Monday, August 1, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Dear John Wood and Ernie Hernandez,
Sorry to have to be the one nto tell you this, but the scenario where Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos resigns and leaves office to run for the U.S. House of Representatives and one of you becomes county judge has vanished.
Although the campaign to promote Wood to a paying position continues unabated and cronies of the commission's majority continue to be hired, the dreams of Ernie to be county judge seem to have come to an abrupt end.
We say this because we have learned from sources deep within the bowels of county government that Cascos, despite the urgings of Gov. Rick Perry, has just about given up the notion of throwing his hat in the ring for the newly-created Congressional District 34 after thinking how the county he has looked after for the past 5 years would fare with Wood or Hernandez at the helm on the second floor of the Dancy Building.
"It would be plundered," Cascos is said to have replied to a question about the prospects for Cameron County under a Wood or Hernandez administration. "They're already at it hiring their cronies and moving resources around for their own benefit."
What nobody knew was that Wood has been angling for the executive director's position of the The Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority. He is currently the board's vice chairman and Pete Sepulveda, Cameron County Administrator, is a member.

Established in 2004, the CCRMA's purpose is to "provide the area with an opportunity to significantly accelerate needed transportation projects and have a local entity in place that will make mobility decisions that will benefit the community, while enhancing the economic vitality and quality of life for the residents in the Lower Rio Grande Valley ."
Among the initial multi-million dollar projects submitted by the CCRMA to the Texas Transportation Commission were the West Loop project in Brownsville and the second causeway in the Port Isabel/South Padre Island area.
The CCRMA also has the "authority to undertake projects related to highways, rail, air and seaport, as well as having the ability to undertake projects in Mexico ."

Its latest audit indicates that it has $45 million in assets and $43 million in obligations, including long-tern debt of about $28 million in bond debt. It lists about $2.5 million in unrestricted assets.

"It's no wonder Wood wants to get the top position there," said a local contractor. "As county judge he would draw a $60,000 plus salary, not much more than he got as county commissioner for Precinct 2. With the CCRMA, the possibilities are endless."

Although the dream seems to be over for Ernie, it is obvious that Wood still has a fighting chance to take over as top dog at the CCRMA with a sympathetic majority on the county commission.

But what makes this more intriguing to local political addicts is that with Cascos' apparent withdrawl from the congressional race, the possibilities of an Adela Garza candidacy for the Republican Party nomination becomes more appealing. Currently, the front runner on the Democratic side seem to be that of Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos. And even if no one comes out against Mando, it is also a certainty that his close relationship with both Disgraced sheriff Conrado Cantu and disgraced District Judge Abel Limas will be highlighted by GOP media gunslingers.

Republican strategisst are said to be licking their chops at the prospect of a Villalobos candidacy.

Reports that Solomon Ortiz, whom voters rejected in the last go-round is planning to make a comeback and would face Villalobos are discounted as balderdash by most knowledgeable sources.

"He got beaten after 28 years in a Democratic district by a little-known Republican." said a Democratic Party operative. "Why tie your fortune to a loser? It's obvious the people don't want him."

Adela Garza, a Texas Southmost College trustee and also southern regional office manager for U.S. Rep Blake Farenthold, is said to have the full support of her boss to carry the upper reaches of the district that stretch into Lavaca County on its top boundaries.

Garza has proven her mettle in legislative fights over the dissolution of the TSC college district submitted by Democrat Rep. Rene Oliveira and Sen. Eddie Lucio. In the end, her – and the TSC board majority's vision – prevailed and the preservation of the community college was assured despite the power structure's apparent desire to dissolve it.

"It'll come down to who's left standing in the Democratic fold, and whether after those party's candidates bloody each other they'll still be able to fight a united Republican Party," said a Republican analyst. "Knowing the Democrats, Adela's chances are considerable if she decides to run."


Anonymous said...

Didn't Gilbert Hinojosa put a stop to the compadre hiring practices by implementing a Civil Service Program into the County? This is exactly what Civil Service prevents by making positions available based on competitive testing for the most qualified.

Anonymous said...

C'mon JM, although Adela has done well as a trustee she is not ready for prime time as a candidate for congress. Let's get realistic and find a candidate that presents himself/herself well and is able to break the palanca mentality so prevalent in the valley. The only real hope was Judge Cascos..unless Amb. Tony Garza decides to move back and run. Let's quit the posturing on promoting Ms. Garza. No offense meant but Her 15 minutes of glory are long gone!

Anonymous said...

At Anony 1; I'm sure there are no compadre shenanigans with the civil service testing! Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Peter Z in a Villalobos (D) v. Zavaletta (R) smackdown, ROUND 2.

This time, the REAL winner will be DECLARED the winner, and Armando can visit Abel in Club Fed.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Anonymous No offense meant but you mean to tell us that Solomon was better, or Ernie, or Mando, Or Rene Oliveira or John Wood, or Limas, or SOLIS?

Oh! difference here she is a woman, a Conservative woman with family values. The culture of corruption in the Rio Grande Valley is evident.

Anonymous said...

Armando Villalobos is surely not "ready for prime time" either. He is a complete DICK. Maybe Rene Oliviera could handle the job if he is willing to give up playing grab ass with every female he meets. Maybe Charlie Atkinson wants to run and continue to make a fool of himself and the community.

Diogenes said...

C'mon Anonymous No offense meant but you mean to tell us that Solomon was better………

Precisely the point anonymous was trying to make. It’s about time we STOPPED voting in morons, regardless of their gender, just because they have a pleasant smile or can talk a good game but in reality they are nothing but an empty suit/skirt. Inferring one is a misogynist by voicing an opinion of Adela's candidacy is akin to being called a racist if you disagree with Obama’s policies. This tactic is used as a last resort when you cannot engaged in an objective dialogue.
