Wednesday, July 27, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Even after he conveniently didn't attend the meeting where Deffenbaugh and Associates were awarded the contract by the Brownsville Independent School District to conduct a forensic audit into the district finances for the past three years, Joe Colunga has now resorted to calling people griping that hiring the ex-FBI Supervisor and his company constitutes a "conflict of interest."
Colunga, if you will remember, was one of the board members absent (as was trustee Minerva Peña) during last week's meeting where the competing firms were competing for the year-long contract.
The purpose of the audit was so that the current board can discover if any hanky-panky was involved in several important areas of the district;'s operations.
The term forensic audit refers to “an examination and evaluation of a firm’s or individual’s financial information for use as evidence in court. A forensic audit can be conducted in order to prosecute a party for fraud, embezzlement or other financial claims.”
BISD Board Chairwoman Catalina Presas-Garcia characterized such an audit as “an investment” and said the district could recoup funds.
Trustees generally agreed that the audit should be completed in three to four months and specifically address:
*The BISD’s self-funded employee health plan, which generates about $40 million a year in claims. Projections by the district's consultant indicate that the costs for the program for the 2010-2011 year will climb from $37 million to $46 million, and to an estimated $51 million for 2011-2012. At the time that MAA (the insurance company) was chosen, one trustee, Rolando Aguilar, claimed it would save the district $9 million a year in costs. Now the projections indicate that the costs to the district will rise $14 million in the two years since the company took over from HealthSmart, the previous provider.
*The flurry in school construction financed by a $136 million bond issue in 2006, as well as about $40 million in recent projects paid for through federal stimulus funds and qualified school construction bonds. The construction frenzy was accompanied by a spate of change orders that increased the estimated cost of most projects beyond their initial quote. For example, the Veterans Memorial High School was initially listed to cost $12 million but soared to $16 million plus as a result of poor planning. Or was it? Some suspect that the additional costs might have a result of deliberate bad designs that made the inevitable change orders necessary.
Additionally, what was sold to the BISD board as free money by financial consultants who pushed for the $25 million qualified school construction bond issue turned out to be a bait and switch that is going to cost the district more than $800,000 a year in debt payments for that issue alone. Did the financial consul ants, former superintendent and chief financial officer mislead the board to sign on the dotted line after they were warned by the state not to expect the "free money" by double-dipping into federal and state funds as they (and other districts) had done the previous year?
*BISD’s participation in the federal government’s E-Rate program to finance construction of computer networks and other information technology applications across the district. The program has long lagged behind in its delivery of the goods it promised. In a passionate appeal for understanding, its director said the changing federal rules made it almost impossible to expect anything from the program without a three-year lag. Makes people wonder why.
Those are just a few of the issues involved that the majority of the trustees thought could be addresses with the audit to clear the air and start from scratch.
In the insurance issue, both Aguilar and Colunga are well known to be supporters of local insurance broker Johnny Cavazos, whose brokerage fee of the district's insurance has made him a millionaire. His take when the insurance contract reaches $50 million at 10 percent could potentially earn their compadre as much as $5 million.
Colunga can shout "conflict of interest" from behind his rock all he wants, but many BISD administrators are miffed that he doesn't specify where the alleged conflict lies. If he claims that Deffenabugh at one time worked for attorney John Barr on behalf of HealthSmart in Lubbock, how does that generate a conflict in Brownsville? He's not working for them now. As far as we know, professionals can pick and choose who their employers are.
Most senior federal law enforcement agents at the supervisory level are meticulous about not exposing themselves to such accusations. Does Colunga know anything specific about Deffenbaugh that he can make stick on the former FBI regional supervisor? If he does, he should come out and say it. If he doesn't he runs the risk of exposing himself to charges of defamation. He should also remember that he is cited in at least two federal lawsuits for exercising questionable behavior. Former CFO Tony Juarez taped former BISD trustee Otis Powers saying that he had spoken to a majority of the then-trustees, including Colunga, about encouraging Juarez to file a grievance against the former superintendent in a conspiracy to use the grievance to fire the former administrator.

A federal judge ruled that the tape could be allowed as evidence int he case, which the BISD appealed.

But more telling, however, is Colunga's reported interference with the Special Needs Department to acquire preferential treatment for his son.

In his lawsuit, former Special Needs Administrator Art Rendon tells the court that Colunga personally had the program's location moved several times at a cost to the district of tens of thousands of dollars.

