By Juan Montoya
Remember all the talk of change orders and cost overruns on school construction sites when the former board majority kept approving the changes at the recommendations of the administration?

Everybody was sure something was going on, but no one could put their finger on exactly what.
But now as the district's reserve fund has dwindled so that ther eis not enough money on hand to comply with then district's 75-day operating costs, the new board want to know what happened to the money, honey.
We have learned that they are now in the process of requesting proposals from accounting firms to conduct a forensic audit of the district to find out if the suspected hanky-panky everyone was whispering about was really true.
Why, for example, was there no appropriate ingress-egress designed into the Manzano-Keller schools at the outset of the project? Only later, when the Texas Department of Transportation informed the BISD that Construction Supervisor Oscar Tapia (now in Harlingen) that one entrance off Alton Gloor wouldn't do for the increased bus and parent traffic was the district forced to buy several homes in the surrounding Casa Linda Subdivision at an addition cost of more than $200,000.
And how about the cost overruns at Veterans Memorial High School that went from $12 million to $16 million plus as a result of poor planning? Could that overrun have been avoided? Or was the shoddy planning part and parcel of a deliberate attempt to get more district bucks?
And how about the new gym at Pace High School that requires the students to walk on a public street outside the campus to enter it? Will that now require additional funds (a change order) to fix?
These and many other questions need to be answered and the audit may provide an insight on the way the sausage was made in the Ruben Cortez-Rick Zayas- Joe Colunga-Rolando Aguilar-Brett Springston-Oscar Tapia back kitchen. And if there was something nsaty about it, did the taxpayer end up getting the finished product?
According to Springston and Fuller the money went to teachers and employees pay raises. We didn't get a pay raise last year,and if we had it wouldn't take 60 million.
It's a shame that now students and teachers have to suffer with the cuts Fuller and Springston are recommending to cut.
I hope the Forensic auditor checks Zayas and Cortez bank accounts and everyone else that filled their pockets with our tax dollars.
Hats off to Longoria, Garcia, Saavedra and Escobedo they are the only ones looking out for our tax dollars. Good job guys, keep it up.
Don't listen to the whinners, and losers.
Does that mean they are going to look into the money/check Cata deposited in her personal account? Is she that stupid....yup. Cant wait until next elections. Cata youre a gonner, start packing, maybe FBI will take you down before then. BISD children need someone who really cares about the kids. Not a lady out to satisfy her personal vendettas.
You have no concept of what a raise for teachers cost the district. It is a lot more than you think.
Springston and Fuller are not the cause of the cuts the legislature and the govenor are the prooblem and the funding formula they came up with several years ago.
Wow, Cata Presas-Garcia is Juan Montoya's personal reporter from BISD. It is so apparent that the stories here come from her to him. It is also apparent that Cata Presas-Garcia likes to praise herself and her 3 cronies here also.
Todos los envidiosos porque no se avientan, y corren para una posicion?
Los envidiosos se les va a quitar lo pend... zonzo y van hechar a la gata del southmost fuera de la mesa "no-directive." Ya la vieron madriandose en el Cadillac nueve que tria en la espalda porgue se lo debe al banco. Haber de donde pienza sacar para el pago? De todos/todas no se hace uno/una! Son una bola de sinverguenzas.
If only anonymous 4:15pm could only type in ENGLISH!!!!!!!
Finally, BISD is going to put an end to the zayas, cortez, fuller, springsteen of the sadest and perhaps most corrupt chapters in BISD history....this audit should remind current and future elected officals that you can not get away with theft, fraud, cheating....etc.. elected officals should serve...not help themseves to taxpayer funds
Most Corrupt Chapters????? You mean the ones that are there now. Word is that Cata Presas-Garcia has made a deal with Wells Fargo Bank to have them approve her clients for home loans if she gave them the contract for BISD Millions. Well, you cannot get more corrupt than that!!!!!
Who can investigate that????????????????
Sore looser are GED and the wannna wanna be atty, that they make up stuff.
Los hotos son los que no te lo saben, te lo inventan.
WOW!! Actually, we should've checked Springston's account before he ran out of town with the goods! I just hope everything that they all did comes to light! Then is when I want to see the faces of those that write such nasty things about Cata, Luci, Christy and Enrique! Para que se callen la boca y coman caca!
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