By Juan Montoya
Just as the majority of the trustees of the Texas Southmost College district suspected, a hearing on a "shell" bill filed by State Rep. Rene Oliveira before the House Committee on Higher Education would have achieved exactly the opposite of when they voted to have two separate and distinct institutions.
The bill, HB 3689, instead, called for a continuation of the ruinous "partnership" between both institutions with wording calling for the UT System to continue leasing land from the college under the terms of the contract drafted by UTB President Juliet Garcia's administration. Currently, the UT System is some $15 million in arrears and the trustees have been unable to collect from UTB which tells them that they must seek the money from the legislature.
Trustee Dela Garza, who along with Kiko Rendon, Rene
Torres and Trey Mendez voted to preserve TSC instead of dissolving the district and handing it to the UT System, decided to attend the hearing and lobby the committee's members in Austin Wednesday.

She was glad she did.
"The members of the committee were told by representative Oliveira and his cousin David (also a TSC trustee) that the bill was non-controversial," she said. "The committee members didn't know that UTB wanted us to give the them district."
Garza, also the representative for the southern end of the U.S. congressional district under Blake Farenthold, said she lobbied each member of the committee and that they were astounded to hear that the bill actually continued a partnership that the majority of the elected members of the TSC board of trustees had voted to dissolve.
"Some of them actually laughed when I told them that the plan proposed by the administration included us giving away the district's assets to the UT System," she said. "They just sat there and smiled."
After the UT System and TSC had failed to reach an agreement on the proposed partnership that was drafted by Garcia and would have transferred all of TSC's assets and bank deposits to the UT System, Oliveria said he had filed a "shell" bill to get funding from the state. But what he didn't say was that the bill actually supported the Garcia plan to have the UT System swallow the district and abolish it leaving the district's taxpayer to pay the outstanding debt.
Oliveira filed HB 3689 on March 11, the last day to file a bill. On March 23, the bill was laid before the house for the first time and it was referred to it
s appropriate committee, Higher Education.

The bill was scheduled for a public hearing on Wednesday. The bill, as it was written, does not voice the opinion of the constituents or TSC representatives.
Garza's lobbying paid off and she said that she found sympathetic ears among the committee's members.
"One of them (Dennis Bonner) had actually had a community college defunded and was very sympathetic," she said. "The majority couldn't believe how arrogant UT System representatives were."
By the end of the hearing, it became apparent that Oliveira's bill, as written, wasn't going to fly, Garza said. "The chairman told the representative to come back with a bill that reflected the desires of the majority on the board and told both sides to get back to the negotiating table." she said.
"I was still working off the adrenalin. I shudder to think what would have happened if we hadn't attended the hearing."
For his part, Oliveira issued a press release saying that he was working with Garza, Sen. Eddie Lucio's office and the other participants to draft a new bill.
"I write to update you on the latest developments regarding CSHB 3698. The bill was heard this evening in the House Higher Education Committee and was left pending. There was an excellent dialogue between committee members and witnesses.
To address TSC board concerns, an informal agreement was reached between TSC Trustee Adela Garza, UT System Executive Staff, members of Sen. Eddie Lucio's staff, and myself on additional language for the bill which we believe further protects the interests of all parties. As a result of the hearing and our discussion afterward, new bill language is being developed to reflect the following:
1. UTB and TSC are formally recognized as separate institutions.
2. That the partnership agreement cannot be terminated any earlier than SAC accreditation is complete,
3. That the partnership agreement cannot be terminated any later than August of 2015.
4. Section 4 of the bill which refers to a 90-day transition period on lease agreement language is extracted from the bill. "
We look forward to a quick turnaround on language from attorneys to proceed in moving an agreed bill next week."
Rene O. Oliveira.
Good work, Adela!
