Friday, April 8, 2011


By Juan Montoya "The news is out all over town..." No, we're not humming Hank Williams' Your Cheating Heart. But right about now Cameron County Chief Deputy Gus Reyna is probably Got A Feeling Called The Blues and wishes he could sing the blues along with old Hank. The reason for Gus to make like an old hound dog is because people are abuzz over an incident that reportedly involved him and the personnel at a local Wendy's Restaurant after Gus arrived there in his county vehicle and proceeded to order one of old Dave Thomas' famous burgers. Apparently, Gus was in his cups and wasn't pleased with either the service or the double square meats on his order. As people tell it, Reyna became livid and unleashed his mighty rage upon the staff in no uncertain terms. Things got ugly and the staff, fearing they might get out of control, called the local gendarmes. The boys in blue appeared with their red lights flashing and alighted to face the troublemaker. Lo and behold! it was Reyna, their homologo from over at the county. They huddled, reached a solution, and had Gus call his son so he could drive the rijoso away. Upon his arrival, Gus was delivered onto the son and they both drove away. Someone had the presence of mind to take down the vehicle's license plates and it was revealed that the truck belonged to the sheriff's department. The funny thing about it, people say, is that the local coppers didn't haul away the chief deputy but instead had someone drive him away. We understand the local media is all over the story digging away unremittingly as they are wont to do. But the grousing (and there's always grousing) is that the cops make no distinction on who they stop and haul away. Mayor Ahumada, for example, was not only arrested, but the car cam recording was also released to the media forthwith. And of course, Carlos Cisneros and Charlie Atkinson also got the treatment. While Atkinson's arrest was by the DPS, who show no mercy on anyone, the mayor's and Cisneros' cases stand out for the difference in treatment given Gus. We seem to remember that Gus has gotten into hot water with boss Omar Lucio for berating a jail employee from a local tavern after she refused to allow a visitation for a prisoner as he had ordered. Will the real story emerge as the word gets out on this incident? "Your Cheatin Heart...will tell on you"


Anonymous said...

Professional courtesy abounds in the judicial system and law enforcement here. Gus Reyna is a DICK....and a stupid DICK. He, like the Sheriff, seem to think they are above the law. Their egos are enourmous and their brains tiny.
Gus should be back on park control. It is getting so that there is a very fine line between our law enforcement and that in Mexico.
They all see themselves as "special" when there are supposed to be public servants. Instead, for some, like Reyna, they can't see it that way. Hey, Gus, you work for the public "Pendejo"

Anonymous said...

(The funny thing about it, people say, is that the local coppers didn't haul away the chief)

Bet if it would have been Pat Ahumada, he'd have had froot loops for breakfast, though.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County corruption at it's best. this bastard is one who thinks can walk on water.
Come on Mr.Lucio, investigate get reed of this SOB.

Anonymous said...

I bet it went like this:

Reyna: WTF is this shit, I wanted a shrimp cocktail and a Miller Lite!!

Mr. Wendys: Sir this is Wendys, we do not sell shrimp, maybe you wanted Captain Bob's?

Reyna: Don't talk back to me boy, don't you know who I am!!??

Mr Wendys: Sir if you do not know who you are , maybe you have Alzheimers.

Reyna: Why you Sonofabitch, I'll have your ass!!

Mr. Wendys: Sir, I am not gay, but if you want some male ass, maybe you should drive over to "La Jefferson" and look for some tranys. But, thanks for noticing my ass.

Reyna: You bastard, I'll have you thrown in the hoosegow, I AM CAMERON COUNTY CHIEF DEPUTY GUS REYNA!!

Mr. Wendys: Look, I do not give a flying fuck who you think you are, but impersonating a law enforcement officer is against the law and we already called the cops.

Reyna: Ha, ha, ha,. Just so you'll know, a mi los local cops, "me los paso por abajo de mis huevos sudados". Me la pelan. Wait a minute, I want to throw up. Baaaaaarrrrrrffffffff, uuungghhh....uughhh.

MR. Wendys: Hell, that was not a throwup. That was a throwdown, watch my shoes!!!

Well, that's what I think transpired, si no, something similar.

Mr. Mortadelo Bolognio

Anonymous said...


I saw the ahole being interviewed by some tv station a few days ago. And the thought went through my mind that the boy looked HUNG OVER. Obviously he's been hitting the alcohol. Aye Gustavo, ya te traen chiquito.

Anonymous said...

"Lo and behold! It was Reyna, their homologo from over at the county."

Maybe you meant "homo loco"?

Bobby el disbarred notario

Anonymous said...

Esta bola de bastardos piensan que pueden hacer y deshacer ... Their time is up pendejos...2012 is just around the corner

Anonymous said...

Lucio won't get rid of him, he is no more that a politiquero, who lucio hired and gave him a high post.
