By Juan Montoya
After 20 years of the poorest residents in the United States subsidizing the richest oil-and-gas university system in the country, a Texas Senate committe passed a bill today that will mandate that Brownsville will be the home of a stand alone community college and a four-year universi
ty. SB 1909 by Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., D-Brownsville, was heard in the Senate Higher Education Committee today and passed.
Its companion bill in the House Committee on Higher Education , HB 3689 submitted by State Rep. Rene O. Oliveira, D-Brownsville, was also passed by the House Committee on Higher Education Wednesday.
It outlines the responsibilities of the University of Texas System, the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College as they move toward operating as separate institutions.
After 20 years of the poorest residents in the United States subsidizing the richest oil-and-gas university system in the country, a Texas Senate committe passed a bill today that will mandate that Brownsville will be the home of a stand alone community college and a four-year universi

Its companion bill in the House Committee on Higher Education , HB 3689 submitted by State Rep. Rene O. Oliveira, D-Brownsville, was also passed by the House Committee on Higher Education Wednesday.
It outlines the responsibilities of the University of Texas System, the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College as they move toward operating as separate institutions.
The full Senatewill hear the final version of the bill in the next few days.
It didn't come easy.
Four TS
C trustees, correctly assessing the discontent of district residents to the extortive arrangement that had TSC providing the district as a
taxing entity while the UT System's contributions were minimal, opted instead to go at it alone.
Adela Garza, Kiko Rendon, Rene Torres and Trey Martinez rejected the UTB-TSC "partnership" plan proposed by President Juliet Garcia that would have transferred all of the TSC assets in real estate, bank deposits and building facilities to the UT System as a "gift."
The only thing the district residents would have kept would be the bond debt that would have had them paying more than $120 million until 2034.
It didn't come easy.
Four TS

Adela Garza, Kiko Rendon, Rene Torres and Trey Martinez rejected the UTB-TSC "partnership" plan proposed by President Juliet Garcia that would have transferred all of the TSC assets in real estate, bank deposits and building facilities to the UT System as a "gift."
The only thing the district residents would have kept would be the bond debt that would have had them paying more than $120 million until 2034.
Despite the vicious campaign waged by Garcia, the power elite led by IBC chairman Fred Rusteberg, the Cardenas family, renegade priest Armand Matthew and a host of others
aligned with the status quo, the four held on to their conviction that the residents of the district did not want this entity that they had nurtured with their blood, sweat and tears for the last 75 years to be dissolved and disappear into the UT System.
As late as last month, Adela Garza traveled to Austin to address the members of the House Committee on Higher Education and let them know in no uncertain terms that the provision for a "partnership" contained in Oliveira's so-called "shell" bill was unacceptable.
To their credit (and to Oliveira's discredit), the members of the committee side with the lone TSC trustee and directed Oliveira to include specific language that would protect the integrity of the TSC district and its residents.

As late as last month, Adela Garza traveled to Austin to address the members of the House Committee on Higher Education and let them know in no uncertain terms that the provision for a "partnership" contained in Oliveira's so-called "shell" bill was unacceptable.
To their credit (and to Oliveira's discredit), the members of the committee side with the lone TSC trustee and directed Oliveira to include specific language that would protect the integrity of the TSC district and its residents.
With the passage of the Senate bill and its mirror bill in the House, the stage is set for th
e existence in Brownsville of a community college and a free-standing four-year university.

"I am so proud of what we have accomplished," Garza said from her office today.
"The opposition has been brutal, but the results are worth it."
Since the "partnership" of the last 20 years was accredit, but not the components, Garza said that the bill provides for the continuation of lease agreements and the sharing of resources until both institutions gain accreditation by the year 2015. Until then, the partnership accreditation will remain in place.
"It'll actually be easier for TSC to gain accreditation because UTB does not have enough real estate to gain it," she said. "We are going to have to lease them land to gain their accreditation."
A reconciled bill composed of the Senate and House versions will now go before Gov. Rick Perry for his signature before becoming law.
To the members of the board who stood up for TSC, thank you! This is OUR community college and sure, the campus looks pretty but a bunch of us started our higher education at the Tandy Building and Eidmen Building and the Garza Gym and we made it through until we transferred and succeeded at a College or University. There were also those that took vocational classes that now are the strong support at BISD and even the COB. Many people can't and do not want to go get a degree but do want a licence to practice a vocation. So, to the same four board members, it is now falls on your lap to get a task force together to help you develop a plan that will make our TSC a strong community college and provide for our children. Show the other 3 that you knew what you were talking about and develop a plan second to none. Call on retired educators, businessmen, local community members and present teachers to give you idea and suggestions and yes, roll their sleeves up to get to work in developing a plan that will provide for our community at a price they can afford! Thank you for your persistence.
Great article in the Herald today about the success of STC in McAllen. Over 20 years and STC has an enrollment of 20,000. After 20 years of Juliet's "partnership" UTB-TSC is in ruins. First Juliet sold her soul to the Kardenas Klan, then to UT System. Juliet's ego was like the "leadership" article in yesterday's Washington Post...a Type A personality leads for themselves, not for any group or team. Juliet provide Type A leadership designed to make her look good, not to improve the community. She gathered in many national honors, but without really producing an effective academic village. She raised her pay, without ever producing beyond smoke and mirrors. Juliet led by intimidation and threat; not by encouraging others to be productive and without allowing initiative by her underlings. And we have another reason not to name streets, buildings, schools after living persons...unless they make a real committment to the community. Juliet failed...because her ego led the way and she had little regard for the needs of the community or the community itself. Pobricita Julieta!
Yes, it is time now to move on to make TSC a viable and accredited training facility for our young people. Its time to move forward and not dwell in the turmoil of the last year and the harsh words from Juliet's "Committee". Its time for all of us to support TSC and its future.
Robles and David should just step down or stay the hell away from the rest of the trustees. They are traitors and the community saw them for what they really are. Where is Juliet she has not been seen in public however, she has sent her eyes and ears to the functions. There is mommys little boy on his cell reporting to mommy who is wearing what and how they are looking at him with ugly eyes. he was heard saying mommy I don't like it some of our own friends are not playing nice anymore. It works both ways you were being used.
I heard there was a great presentation by one of TSC's consultants at last night's meeting. Did anyone attend or hear what was said?
It was very positive Dr. Anthony told the board TSC is going to be just fine.
So now UTB wants to lower tuition and increase enrollment?1?! And they want to lower tuition by 50%??? What gives? I thought TSC was "crazy" (according to Trustees Oliveira and Robles) for even mentioning the thought of lowering tuition. These guys will say anything, any time, to promote their agenda. It's time for both to leave TSC and go work for UTB. At least stop working against TSC!!!
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