Tuesday, August 16, 2011


"Take my money, please..." Aurorita De la Garza

By Juan Montoya
Apparently moved by the outpouring of public scorn generated by her continuing failure to pony up on the $2,500 she vowed to pay for the two controversial (no one knows who ordered them) photos that were installed on the Joe Rivera Aurora De la Garza County Building in San Benito, Aurorita now says she want to pay, but fast.
Sources with Cameron County say that after local blogs informed their three readers that she had held a fundraiser at heart surgeon Dr. Robert Robles's home where considerable more than the $2,500 the county paid a local (and expensive) photographer for two portraits of the duo was raised to help her the two clerks get out of their fix.
"At first people thought that she had only raised $1,800, but apparently, the fundraiser attendees went far beyond that and Aurora's people had to return some checks to the donors," said a county employee. "She got more than she needed."
After the story made the cyberrounds, county employees said that Aurora requested that an item be placed on this week's Thursday agenda indicating that she was ready to belatedly deliver on her promise that she would pay for the two expensive mugs of her and Joe.
However, since the agenda by law has to be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting, her request could not be granted if the county was to comply with the Open Meetings Act.
"She was told that she could not be placed on Thursday's agenda," said the employee. "If she wanted it put on the regular agenda she would have to wait until two Thursdays from now."
That wasn't quick enough for the harried District Clerk.
Where before she had not indicated when she would reimburse the county for the two photographs (incuding Joe's, who didn't want to play ball), on Tuesday afternoon she insisted on being placed on the public comment section of the agenda to inform the citizenry that she was making good on her word.
"I guess her people got the word that people weren't very happy with the purchase of the expensive photos and then, to rub salt on the wound, that she had not indicated when she would pay the county after she promised she would. We'll see what she says on Thursday when she comes before the commissioners."


Anonymous said...

Way to go Juan! Keep reporting.It keeps people honest.

CC Watcher said...

As much as she is being paid, the district clerk hogger couldn't pay for the portrait on her own??? Who are these idiots that actually gave money to pay for it??? If this doesn't raise suspicions about her being in office too long and may be returning favors by placing certain cases in certain courts, then I got a bridge to sell them???

Anonymous said...

Damn overweight woman, she needs to be voted out. I can't stand her or Joe Rivera, he looks like a funny guy.

Anonymous said...

They are a bunch of thieves, like mother (Aurora) like son, all a bunch of rats...She has like our damnm Sheriff, and his two,worthless goons been there too long doing nothing, but sucking us dry...they are a waste of tax payers money. When are we going to get them the hell out of dodge...

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how willing the Dumbokrats are to anti-up to support this woman. Little Bobby Robles fits in with her...he's a scoundrel like Aurora. When her son stole over 100K from a hospice, her supporters gave her money for restitution and then "Disable" Limas and the DA fixed his felony and made it go away. Aurora and her budz are scum and leave a slime trail where ever they crawl.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has so much bullshit to say but no one has the balls to post their names. I believe that we all have the right to vote but many people don't do so. So if you don't vote don't complain! My opinion on Mrs. De la Garza is that she has done much for our county and we should all be thankful for her years of services to our county. Before you talk shit get a chance to vist her office and you can see the history and the things she has accomplished for our county. I think we should not judge anyone the only one that can judge us is our Lord.

Anonymous said...

It may be true that Aurorita has done alot for the county as you say she has done, but she has gotten paid to "serve the people" as everyones slogan in Cameron County reads when they run for office. Part of being a "PUBLIC SERVANT" is to serve the people. Remember "Mrs. De La Garza" doesnt do it because it comes from her heart. She does it because she is locking her votes for her next election. So just because someone thinks that they have done a good deed, does it mean that they should feel entitled at taxpayers expense when the county is still looking how to come up with the money for next years budget. There have been other people who have done a hell of alot more for the community than "Mrs De la Garza"and you dont see buildings named after them. If elected officials dont like the salary for the position they ran for or feel obligated to do things for our county then DONT run for public office. Lets not forget that "Mrs De la Garza is still under the black cloud for helping her son Joey de la Garza get away with stealing $100,000's of dollars from sick people who REALLY needed the money be getting his case to Limas court before Limas term was over and making the deal with the District Attorney's Office without having the case go before the grand jury. So Anonymous, before you give us this crap about "Mrs de la Garza" doing for the county, stop and think of all the things she has done to enrich herself and her family. You never know. She may be part of the Limas investigation and maybe be charged with abuse of office and tampering with government records. And then what. Are we taxpayers going to be expected to pay for her attorney fees too?

Former county employee said...

Anonymous supporter 12:27 A.M., if that is your name??? Aurora has only been successful because of the people under her??? She has not done anything for years except take a check with a title??? Her lack of education doesn't allow her to update or upgrade that division. Aurora is only good at directing certain cases to certain courts to get favorable rulings. Look at the history of some of these cases??? How was her son's case wind up in Limas's court??? You think that was a coincidence??? You think that it was a coincidence that the case was swept under the rug??? So what, he paid back the money he stole??? What about the responsibility of the DA's Office to protect the citizens of Cameron County from white collar thieves like him and others??? You don't think Villalobos was involved in this??? He makes the call what happens in the DA's office??? He is as crooked as Limas and all those involved??? He is very greedy!!! You don't think he did something for money??? Only it comes in political contributions!!! Wake up and smell the CRAP!!!

Anonymous said...

You all need to build a bridge and "GET OVER IT!!!" So she helped her son... what parent wouldn't help their child. yes he stole but guess what he paid it all back... what the hell else do u want. Greasing the wheels is just a part of life that goes on every where from little old cameron county to washington!

Anonymous said...

Your right. He stole from people who really needed the money. People who are on their death beds. I also agree with your that what mother wouldnt help her son. But I disagree with her intervening for her selfish son. One thing is for him to face the wheels of justice like everyone else does, the other if for her to break the oath of office she swore to uphold to "preserve, protect and defend". So maybe the only bridge that needs to be guilt is the bride that Aurora and her son will be crossing to prison and the wheels that are really going to be greased are the ones that will haul her and her son to jail to face the real justice system. I wouldnt be surpised if Aurora is indicted as part of the Limas case. My understanding is the feds had already obtained copies of her sons case and will be presented to a federal grand jury soon. The question is who directed or instructed and how Joey de la Garzas case ended up in Limas court and walked away free. Aurora, we the citizens of Cameron County are not stupid. You just lost my vote.

Anonymous said...

try to look up David Betancourts investment properties on the Cameron Co. appraisal Dist. website...no deed history...coincidence? did joe rivera sit on that information, or did david recieve the land thru a spanish land grant? why does david get special treatment, and what is he trying to hide?
