By Juan Montoya
Everywhere he goes, HIzzoner Mayor Martinez takes a secretary with him as if to show that he needs someon
e to take notes for him.
Whether it's to a meeting with county officials or to other entities like the Workforce Commission, the secretary is there with her pen and notebook to take notes for Martinez.
"It's like he's trying to send a message that he needs a secretary for his city position," said a staffer at the Workforce office. "If Pat Ahumada had asked for a secretary, he'd have been ridiculed as being pompous and arrogant."
Recently, some of Martinez's staunchest supporters have been heard openly saying that the city workload justified Martinez having a personal secretary at the city's expense.
"He has two secretaries doing nothing but city work at his office," a prominent businessman and Martinez supporter was recently overheard at a local watering hole.
"But what if every commissioner anted one, too?" chortled his dinner mate.
"No, they don't need one," he answered. "He's the figurehead of the city and they aren't. He shouldn't have to be paying from his own pocket for secretarial services if he's doing city work."
"It looks like he's laying to the groundwork to justify the city giving him a personal secretary," said a city employee. "The city already has a city secretary, so maybe someone from there could do his work when he needs it. But it seems to us that he's trying to make it obvious that he should have one. As far as I can remember, no mayor has ever had one."
The City of Brownsville started the 2010-2011 fiscal year with a $88.320 million budget. Throw in a couple of Certificates of Obligation issues of between $13 million during Ahumada's last days in office and another $5.7 when Martinez came in and the total comes in a at about $105 million.
Were it nor for the cash infusion from the Brownsville Public Utility Board of about $10.18 million gross and net transfers of cash to the city, it would go broke. Of course, the transfers are paid by PUB ratepayers, the same ratepayers that pay property taxes to the city.
In fact, PUB over the last 10 years has kicked in about $100 million to te city's budgets, in effect making it a double tax on Brownsville residents.
The Brownsville Independent School District is by far PUB's biggest electric customer, with an annual consumption of 62,9994,497 Kilowatt hours that puts about $5.6 million in revenues in PUB's coffers.
If you add the $600,783 in water services sold to the BISD plus the $710,138 wastewater, the schools actually pay PUB about $7 million of its budget in services. who are the BISD's main contributors? The same taxpayers and ratepayers that fund the city budget, of course.
As the local entities look about to trim and pare their budgets, city residents might wonder why we still subsidize the Golf Center at a cool $410,000 rate annually. The airport isn't making ends meet either and receives a hefty helping hand from the city as well.
And while we're talking about making ends meet, let's not forget that hte BISD just passed a $450 million budget without going into the reserve fund and keeping taxes the same. It did so by freezing hiring at the same levels and fighting a war of attrition on expenses.
Now, we don't see the chairperson of the BISD asking for a private secretary even if she and the board members manage a budget four times the size of Martinez over at City Hall. In fact, compared to the size of the city workforce of 1,114 employees, BISD's 7,080 easily make it the largest employer in the city.
That's why some observers questioned the comments made by Martinez when he took office about wanting to keep former superintendent Brett Springston despite the fact that it was Springston who resigned after a majority of board members expressed dissatisfaction with his performance.
If the mayor immediately after taking office approved the issuance of $5.7 million in COs to make ends meet, what right, really, does he have to question the decision of a board that deals with a district with a budget four times the size of his, a workforce six to seven times the size of his, and a budget that has to be continually bailed out by PUB ratepayers, (most of them BISD employees)?
And he says he needs a personal secretary paid by those same ratepayer and property owners?
Midete, Tony.
The BISD board chairman does not oversee directely the budget. They get reports prepared by others and they ask questions. That position is much different than the mayor of the city.
If he's paying for it then why should you or anybody give a rat's ass fuck! Now, on the other hand, if the city is paying for any support staff of any kind while Hizznoer is doing mayor stuff, well.... as they say, "Get a rrrope" and we should hang him by the balls!
The Mayor is a figurehead he does not manage the city the City Manager does if Martinez wants to be City Manager then he needs to resign and take over Charlie Cabler's position no where in the City Charter does it say that the Mayor is the one who runs the day to day operations of the City of Brownsville.
Absolutely right hats off to Presas, Saavedra, Longoria and Pena for a job well done on the budget and none of the had a personal secretary.
Anonymous said...
The BISD board chairman does not oversee directely the budget. They get reports prepared by others and they ask questions. That position is much different than the mayor of the city.
July 10, 2011 5:39 PM
That also applies to the Mayor and city commission dummy.
Tony Martinez is a figure head and one of 7 votes on the City Commission. He needs a secretary for his job as much as Ralph Cowen needs a secretary for being Goodwill Ambassador to Mexico. I'm sorry Tony has a friend that needs work but his ass don't need a secretary. What next is he going to want a paycheck?
or the Pope to intervene and canonize him a Saint, Santo Tony Martinez. Fuck you Tony 6 million dollar man in his first week.
Juan, your drawing of Tony is worth a thousand words. Nice choice.
You are right Montoya, if Ahumada had dared to humbly request the hiring of a secretary for him, he would have been tarred and feathered by his "friends" in the city commission. Y ni que se diga de los "governement watchdogs", they would have not only stoned him but crucified him too for good measure. How dare he!!!
P.S. Hell, even if Ahumada had discovered a cure for AIDS or Cancer, he would still have been stoned and crucified.
ANON-7/11/11 9:52 "...What next is he going to want a paycheck?..."
Tony, Abel, Armando, Gilberto, Rick, Martinez, Limas, Villalobos, Hinojosa, Zays, Marchan, Solis, Lucio; what do they have in common?
l, m, n, o, p
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