Friday, April 29, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Just as things were beginning to improve for the staff over at the Brownsville Independent School District's Adult Education Department, the staff has been put on notice that Area Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Rachel Ayala is sharpening her budget ax and is taking target on them.
The staff has seen some shaking up after the former director – fake PhD. "Dr." Oscar Cantu Sr. (and also Cantu Jr.) retired at the end of the last school year and was replaced by Debbie Alford, the former principal of Canales Elementary.

Alford turned out to be a pleasant surprise for the after having endured the tyrannical rule of Cantu Sr.

Cantu Sr., who ran the department like a fiefdom, was unmasked by Gary Long of the Brownsville Herald for having acquired his PhD from a degree mill in England. In fact, so did his son, Oscar Jr. Both listed their bogus degrees as qualifications on their job applications for the positions they held.

Under Alford, they say that they have made huge progress in teaching their adult students and that many have shown marked improvement on their domain of significance, a benchmark in that area.
"After Cantu left the staff's moral begin to rise," said a department employee. "Things were looking much better for the staff and the students. Debbie was a breath of fresh air."

However, Ayala is said to be taking her cues from the now-retired Cantu who some say still holds a grudge against some of the personnel there.

During a recent meeting, the staff, many of them retired teachers working part-time, were told that Ayala was planning to slash their wages from $35 to $20 per hour, the rate that was paid adult education teachers 20 years ago.

Many adult ed teachers work between 15 t0 19 hours a week and for many, the income supplement their retirement pay.

There is some confusion on whether Ayala can actually eliminate some positions since the money for the program comes mainly from grants over which she has little or no control. However, the word is out that she is out to settle some of the old scores that Cantu Sr. had pending at the department.

Will the school board allow her to effect his will?


Anonymous said...

This is the first time that I am disappointed in your site. Get your facts straight. The cut in the stipend from $35 to $20 is a recommendation from the superintendent's office and the budget commitee to make up the shortfall from the budget. All stipends are being cut including Sp. Ed. stipends, Bilingual, and incentives.

Anonymous said...

That belittling sorry excuse of an administrator is the one that needs to get the boot. I invite anyone to come into this building and you're likely to hear this rabid dog bark at all the custodians, and Hilda like if they were her slaves. What is sad is that nobody ever speaks up, so this lady continues her reign like a tyrant in this building. This lady gets paid over $100,000 to sit around and ensure that the grounds look pretty. Seriously?!?! Oh yeah, and to belittle people as well. Maybe someone needs to investigate how she got this position... Could it have been to keep her quiet due to her tyrant-like behavior in her other role?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad light has been shed on this witch. Everyone in the CAB is happy this post is here so that we have an opportunity to secretly vent about this witch. This woman is the most horrible person I have ever seen or heard. Heard is more like it, as you can always hear her yelling at some employee (usually custodians or the poor library lady) even if you're on the other side of the hall way. This lady has no people skills and should not be in the position she is in. Naca in it's truest form!

Anonymous said...

Since when does an area administrator have the authority to slash wages? You know better than that! Mrs. Ayala has served the district well, and she does not take her cues from Cantu or anyone else. She has always been an outstanding leader and a great area administraator. You should really investigate before you write your stories.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Ayala does not have the authority to slash wages, and you know that. Why would you print something that you know isn't true. As for doing Cantu's bidding, you are really off base. Rachel Ayala has served the district in many capacities and has proven to be an exceptional leader that does not have to take cues from Cantu or anyone else. She knows what needs to be done and does it.

Anonymous said...

My opinion only!
Yes! Rachel should trim the fat at Adult Ed.

We are in hard times the whinny retirees who are mostly compadres and comadres should be lucky they have a part-time job and still continue to milk the BISD cow.

Another Retired who has a life

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. These two characters are/were BISDs biggest bullies. If you've worked for either of these two, even if you didn't, you've heard from your friends how they behave. Yelling, screaming, finger-pointing, lying, cheating stealing is all part of their repertoire. As far as Ayala doing what Cantu tells her, highly unlikely. No one tells that lady I would imagine what to do. You will experience the "Wrath of Khan" if you do. If it is true... well then there is no room for this kind of behavior. People need to focus on their jobs. If Ayala has all this time on her hands to meddle in other departments or schools then she has way too much time on her hands. Maybe she should retire....isn't she the oldest living employee at the district?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Wow. The tough part of being an administrator at any level is having to maintain a campus. Many times teachers or staff members have to be brought in an written up for failure to do their job. This is what it sounds like whenever someone bashes an administrator. If Mrs. Ayala was really that bad, how has she been able to rise through the ranks and been part of BISD for 44 years? She was named prinicpal at Russell and held that position for 18 years. Thanks to her backing, just ask JJ Guajardo, the Chess program at BISD began at Russell. She purchased the chess board and pieces out of her own pocket. She took over Stell when it was at its worse and led it to become RECOGNIZED within three years. If you did you job, you didn't have any problems. If you didn't do you job, you were brought in. Simple as that. For every negative story out there about Mrs. Ayala, there are ten positive stories out of how she has helped people. She has never forgotten where she is from and is always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. Stop being petty and realize that this fiasco of the drop in the stipends is a result of the budget crisis the district is facing and not something Mrs. Ayala would do. Blame Mr. Springston, Zayas, Cortez, and Fuller for raiding the cookie jar. Leave the loyal people of BISD alone.

