
Many faculty members at UTB are concerned about Dr. Garcia's proposal to "sell the farm" by destroying TSC. However, faculty, staff and administraton cannot voice their opinions without threat of losing their jobs. Dr. Garcia doesn't accept or respect criticism of her "orders". Everyday when I go to work and pass her broom parked in the lot, I fear being turned into a toad.
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any relation to Rachael?
If you are outraged at Juliet Garcia's most recent "raise," I encourage you to get past volumes of the UTB budget. You will discover that she has been doing this for years. Years! Bloggers and sleuths, do your homework. Get the copies of the past budgets and post the results.
Every thing that every person has said is right. Wake up people! We are on the verge of having an Egypt moment here in TSC. I hope the board on Thursday stand up this is our best chance for accountability.
Juliet Garcia is a disgrace to this region. She is so disconnected because the majority of her time she spends traveling the world with the Frd Foundation. Many scandals have occured under her watch, ie. the Blackbrd breach of security. The Regents read the Brownsville herald, which explains why this medium decided to omit the comments of angry community members. Go ahead friends plan your protest in front of this woman's office! Gorgas belongs to TSC, she should have packed and moved to one of the UTB buildings.
UTB has inner war Faculty vs. Administration. A leader listens to her followers, she refuses not a leader to me. Her machiavellian style of leadership has been the demise of Brownsville Higher education
maybe because of the way Juliet Garcia has run our colleges, students did not advance
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