A May 29 article in the Huntsville (Ala.) Times indicates that the choice for superintendents of the Huntsville Schools is one between two candidates favored by the north and south sections of the city.
And, in bad news for Brownsville, it's not Brett Springston, currently superintendent of the Brownsville Independent School District, and one of the top three finalists for t

Reporter Crystal Bonvillian, of The Times, reports the community is divided over the who the city's next school superintendent should be. Apparently, there is a historical division between the north and south ends of the city with north Huntsville apparently leaning toward Dr. Daniel Brigman, superintendent of the Macon County, N.C., school system, and the south side favor Dr. Casey Wardynski, a retired Army colonel and chief financial officer of the Aurora, Colo., school system.
Springston, who doesn't have a doctorate, appears to be out in the cold among those polled by the newspaper.
The Huntsville schools are currently some $19 million in the red, and Wardynski pointedly touted his background and knowledge of finance.
On the other hand, Brigman, according to the newspaper, spoke largely about improving student achievement.
"Those residents who spoke to The Times Friday had less to say about the third finalist, Brett Springston," reporter Bonvillian wrote.
If the Huntsville school board members did any background checks into Springston's tenure in the BISD, they probably found out that he and the board that chose him to be superintendent in 2009 went through almost $100 million in fund reserves to balance their budgets during that period.
Throughout all that time, Springston and his Chief Financial Officer denied that they were operating under a budget "deficit" and – like former board members Ruben Cortez, Rick Zayas and legal counsel Mike Saldaña – boasted that the budget was in "fine financial shape."
That was before the state's $25 billion budget shortfall forced districts across Texas to slash their budgets and the BISD started offering early retirement packages and slashing department and special programs budgets to meet the state mandate.
Illustrative of the district's straits is that the opening of Dan Breeden Elementary School, scheduled for this fall, will probably be postponed because of a lack of funds.
In interviews with Hunstville media, Zayas is quoted as blaming the current board for the district's problems as is Rolando Aguilar who called Springston's problems in Brownsville a "witch hunt" by the new majority.
Springston is probably not used to be in this kind of competition. The former board, after suspending and then firing Dr. Hector Gonzalez, limited the pool of applicants to current employees of the the BISD. Further, the majority then had chosen Springston to be the interim superintendent.
The newspaper also quotes Jerry Mitchell, president and CEO of the African American Chamber of Commerce, who attended receptions for all three candidates. He said that although he was personally impressed with Springston's "great passion for lifting up low-performing schools," had heard others talk negatively about the candidate.
Among the reasons that Springston gave board members during questioning for leaving a better-paying position ($198,000) for a smaller system, was that he wanted to get more in touch with his wife's family who live in the area.
In other words, does that mean that he wants to live closer to his mother-in-law?
If Springston's maudlin sentimentality doesn't overwhelm the apparently clear-eyed Huntsville school board members, we may have to live with the homeless rejected applicant for the foreseeable future.
His comment was to be closer to his mothers family.
Wife? by the way he now claims to have a daughter who he never talked about until a few months ago.
Is the district in so bad shape that the office staff is having to clean up their own carpet?
This is part of an email that was shared from someone in HR because one of the secretaries was observed on her knees scrubbing the carpet. Bottles of Lysol Wipes?
From: Maricela Zarate
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 1:08PM
To: Certified Personnel Staff
Subject: Lysol Wipes & carpet date
None of our job descriptions entails carpet cleaning, but I bought a couple of bottles of Lysol Wipes to tackle some of the carpet stains. I welcome anyone's help on Friday at 4:45p.m. to join me in tackling some of the carpet stains. Like I said, this is strictly voluntarily-don't feel bad if you can't help.
Maricela Zarate
Certified Personnel Administrator
There you go again, Juan Montoya, making up stuff.
Give me a break everyone. None of us are above cleaning a carpet or even a restroom. Those who think so are not worthy of working for any company. As for Springston's daughter, if you actually know him you know he has a daughter. Every parent is proud of their child and that is the way it should be. Ya!!!!!!!!!!
We all know by now that Brett is a marginal administrator at best. He has limited experience and he rolled the dice with zayas and cortez. Nothing can help him now that everyone in BISD is aware of the fact that the district is in shambles...finances,,, academically....morale wise....you name it what a mess
I commend the HR Administrator.....for scrubbing her own carpet...my parents always said if you can't do the grunt work...you can't lead....no more money folks...bring stuff from home and clean up your own area. A new beginning...but don't hurt your back..
Never seen such a polluted school board atmosphere as exists here in this town. The Cosa Nostra Compadrazgo makes the mob look like choir boys and in spite of it all, the children still learn and teachers still teach; imagine how successful this district could be if the board worked for kids without micromanaging and let the superintendent run the district.
A good man that works hard for the children, whose children? Not my children and he definitely didnt care about how he has spent our tax dollars the last two years,$60 million on what? The budget cuts he and Fuller are proposing are hurting our children!!! and you say he is a good man, my a**! Whoever supports him is a sorry loser.
Yea a good man that doesn't know how to balance the district's bank accounts. Never in my life had BISD gotten returned checks and he has the nerve to blame it on the bank. Compass bank is stupid to take the blame. Minerva Pena is also stupid to say it was a human error. Would she say that had it happen to her? NOT...
$100 million in the deficit, holly cow no wounder the checks were bouncing. I going to be afraid to take any BISD checks.
The former Board majority need to be investigated, what did they do with our tax dollars? We deserve to know,and hold them accountable.
What contracts is Kata getting under the table? I don't think Johnny Cavazos likes her much less give her any kickbacks. She's not Rick nor Ruben.
For the three Springston groupies...
Please everyone, if you know CATA you know she is desparate for money and has NO MONEY. Not to mention all the checks she bounces at the beauty salons she goes to. Just listen to the conversations at the beauty salons she goes to.................
Why do you want to always try and defame Cata? Everyone's desperate for money nowadays if they don't have a job! She has one thank you very much-and so does her husband! What checks has she bounced? Do you have proof and if you do how'd you get it? Remember,"Don't throw stones if you live in glass houses!" If she'd actually had a check bounce, the business wouldn't allow her to pay with another check-and the word would spread to other salons and they wouldn't take her checks either!If you're hearing things at beauty salons, it must be you spreading lies! Why would you be going to all of the same salons-are you stalking her? So you're lieing when you state that!
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