Tuesday, April 5, 2011


(As we contemplate the debacle being planned for Tuesday's city commission meeting by an ad hoc group fueled in part by the mad rantings of local blogger Robert Wightman to ground the establishment of a regional aviation hub in Brownsville through the provision of incentives to Fly Frontera, it's interesting to note the Pied Piper's opinions on some of our elected officials. Those who follow his direction would do well to note that these are but a tiny portion of his assertions of Brownsville's elected officials in the past. Beware, lemmings.)


"If there is a commissioner who will be forced to resign early it is Zamora. I stayed away from the claims about her personal life because I generally believe they are not subject to public discussion during the campaign, unless the person is already an elected official. We must afford people seeking public office for the first time some level of redemption for their past transgressions. My position is hard to defend when we see nothing has changed now that she is an elected official.

She seems to have no moral compass to tell her she is wrong or acting in a wrongful manner. "

When Roman Perez pointed out that it was unprofessional for the city commissioners to be laughing at the speakers and to be on their cell phones Zamora’s response was typical of a princess - '“I am better than all of you, so if your children need to text you while you are here – sorry you may not check your text messages, but if my children text me while I am here I may check my text messages – my children are privileged and yours are dirt to be ignored...'" " Politically she is dead. She should resign and go back home to her parents and take care of her children. She should use the time to reflect on the mistakes in her life. She is young enough to redeem herself. The question is, will she?"

And so, this self-avowed liberal homosexual thinks that Melissa's place is not in the House of Representatives or the people's chambers, but rather at home raising kids (and barefoot and getting pregnant?).


"Pat Almighty he is a born Banana Republic dictator who will quit the second he has to put up with dissent. I am convinced if I can win the right for everyone to speak directly at the City Commissioners with insults in poor taste, Pat Almighty will quit. The man is simply too thin skinned to be a man. …that was my point at the Commission Meeting - I wanted to see who if anyone would shrug it off. People who can shrug it off have the potential of being leaders.

Pat Almighty has the potential of being nothing. He was raised to be nothing. So guys, take my advice - learn to shrug it off - dismiss the mayor as the worthless piece of shit he is and move on. "

Do you morons actually believe the people do not see through this petty bullshit Banana Republic dictatorship driven ordinance?


"Now the bonus was Charlie "I’m a sorry ass pathetic little weasel" Cabler. When he got up and indicated he was going to force me to remove myself from the podium, I was like - "do I like let him touch me or force the issue, or do I go on my own." "I want an injunction on the record that Charlie Cabler violated my rights when he motioned to remove me from the podium. This will kill his career in Texas. Cabler needs to understand being the dirty man for Pat Almighty is going to cost him." "Charlie Cabler is the epitome of corruption and nothing will change so long as he has a job with the City of Brownsville. "


"...But there is actually someone worse on the City Commission than Pat Almighty, and that is Phony Tony Troiani. This guy is a two-bit master manipulator who is prepared to sink Brownsville into the bowels of hell for his own power. Unfortunately, we have 5 other City Commissioners all too willing to get in bed with Phony Tony Troiani. "

What a pathetic lot Pat Almighy, Il Duce Troiani, and the Nancy Boys.

"In the real world Cabler and (Santana) Torres would be fired for their incompetence in their handling of the clean-up in advance of any hurricane, and in the post clean-up period. But not in Brownsville, where incompetent buffoons run the city commission, they need to make sure those who run the city officially are even more inept than the city commission."


Let’s look to the city’s attorney - Mark Sossi - "Sossi, who the city frequently calls upon for legal work, was sued in state district court by his former law firm, Willette & Guerra, in 2002 for failing to disclose $150,000 he allegedly received from two attorneys not employed by the firm and converting the funds for his own use, court records allege. Willette & Guerra and Sossi entered an agreed judgment in October 2004 against Sossi for $167,363."

The appellate court ordered Sossi to pay $4,600 in attorney fees to Willette & Guerra after Sossi filed an interlocutory appeal. The appellate court said that Sossi "mischaracterized the nature of the appeal" that was filed before the case was resolved in district court."