The Oliviera's, in conjunction with Juliet "Queen Scorpiana" Garcia and her "Committee" try to slide one past the community by misrepresenting the facts of the UTB vs TSC controversy. Again, while they are the minority, they remain arrogant and consider themselves smarter than the rest of the community. Juliet is the Hugo Chavez of Texas Education and she will do anything and try to change laws and rules in order to continue her dictatorship. Her "Committee", at least those I have spoken to, feel that having a UT is primary and those who want a community college or vocational education should go to Harlingen or other community colleges. How can they be so arrogant when in 20 years of the "partnership" only 17% of all UTB students graduated. We don't know how many certificates, associates degrees or vocational diplomas were awarded...because that doesn't aid Juliet. She always gave totals of graduates....hiding the low percentage of four year graduates under the majority of those who received community college certificates, associates degrees and vocational diplomas. Brownsville needs a community college. Let UT pay its back rent and then go from there.
By the way, why are the citizens of Brownsville being forced to go to UT, why can't they choose to get their 2 year degree and transfer to the college of THEIR choice. Whoooooop!!!!!
Excellent work from an elected official...Adela, not Rene. It's so rate here it takes a minute to realize what outstanding work was done. GOOD WORK ADELA.
Why can't they fire Juliet, my goodness get rid of the crazy bitch. Just buy her big fat ass out, adios bruja, lla vete.
Rene, your days are counted. Pendejo, your father is not, should not,be proud of you, even in his grave, I knew him, we went to A & I together
If Adela is certain this is what the people of the district want, why did they not allow a referendum. Its quite a conundrum when you say you want the peoples' voice heard but you won't listen to them.
and if you are so strung up on following through with what the board votes on, why did they not enforce their vote to send the counterproposel to the UT system. The document that Kiko did not send against the decision from the ENTIRE board. Then he went on and voted for himself not to be removed. Double sided sword...
For the idiot who wants a referendum, Adela, Kiko, Trey and Rene are the People's voice. The were elected for a four year term to look after our best interest. ELECTED and do not have to have any referendums on any decisions that they take. Aparently, you still have not taken Government 101 and if you did, you probably failed. PENDEJO
What "counter proposal"? Get your facts right, moron.
Referendum? Do you really propose that we "referendum" every decision our elected officials make. If we do that every policy Obama has instituted against this country will be thrown out. Well, on second thought, maybe referendum isn't so bad. Just a thought, I am sure you have never had a thought.
Aaaadela! You kicked b**t. Our community owes you big time. Thank you.
Brownsville Cheezmeh will not forget what the traitorous Rene Oliveira tried to do. He is toast next election.
COUNTERPROPOSAL Yes Robertito came with his own counterproposal it was so funny to see all the pendejos asking for vote on IT. There was never one it was in their dream world. Where was the written one from the Pendejo Chancellor.
As with any divorce the kids are not asked to make the decisions, leave that to the adults that know more about what is going on.
People sure are stupid in this town.
August 2015 cannot come soon enough. Therefore, we can move on and work on a great community college and a robust university we can all be proud of for our community. For the people who still are crying grow up you are so ignorant, we had an election. We [the community] were so feed up with the way the last board was going that is why we wanted change. I am very contented with this board, if you do not like the people who are serving on the board, please vote on the next election, and if you do not vote then stop complaining. To the inhabitants who support my viewpoint, I deem it is time to start and find well suitable candidates to eliminate the three-minority members and put in cohorts that want to protect TSC and make sure UTB is a separate entity.
Thank God For Adela Garza! I am her humble servant!
Adela kicked Oliverga's a**. Oliverga got his lunch eaten. How dare he try to take credit for being a peacemaker in the "divorce". BS. And the Herald can't get its facts straight. No legislation split UTB and TSC. UT System VOTED TO DISSOLVE THE PARTNERSHIP IN BACK IN NOVEMBER. Can't anyone at the Herald read? bunch of dumb a**es.
Adela still kicks as*. Oliveira doesn't stand a chance against her. Neither does any other so-called "politician". Adela, along with Trey, Kiko and Rene Torres, will rule supreme because they do what they KNOW is the right thing to do. They answer to their sense of honor, dignity, and respect. They answer to one other than themselves. The rest do what is in their own best interest. End of story.
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