Anonymous said...

Surprise surprise this old hag can't be heard screaming inside the CAB today, this is a first. The only loyalty this woman has is to her family, which should not mix with business (funny how they are in high-ranking positions at BISD and was involved in the scandal involving her son-in-laws affair). This lady needs to get out of here ASAP!

Anonymous said...

High-ranking postitions? They are assistant prinicpals who have paid their dues. Affair? Get your facts straight. If you are going to point fingers, look at Cortez's wife, who after four years as an assistant became a principal. Look at Zaya's cousin, who became a principal and is now on administrative leave. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Boy, that is pretty low dragging her family into this when they have nothing to do with this. Get a life people. Who have they hurt? Does it make you feel better to bring up rumors? Those girls have earned everything they have. What high ranking positions? They are assistant principals, not principals. Look at the real culprits, the ex-board members who did elevate their family member, Zayas and Cortez.

Anonymous said...

If you work for Rachel Ayala, there are two things you need to know: students come first and you better be willing to work. Ask her to help you get something for your students, and she will move heaven and earth to get it. Do your job, and she will support you all the way.
She has helped countless students. She has been there for her staff when they have problems. What I don't understand is why anyone would write hurtful things about her family. Her daughters earned their positions; they were not handed those positions on a silver platter. Remember what the Bible says about casting the first stone.

Anonymous said...

I do not think Mr. Cantu or Mrs. Ayala have the will or authority to meddle into the affairs of Adult education. Someone is trying to bismirch their acccomplishments to BISD.
They have served this district loyally and deserve more respect--they are not fly by night employees who use our district as a stepping stone for their resume.
Go after the ones that are really resposible for raiding BISD cookie jar.
I will keep them and their loved ones in my prayers so they will be safe against jealous people.
Thank you and have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

There is a reason that Debbie Alford is no longer a principal. It was not because of her people skills, or rather of lack of people skills. While at Canales as a principal, she had numerous & severe grievances filed against her. Her scores dropped & was moved. By the way, she was Springston's pick as a principal.

Anonymous said...

Although Ms Ayala appears to have successfully run several schools, it is the method by which she became an area superintendent and her constant meddling in her very grown daughters' lives that continuously overshadows her accomplishments. Everyone knows she was promoted by Hector Gonzalez because he owed her many favors for doing his dirty work.

Anonymous said...

Wasnt it ms ayala who held the most grievances in the 1990s and was very proud of it???
Anonymous May 3, 8:52a.m. how would you know anything about grievances unless you are one of the hundreds of individuals running around campus every time you dont like what your boss tells you and holding secret meetings with others to coerce them into championing your cause and calling aobe non stop? or, are you one of those disgruntled level 4s who keeps getting passed up for promotions and spreads half truths? either way, it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

BISD is a Peyton Place. Rumors spread like wildfires, people are dragged through the mud, forget about innocent until proven guilty. In this district, if people are talking about it, it must be true. As for having the most grievances, who knows. If it was back in the 1990s, it was when she was placed at Stell by Dr. Zendejas. There were grievances filed by teachers who have been complacent and were held acountable. However, within three years, Stell was Recongized. I have worked under Mrs. Ayala and she is a tough administrator. But I never had any problems as I did my job and if I needed help, she would offer. To this day, she is willing to help me if I need to call. There were severall of my coworkers who filed grievances for silly becasue Mrs. Ayala wanted her to keep her door closed so that the air conditioner did not spill into the hallway...another because she could no longer sell out of her classroom...another because the water bottle in the lounge wasn't cold enough. They were petty. I know her daughter's and they are all successful in their own right. They each have their Bachelors and Masters Degrees. Two of them are working on thier Superintendents certificates. They are smart and have worked for what they have. Every time they get a new job, its because they are Rachel Ayala's duaghters. So, they have to work twice as hard as anyone else to prove that they deserve their jobs. She doesn't meddle, she is a mom. I was disturbed about the comments being made about her daughters and the one about her son-in-laws affiar. There was no affair, and it was very low and crass to mention something like that and to bring pain to that family. But each daughter holds her head up and knows that no matter what, family comes first as that is what Mrs. Ayala has always told her daughters and her staff. Because, in the end, family is what matters, and she always made sure to mourn a loss a family member with us, the birth a new child or grandchild, or the beginning a new life. Leave Mrs. Ayala and her family alone.

Anonymous said...

BK...scores are public information as well as AEIS reports. Go back and look and the scores under Mrs. Alford's reign as a principal and you will see the proof. Also, look at board agendas and you can see it in black and white. You are right, it is, what it is. This is fact, not a half-truth.