"This is the man in charge of overseeing city contracts and potentially millions of dollars of city funds. Do you trust him? I do not."

"They (commissioners) need Sossi to run cover for them when they knowingly vote to run roughshod over the law. This is why they dumped Goza who refused to continue playing the unethical lawyer for a corrupt City Commission and hired Sossi. Sossi plays the role of whore well."

"It is time heads roll and since this city commission refuses to fire Cabler for his failure to fire Santana Torres, and (Chris)Patterson, it is time we fire the City Commission and until then make their lives a living hell. The gloves are off - nothing is off limits unless it is illegal. I will publish any and all piece of garbage on their private lives which I can verify and is legal to publish."


House servant is the only way to describe most of Cameron County’s and Brownsville’s politicos. How did Cameron county and Brownsville get to the point of mostly house servants serving the people. There is a history. This has in fact happened all over the country as one group replaces another group in terms of who holds the power. South Texas has always been rule by corrupt public officials. At the point the Latino community took power back from the Anglos, rather than show they were different, they chose to rule the same way as their former masters. The mordida rules South Texas politics. In most cases it is very subtle. As house servants under the former Anglo masters, the current leadership learned to survive you must abuse the people.


On the issue of bigotry, its openness in Brownsville rivals the days of lynchings in East Texas. It is not that there is more in Brownsville, it is that in Brownsville people wear their bigotry and homophobia as badges of honor. They rationalize it with some level of psychotic intellectualism learned in a school for members of the KKK or SS officers. What is worse are the people who look for leaders of this psychotic intellectualism and then honor it as if it makes them better than anyone else. As is always the case, the people will demand the world and then vote out of office any politician who does not give it to them, all the while complaining about the budget and taxes. The people suck. My best advice to Zamora and Gowen - ignore the people - they’re idiots.

(We could go on and on with the rantings of this madman, but you get the point. His insulting posts on commissioners Ricardo Longoria, Edward Camarillo, and Charlie Atkinson are too numerous to list here. The post would simply be too long. But that, in his own words, is what he thinks of us, the people of Brownsville, and our elected leaders.)


Anonymous said...

UTB should develop a course on "City of Brownssville Politics" or maybe "Cameron County Politics"...because currently students are never introduced to the politics of corruption, connection, ignorance and manipulation that we find here. The city needs a "real" city manager; on trained to be the manager of a city, not just some cop who knows about the city. Millions of dollars are wasted in Brownsville due to mismanagement and poor public policy decision making. None of our current city commissioners have ever managed anything and none of them have any public policy training. Here it's "fly by the seat of your pants" public policy. We have this problem because the voters never educate themselves about the candidates; the news media protects its advertisers who run for office, men with money try to "pay off" those who will make favorable decisions to an official. The city government is very much like Judge Able Limas...its for sale.

Anonymous said...

An old axiom is "If you want something bad, that's the way you get it." That axiom should be on a plaque in the City Commission chambers and surely the City Manager's office. The failure of city officials is paid for by the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Residents of Brownsville have no respect for education and neither does BISD or UTB. the people had any respect for education and BISD and UTB fostered academic excellence....rather than continue process their socialize education diploma mills....then the electorate here would not be so ignorant. Yet, the Dumbokratic Party relishes in this ignorance. Ignorance empowers the Dumbokratic Party and gives corruption control of politics in the area. A free fajita plate will get more votes than any debate in the city. Corruption in the city and corrupt elected officials are a reflection of the community. And as Dr. Tony Zavaleta, the expert on all things has said, "Corruption is a part of the Mexican culture and we should accept it."
That's a pathetic statement, but the people prove Tony to right in every election. An uneducated and ignorant populace gives strength to the Democratic Party of Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

DEMOCRATS SUCK BIG TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

All politicians who "play politics" are fair game. That is what a true journalist would say.

Anonymous said...

Viro really helped Melissa during HER campaign. Now that HE is running for Mayor has she endorsed him?

Anonymous said...

