Monday, August 15, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Remember the public outrage over the ordering of professional photographs of Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera and District Clerk Aurora De la Garza that cost the county $2,100 and that no one could say who ordered them?
At the time Aurorita was so outraged that anyone would even question their purchase for the expensive mugs that now adorn the San Benito County Annex (named after Rivera and De la Garza) that she vowed to raise the money herself.
The county eventually paid for the pricey photographs and frames, but as far as anyone at the Cameron County Auditor's office can tell us, there has been no money forthcoming from Aurora for the photos.
Now we understand that Ms. De la Garza had staged a fundraiser at the palatial mansion belonging to Dr. Robert Robles and attended by a slew of local dignitaries. According to our sources, the party goers chipped in about $1,800.
"When Aurora went to Joe and told him that she had raised the $1,800 and asked him to chip in the rest, Rivera refused," said a court insider. "Now the question is, what did Aurora do with the money? So far, there hasn't been anything deposited with the county. People think she just pocketed the cash."
Just before the fundraiser Vicente Robles, the surgeon's brother, showed up in county offices asking office workers if they would donate to the Good Cause. A few took the bait, but at some offices he was politely, but firmly, rejected.
"The taxpayers had already paid for the pictures," said one. "Why should the county workers be asked to pitch in some more to pay for their pictures?"
Now, we are not sure whether Aurorita can actually be made to pay up the cash she raised at the fundraiser. We're sure that the good people who donated cash would want to ask for their money back, but if she doesn't then perhaps a good case could be made that she accrued the funds under false pretenses.
We'll keep our ear close to the ground and on the third-story office at the Dancy Building in case a check appears made out to Cameron County at the auditor's office.


Anonymous said...

La Nalgona le dio el dinero a su Hijo sancho Panza.

Anonymous said...

Aurora aND Joe are a pair of marranos. They can never get enough public money. They would starve if they would go out and get a real job. Bola de ratas. Do us all a favor and retire you bunch of sinverguenzas.

Anonymous said...

Aurora la pedorra needs to pay what6 she owes,....what a rata.

Anonymous said...

When are the fattest leeches of County goverment going to retire?

Anonymous said...

JOe Rivera and Aurora
De La Garza are horses that should have been put to pasture a long time ago,....or should have been shot. The have sucked on the perverbialtit for way to long. They aare what is wrong with our political system in Cameron Coujnty. They think they are entitled to things because of thier "service" to the people of this county. It's not free "service" Joe and Aurora, have been paid and rather handsomly I might ad, stop saying that you have given of yourselves to public service! Enough with these two public thieves,....if it is not Aurora getting her son out of trouble that would have landed the regular joe in prison, is JOe amassing a fortune that there is no way his salary can afford. Someone needs to audit Joe's campaign fund. He hasn't had an opponent for years yet has a campaign golf tournament that makes upwards of fifty thousand dollars each! Has Joe been buying condos at Island with that money?

Sofia T. said...

Juan Montoya, first and foremost let me thank you for exposing these bastards.
I have always said it, Aurora needs to go as does Joe Rivera, one of these days the fucking tv news and the local papers are going do what they proclaim to do, and that is to report things that affect the populace.
Thank you, Jerry McHale, and your good blog el Rrunrrun, and the Paz Files, out from the Hill Country, Myleadernews, Jerry Deal out in Harlingen.
You guys do better work than the other, worthless dicks.

Anonymous said...

They are soooo fat and ugly.
They have taquitos,pizza,tamales,jamon,chicha-rones written all over their fat,bloated faces.
Bola de marranos askerosos!

I remember when they would always go to the Fort Brown for happy hour and not leave any food for other people. They would always get there before 5 so they could raid the botanas.

Anonymous said...

Son Mamones todos, las pinches viejas caras de vacas y los elected man officals son puro pinches mamones, todos, thank you Juan for allowing us to express our views.

Anonymous said...

Aurorita from where? Now we now where her son Joey gets sticky fingers from. She should just quit while she is ahead, and take all her family with her. Now Rivera, an attack waiting to happen, should also get his shit packing, the guy is full of shit, those two idoits dont deserve to have their picture anywhere, but in the trash. I hope the next election brings candidates that will take those very embarrassing pictures of our County wall..these people are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I hope these stupid voters from Cameron County open their eyes and sends these bozos packing next election. Only in Cameron County are the stupid people who vote for these same idiots and give them job security. Como dices vientales un pedaso de pollo a los mensos de la gente and they will give you their vote. Im embarrassed to say that I am from Cameron County. Ugh.
