Sunday, July 31, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Where are the dissenting voices of Dr. Roberto Robles, David Oliveira and Dr. Robert Lozano over their passing upon first reading of the rapine by the Texas Southmost College Board of the district's proposed 2011-2012 fiscal year budget?
The trustees also plan to maintain the effective tax rate of 0.1624 per $100 valuation, or about 16 cents per $100 valuation.
That's the good news, apparently.
So what's the bad news?
TSC board chairman Kiko Rendon told the local daily that the proposed budget is balanced with about $14 million in operating revenue and expenses.
He said general fund revenue and expenditures stand at $61 million, with $52 million of that given to UTB to take care of services and instruction under the UTB-TSC educational partnership.
“TSC transfers that money to UTB,” Rendon said. “When you say ‘taking care of,’ it makes it sound like big daddy’s giving us the money, but it’s the other way around.”
Chet Lewis, interim vice president of administration and finance, confirmed Rendon's assertions.
“The majority of the current budget is transferred over to UTB,” Lewis said. “We are transferring over the tuition, fees, appropriations and some other revenue sources.”
So there, in a nutshell, is the true nature of the "partnership."
Some of those local transfers are used toward the payment of UTB President Juliet Garcia's bloated $336,000 salary and those of her inner circle.
For example, Alan Artibise, head of the Office of the Provost Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs nets some of this loot when he draws his $230,000 salary, as does Michael Putegnat, at the Office of VPAA Director and his own creation, the Institute for Public Service drawing a cool $102,665.
Another Garcia henchman, Wayne Moore, ostensibly a professor in English, also cries all the way to the bank on his measly $108,742.
Peter Gawenda, with the Office of the Provost Special Assistant to the Provost for Bachelor Completion Programs charges the public only $118,000 for his services.
United Brownsville's darling Irvine Downing, at the Office of VPED&CS vice president for Economic Development and Community Service nets $121,150, a mite more than he made as a banker in the private sector.
We could go on and one, but the sad fact of the matter is that in a couple of years when the "partnership" yoke is removed from the backs of local taxpayers, they might have to go looking for greener pastures.


Anonymous said...

Our taxes being abused.

Anonymous said...

Juliet Garcia will never give in. She cannot accept defeat...she will use her Kardenas Klan methods and exploit the skills of Michael Putegnant to render the members of the TSC Board (with the exception of her muses...David Oliviera, Dr. Bobby Robles and keep her in the fray. She will introduce new candidates in future TSC elections to attempt to get her way. The new city government, Tony Martinez and Rose Gowen, in particular are also muses for Queen Scorpiana. Juliet has withdrawn into her bunkered fortress with her trusted "Old Browsville" peers (Rusteberg, Putegnant, Martinez, et al) to plot the extermination of her foes....especially those on the TSC Board of Trustees. Juliet is vindictive and will not go away without raising her scorpion tail.

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like 80% of the budget goes in salaries. Why is Juliet Garcia drawing so much money?? During this hard economic times, I would think, they would all take a cut in pay, just a thought of course.

Anonymous said...

On letter to editor written by Jaime Silva. He claims Juliet is underpaid. He is comparing her to successful schools. Lets remind him 17% of the students graduate in 6 years and yea, didn't he ran for the board and claimed UTB was doing everything wrong. I guess his true colors are out. He was never for the community college like he claimed in his campaign.
Besides who wrote that for him he can't even speak much less write like that. humm I see the UTB connection.

Anonymous said...

Jaime Silva letter to the editor shows how ignorant he is UT has 50,000 students and 17,000 employees, A&M has a few thousand less in each category. UH has about 37,000 employees. UTB-TSC has a fraction of any of those schools in either students or employees. One thing it did was show us how overpaid she is

Anonymous said...

If Juliet's salary is spectacularly overblown, you really should turn some attention to Dr. Wayne Moore, an anti intellectual psychophant if ever there was one.
