Wednesday, May 4, 2011


By Juan Montoya
A carnival atmosphere prevails in Brownsville as candidates for the mayor of the City of Brownsville try to outshout each other through their signs and ads and make themselves stand apart from the din of the campaign.
Some would call it bedlam, but that implies insanity, and not representative democracy. But then again, "given the nonsense spewed this year." the bedlam folks may have a point.
It is said that signs don't vote, but they are a legitimate point of reference to those of us who watch them as we make our way through the city. By far the most numerous are the signs dotting the political landscape belong to mayoral candidate Tony Martinez (actually Benigno Antonio Martinez II). They adorn almost every strategic street corner and mowed lawn in town. Some wags he might even have Spiderman on his side judging by the placement of the large sky-blue placards visible throughout the city. One that intrigued the supporters of the candidates standing in the parking lot across from the Cameron County Courthouse is the one on the wall about midway through the two-story attorneys office.
"How in hell did Martinez get that up there," asked a P.K. Patel supporter. "He must have the support of Spiderman."
Tony doesn't do himself any favors with his signs that include his picture. It shows a middle-age man with a shock of hair that would have made the Dutch Boy of the paint company proud.
On the other hand, incumbent Pat Ahumada chose the wavy patriotic logo urging everyone to re-elect Pat. His campaign missive touts his dedication to Green and Earth issues and his appeal adorned by an attractive profile of Smiling Pat.
Pat also curries the support of dog lovers everywhere and promises to make Brownsville a "no-kill" zone for strays.
Given the locals' historic predilection for getting rid of entire litters of unwanted pets by tying them up in plastic shopping bags and heaving them into the nearest resaca, we can see where the ban on such pet murdering devices meshes with his call for a compassionate treatment of pets.
Edward Camarillo's ads feature his picture as well, but, with the Big Girls' tactic of hiding behind vertical stripes and big bows, he opts to occupy a small portion of the 4'x8' signs and let his logo do the talking.
Ed and Pat are actually both vying for the Green vote. Camarillo doesn't mention it as much, but it was he, in fact, that was the mover behind the ordinance outlawing plastic shopping bags that supporters of the measure said were clogging our drains and making our mesquite trees look like ornamented Christmas trees year-round.
We're surprised that Ed's ads didn't feature Ed in overalls paint brush in hand painting over some graffiti in East Brownsville. There, they listen to you.
Mike Garza's signs (also featuring his mug) have drawn spiteful comments from viewers of this blog. Mike the Builder features his picture and appears that he is bug-eyed and has seen something that has put his hair on end. On the left of the sign is a large golden key which Mike claims his candidacy is the key to the future.
Others are not so kind.
"It looks like Mike's wired," said one. "And what does the key mean? Has he just finished sniffing it clean? You know, un llavazo."
It is said that when you declare for public office you should be prepared to learn all about your history and your ancestors. And in Brownsville, locals take it a bit farther. Don't listen to them, Mike.
Evaristo “Viro” Cardenas also chose the photo portrait strategy. As with Mike, we're sure Viro never intended the local wags to have their fun with his signs.
His feature a dark photo (in kind of like the Godfather's dark tones) with his hands outlining a diamond-like shape. This has some of the more vulgar commenters saying that it is a fetish symbol signifying a female sexual organ, among other things. Others say that Viro is indicating that he, like the city, is a diamond in the rough.
Those who believe in conspiracy theory say that Viro is actually showing an ancient Mason sign that only the initiated will understand. Whatever it may be, we're sure the candidate had a reason to pick that pose.
Call it the signs of the times, but we're sure that those Snowbirds among us are probably at a loss to decipher what our candidates are trying to tell us. In the end, it will be a voter in a booth by him(her) self filling out a little circle who will decide if these graphic aides made a difference.


Anonymous said...

The carnival is here and the clowns are the most obvious feature. We have clowns running for office and clowns voting for those candidate clowns. We have "Bozo" Ahumad, "Clarabell" Camarillo, "The Joker" Longoria, "Dumbo" Zavaleta, and on and on. The song "Bring on the Clowns" should be the anthem of Brownsville. The signs make little difference in a city where most are illiterate and the quickest way to a vote is a fajita or chicken dinner. Signs, we don't need no stinkin' one cares.

Anonymous said...

y de todos, no se hace uno, por eso yo mejor me quedo con el Mayor Ahumada, mas vale pajaro en mano que ver cien volar, y ademas es mas peligroso aventurar con candidatos que de la noche a la manana salieron de la nada,,,,,,quien los conoce, quien sabe, quien son, no sabemos, que quieren, el poder que no se le puede dar a cualquiera, y menos, a un abogadillo que se hizo rico al lado de muchos otros abogados que se sirvieron de un juez corrupto, y un panzon, sin destino mas que un controlado por grupos que creen que entre mas gritan mas controlan pero asi no se hacen las cosas y que le puede ofrecer a nuestra ciudad el panzon de Camarillo que solo sabe comer como una bolsa sin fondo, ya las patas ni se le ven con la lonja colgando, es eso lo que queremos en City Hall un panzon que no puede ni controlar su tripa?

O un abogado que se cree que puede comprar todo a costillas de lo que le cobra al cliente? Cuantos clientes se quedaron con poco dinero cuando un abogado se lleva la gran mordida de un tema de ley, eso lo sabemos todos, lo que no sabiams era que habia maneras de comprar al juez y desgraciadamente la lista de corruptos sigue creciendo,,,,Y el Camarillo no trae nada, mas que un equipaje sin fondo..........en la barrigona, quien quiere un alcalde que no se puede ni ver las rodillas porque no se puede agachar? El peso de la ballena te dice todo.
