We knew Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Brett Springston was desperate to hightail it out of town, but no one knew how desperate.
Now we know.
With a forensic audit coming to discover if any criminal activity took place over the last three years after the former board majority tailored the position for him by limiting the applicants to those already employed by the district, it was time to go.
His application for the superintendentship of the Huntsville , Ala., City Schools a no-go, it seems that Springston's other iron in the fire was with the Bartlett ISD, a

And instead of handling (or mishandling) a $500 million-budget, Springston will oversee the spending of less than $3.5 million.
The 4 month search by the Bartlett school board ended with the members choosing Springston, as their lone finalist.
Springston could take the position as soon as June 22, members say.
Bartlett is a city in Bell and Williamson Counties in central Texas.
The population was 1,675 at the 2000 census, and 1,701 in the 2005 census estimate. Brownsville, on the othert hand, is expected to top more than 250,000 this census cycle.
Bell County, Texas is part of the Killeen–Temple–Fort Hood Metropolitan Statistical Area. Bartlett ISD has two campuses Bartlett High School, and Bartlett Elementary School (Grades PK-6). In 2009, the school district was rated "academically acceptable."
BISD, on the other hand, is a TEA Recognized School District. All 52 rateable schools are rated Exemplary or Recognized in the Texas accountability system, the categories above the minimally-rated "academically-acceptable" rating of the two Bartlett schools.
Board President Melissay Rafay said Springston was chosen among a pool of 60 applicants, of which 5 were interviewed.
In comparison, the BISD has 57 schools of which three are alternative Schools (inlcuding a Early College), seven high schools, 11 middle schools, and 36 elementary schools.
And, unlike Bartlett's 410 students in its two lone schools, the BISD counts with 49,155 students.
"That's about his speed," said Springston critic. "Maybe he can handle that 'challenge' ove there."
Also, despite the admirable male-bonding laudatory article by the Brownsville Herald's Gary Long, a special meeting scheduled for noon Wednesday will lay bare Springston's inadequacies as superintendent of this booming district, including, we hear, a possible downgrading of the district's TEA academic designation.
"We knew the emperor had no clothes," said a district elementary school teacher. "All this cheer leading was really a smokescreen to cover up his shortcomings as a superintendent. The next superintendent is going to have a tough time undoing all the mess Springston is leaving behind."
Gracias Juan.
Now the District should hire Sylvia Atkinson.
For annuity purposes, he has his best three years, any more time he works at another district counts for retirement. No pendejo, El boy.
FINALLY! The accolades he was given because BISD became a Recognized district was another example of how well he used smoke screens. The only reason that the schools did so well was because of the Texas Projected Measurement tools that were allowed. Funny how this year that TPM was not used, scores have not been printed? Why? Because scores went down greatly....especially at Sharp and Cummings...you remember, the schools that Cortez's wife and Zaya's cousin were given. Now, the district is down $100 million, scores are down, downsizing is occuring, salaries are being reduced, what does he do? Turn tail and run.....good riddance and GOODBYE!
Brett, knows that he has zero chance of surviving in Brownsville. He is an embarrasment to public education. He and Tony Fuller, Kent W., Rita, Jay, Drue and the Foxy lady need to remove themselves quickly. This city and district is tired of them and their lack of professionalism. They are all true fakes.....
For annuity purposes, he has the best three years, he can work at any school district, educarion servicevice center otr TEA until he can have enough years to retire. No pendejo, El Boy!
Is he taking some of his groupies with him? No, I don't think he will not even remember them when he is gone. If we were to list all his cronies we would run out of space.. Yes, Foxy lady-which has nothing foxy about her-, Tony, Drue, Mary Jo, Berta, Jay, Marisela, Ameel, Lucy, Luis, Carlos, etc. etc. etc.
I hope they shred that atrocious pop-up picture of him that was displayed in the main building! What an egomaniac! The Board needs to send all their information from their internal investigations concerning Springston and the principal from Cummings Middle School to the district attorneys office for prosecution! Springston's at fault for what happened at Cummings after what she did at Sharp! What he and the previous Board did was move a problem from one campus to another!! That's not the way to fix a problem! You get rid of the problem! Don't ruin another campus with someone's cousin and comadre! Se tapan con la misma colcha!!
Springston needs to take his entire cheerleading group with him wherever he's hired because he'll need them again when he screws up another district. Everyone that covered up for his inefficiencies etc. need to go. Those new area superintendents he gave positions to should find a real job. They should be the replacements for those positions that were left vacant with the early retirement personnel that left. We don't need area superintendents-what do they do? They earn waaaay tooo much money. For the kids sake-demote them. The district would save alot of money.
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