His lawsuit states:

"53. At the conclusion of the 2007-2008 school year, Plaintiff (Rendon) had to make arrangements to accommodate trustee Joe Colunga’s special needs son in a program that had been in the same location for ten years.
54. Mr. Colunga did not approve of this program location, which was currently situated in a strip
center off of the North Expressway and Price. Colunga insisted Plaintiff move the program to a
new location.
55. The program was subsequently moved to the ITEC building, off of Mexico Boulevard. Two
months after the program was moved, Colunga contacted Plaintiff, complaining he wanted the
program relocated again.
56. Costing taxpayers an abundance of money, the program was relocated again, at the urging of
Colunga. Colunga’s constant harassment of Plaintiff was also witnesses by the BISD
maintenance director, Rey Arteaga, who complained on more than one occasion, about the
inappropriateness of Colunga’s behavior to Plaintiff, the Superintendent, and Dr. Sal Cavazos."

Rendon's case, represented by attoneys Frank Perez and Starr Jones, is still in federal court.

With so much cola que le pisen, how is it that Colunga still has the nerve to cry "conflict of interest" at others?

Could it be that his pal Johnny Cavazos sees the writing on the wall for his insurance brokerage gravy train and has Colunga trying to run interference for him to try to head it off?


Anonymous said...

Colunga is a great example of local politicos.....lots of bullshit but not willing to vote or make a committment. So typical. As long as his family gets "special treatment" he could care less about the rest of the community.

Anonymous said...

Colunga the conniver fry him and make him pay for his trangression and deception against BISD. Joe we remember your son good point. Joe what are you afraid of or who are you trying to protect.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of this dinosaur and take Cavazos with him.

Madame Chateau Le Phew said...

Once a Corrupted Mexican - American judge , always a Chicano !

Anonymous said...

Colunga has the cola of an aligator.

Anonymous said...

How much does this board knows/investigated about this forensic firm?

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just cut to the chase. The forensic audit is so that the auditor will determine that HealthSmart was the victim of skewed data and that all legal action be dropped. I am tired of people thinking that us Mexicans are a bunch of dumb idiots that can be fed bullshit and kept in the dark. That is simply not true! We all know what is going on, when is someone going to put a stop to this swindle? This guy is on video at a school board meeting months ago! He has been talking to someone on that board! Duhhhhh! I wonder who it could be????

Anonymous said...

After Reading on Google This report ; " THE CHICANO STRUGGLE AND THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION IN THE UNITED STAES "... My God, I knew that forever All Mexican - Americans will just be meeky surviving - Too many Problems are carrying on their nacks for centuries, Pitty Yes, sorry for beign born on the Tex - Mex Border ? --- You will know after reading this amazing and truthful Historic document.

Anonymous said...

Joe Colunga may be remembered as perhaps the most corrupt BISD board member. His alliance is to insurance rigging, kick backs, followed by other minor matters such as family and faith......He is a poor example of a human morals and no ethics...Joe could be followed by rick zayas, joey lopez, ruben cortez, rolando augilar and m. pena

Anonymous said...

Lets cut to the chase Joe Colunga is on video at every board meeting currying favors for johnny C he also has a track record of currying favors for his self interest and has a track record of currying favors for joe Rod including give him $100,000 for using BISD resources for his personal gain. Not going to work anymore time for investigation and lrt the shit hit where it its.

Anonymous said...

yeah he has been talking to the FBI to put your friends ass in jail.

Anonymous said...

To add to the problems at BISD; they are waiting for the final numbers on the higher insurance costs. So while they wait, they move that departments administrator, who publically made it known, he did not want to be there and they move him to maintenance a department with a 50 million dollar budget. Go figure, is this Mexican mentality or lack of??? He drops the ball at insurance and they promote him to a bigger department that he knows absolutely nothing about, so that he can further screw up another department. And he is already telling people he doesn't want to be there, he wants to be at piems! This is why BISD will never be an efficient district! Tell me Cata had nothing to do with this screw-up!

Anonymous said...

Otro viejo seco pedoro como Lucio, Oliviera, Cascos,Hinojosa,Sheriff Lucio,Cortez, Zayas,Aguilar,etc.
I apologize if I left anyone out but you know who you are.
Bola de ratas de dos patas.
They are all over our community just obtaining public office to enrich themselves and their families and friends.

Anonymous said...

Catalina you are doing a great job and our congrats to Ms. Longoria, Escobedo and Ms. Saavedra. As a resident of Brownsville and a former employee of BISD I saw that wheeling and dealing that went on. The selection of medical service providers, the disapperance of computer equitment, hiring of unqualified staff, lazy personnel with family ties, the manner in which Children with Special Needs were treated, the favored treatment Joe Colunga gave to his son, the favors given to Joe Rodriguez. It was a disgusting situation. You are doing right and we support the efforts of the four who voted to clean house. It is about time

Anonymous said...

They are all over our community just obtaining public office to enrich themselves and their families and friends.

I apologize if I left anyone out but you know who you are.
Bola de ratas de dos patas.


Anonymous said...

To Comment posted July 27, @ 11:55...You are right....I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

I also happen to agree with the comment posted on July 27, @ 11:55...
