By Juan Montoya
The Beatles called one of their albums "Rubber Soul," another "Revolver."
And when they were asked why "Revolver," they said it was because the record was spinning on the turntable to play.
So has the coverage of the Brownsville Herald by education reporter Gar
y Long. In classical Double-Speak, Long quotes Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Brett (I'm Outta Here) Springston concerning the latest Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills scores.
Long reports that students of the BISD "continued to score well" with this year's results improved in eight grade-level and subject areas, remained the same in two, and decreased in 17 other areas..."
"Overall, 80 percent or more of all students met expectations in math, reading and science and 93 percent met expectations in social studies and writing," Long wrote.
This is not the first fawning article written by Long recently as news reports indicate that the embattled superintendent is looking high (Huntsville, Ala.) and low (Bartlett, Texas) for a way out of town.
Now, lest we be accused of looking at the cup half-empty instead of half-full, did we not read that there was a decrease in 17 other areas and an increase in only eight, with two remaining the same?
To the our untrained, simplistic brains, that means that students' performance decreased in twice as many areas as there were increases. Are we wrong? So why are we crowing up these results?
For many years now, Springston's critics say he was out of his depth in handling a school district our size. Now we learn that he has been a busy boy seeking employment elsewhere, including the Bartlett ISD where he is the lone finalist.
Bartlett ISD is a a dynamic little school district with two schools and 410 students.
And, if he takes it, God willing, instead of handling (or mishandling) a $500 million-budget, Springston will oversee the spending of less than $3.5 million.
Springston could take the position as soon as June 22, members say.
Bartlett is a city in Bell and Williamson Counties in central Texas.
The population was 1,675 at the 2000 census, and 1,701 in the 2005 census estimate. Brownsville, on the other hand, is expected to top more than 250,000 this census cycle.
Bell County, Texas is part of the Killeen–Temple–Fort Hood Metropolitan Statistical Area. Bartlett ISD has two campuses Bartlett High School, and Bartlett Elementary School (Grades PK-6). In 2009, the school district was rated "academically acceptable."
BISD, on the other hand, is a TEA Recognized School District. All 52 rateable schools are rated Exemplary or Recognized in the Texas accountability system, the categories above the minimally-rated "academically-acceptable" rating of the two Bartlett schools.
In comparison, the BISD has 57 schools of which three are alternative Schools (including Early College), seven high schools, 11 middle schools, and 36 elementary schools.
And, unlike Bartlett's 410 students in its two lone schools, the BISD counts with 49,155 students.
The Beatles called one of their albums "Rubber Soul," another "Revolver."
And when they were asked why "Revolver," they said it was because the record was spinning on the turntable to play.
So has the coverage of the Brownsville Herald by education reporter Gar

Long reports that students of the BISD "continued to score well" with this year's results improved in eight grade-level and subject areas, remained the same in two, and decreased in 17 other areas..."
"Overall, 80 percent or more of all students met expectations in math, reading and science and 93 percent met expectations in social studies and writing," Long wrote.
This is not the first fawning article written by Long recently as news reports indicate that the embattled superintendent is looking high (Huntsville, Ala.) and low (Bartlett, Texas) for a way out of town.
Now, lest we be accused of looking at the cup half-empty instead of half-full, did we not read that there was a decrease in 17 other areas and an increase in only eight, with two remaining the same?
To the our untrained, simplistic brains, that means that students' performance decreased in twice as many areas as there were increases. Are we wrong? So why are we crowing up these results?
For many years now, Springston's critics say he was out of his depth in handling a school district our size. Now we learn that he has been a busy boy seeking employment elsewhere, including the Bartlett ISD where he is the lone finalist.
Bartlett ISD is a a dynamic little school district with two schools and 410 students.
And, if he takes it, God willing, instead of handling (or mishandling) a $500 million-budget, Springston will oversee the spending of less than $3.5 million.
Springston could take the position as soon as June 22, members say.
Bartlett is a city in Bell and Williamson Counties in central Texas.
The population was 1,675 at the 2000 census, and 1,701 in the 2005 census estimate. Brownsville, on the other hand, is expected to top more than 250,000 this census cycle.
Bell County, Texas is part of the Killeen–Temple–Fort Hood Metropolitan Statistical Area. Bartlett ISD has two campuses Bartlett High School, and Bartlett Elementary School (Grades PK-6). In 2009, the school district was rated "academically acceptable."
BISD, on the other hand, is a TEA Recognized School District. All 52 rateable schools are rated Exemplary or Recognized in the Texas accountability system, the categories above the minimally-rated "academically-acceptable" rating of the two Bartlett schools.
In comparison, the BISD has 57 schools of which three are alternative Schools (including Early College), seven high schools, 11 middle schools, and 36 elementary schools.
And, unlike Bartlett's 410 students in its two lone schools, the BISD counts with 49,155 students.
Like we said, we aren't education specialists here, but this doesn't seem to us like it's a step up by any stretch of the imagination.
Unless Long knows something we don't, it appears that lower TAKS scores, a pared-to-the-bone budget and curtailment of the district's services due to fiscal shortcomings don't exactly amount to a resume filler for anyone, lest of all his buddy Springston.
Is Long a Beatles fan? In any case, his ability to stretch the truth rivals "Rubber Soul."
It's baseball season. By the math, BISD in wins/losses/ties is 8-17-2. That's .027, not a championship run.
Let the blaming begin.
Who the heck is Gary Long? Is he the editor of the paper? Don't they have checks and balances in journalism to catch these kinds of errors? Something is wrong with the journalism.
Let's see how he's going to spin Sprinston's departure!
I'm glad people are finally opening their eyes to what Gary Long reports!! Shame on the Herald for allowing Mr. Long to report things that are just one-sided! Take the article he wrote concerning the embattled, now ousted, principal from Cummings Middle School. Did he even attempt to interview "those three" that were escorted out of the Board meeting for their own safety? No! Did he investigate why that principal was placed on administrative leave? No! Did he try and find out what the internal investigation was all about? No! He did paint the principal as a victim! That's right because Springston was in on the cover-up. He's gone now, Mr. Long. Find out why the principal was removed and see what a great story you can uncover! Ask "those three" for their side of the story.
You sound like one scary, obsessed teacher with your principal. If I were a parent at that campus I would never want my child with such a person. Has BISD checked on this miserable excuse of a teacher or teachers? I feel sorry for the principal if she had such insubordinate teachers like you. And yes, we know you will respond with another crazed tirade. It will just prove my point.
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