Monday, July 25, 2011


By Juan Montoya
As the self-appointed purveyor of the flame of truth, city commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa blandly came out on a letter to the editor published Sunday in the local daily and blithely stated that her residency in District 2 was "never in question."
Come again, dear?
Is it possible that you have forgotten (it wasn't that long ago) that we, your Cheezmeh cheerleaders, Charlie Atkinson, contract city attorney Mark Sossi, and a gaggle of interested city residents and local lawyers sat in as the former city commissioner challenged your residency in court?
And don't you remember that you were in that same courtroom, before that very same visiting judge, and arguing the same issues at least three times? In fact, on one of those occasions, you were accompanied by your husband and tarried for a bit outside the Cameron County judicial wing after the hearing.
To the average layman, it would appear that the "truth" of the matter is that someone did challenge your residency. The fact that Atkinson said he followed bad legal advice from Sossi and did not challenge your residency before the election still doesn't negate the fact that he did, in fact, challenge your residency, does it?
And, no, it wasn't that the state and the local district attorney didn't find any merit in his challenge that allowed you to occupy the position in District 2 you now hold. They just didn't want to get involved in the whole sordid business between Chuck and yourself. They know Charlie was a rambunctious sort, and – judging by the police reports filed in the domestic spats with your mate – you can hold your own in a tussle.
And it wasn't smoke and mirrors that Atkinson put together in a package as evidence that you did not live in the district the required time to file for the position. They were your own inane postings in your Facebook account telling the whole world that you lived with your mate at a San Marcelo address outside the district.
So do us a favor and please stop talking about your "historical" election as if you had somehow achieved something we can all look back and tell our grandchildren about. The major accomplishment wasn't "electing a write-in candidate who was a 27-year-old female." It was getting rid of Charlie Atkinson.
And as for the feel-good quote by FDR about the voters being the ultimate rulers, let's hope it doesn't come back to haunt you.
Roosevelt also said: "I am neither bitter nor cynical but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking."


Anonymous said...

Atkinson is stooped. sossi gave him bad advice because he was a banging titreau. every one knows about it but no one wants to say anything about it.

La Mesmetita India Lencha said...

Ay Mi'jo Tito --- Me duele la Panochita... 'Ta chiquita, Peludita y apestocita.
Hay Tu di veras, pos 'ora qui si traye esta Naca Guera Oxiguenada, No pos' Ora Hacina Mesmamente di qui 'Tamos Reque bien Jodidos y re que ti bien Amolados.. Hay ti di Veraz hacina mesmamentae Patroncito Mr. White Anglo - Saxon Caucasian, Mmmuaa, MMuaa !!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, I am going to have to disagree with you on this one. I don't think there ever was a question about where she lived and it wasn't in the district she was elected to represent, no question about it.

Anonymous said...

She's acting like Charlie Atkinson already.....must have the last word to keep the debate and herself in the limelight. She is a dim bulb and seems to prove with this letter that she is too thin skinned for politics....sort of like Charlie Atkinson and Pat Ahumada...both of whom loved to argue and lost political respect for their big mouths and gigantic egos.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Is that who that is? Cause I thought for sure it was Regis Philbin.


Anonymous said...

Jessica's facebook of her looking like a lush and her nostolgic missing of watering holes. It seems likes she's always drunk or heading there. Her clothes are more appropriate for a 14 year old.
She needs to act her age already!

CA said...

Zeke Silva your finger prints are all over this blog.. don't you have parole to check into?

banging Sossi? really Zeke? are you Jealous that you didn't think of it first? I thought that was the first lesson you learn when you go to prison...

Anonymous said...

Jessica doesn't drink loser.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid bitch. And every idiot that voted for her should be stripped of their right to vote in the next election.
