Tuesday, August 9, 2011


By Juan Montoya
The slide into notoriety involving Precinct 2 Cameron County Commissioner Ernie Hernandez keeps getting ever more slippery as more stories surface that he used his position to get favored treatment for his in-laws surface in Cameron County.
The latest scandal in the making involves his daughter-in-law Daisy de la Fuente, a receptionist with the Cameron County Sheriff's Department who was said by sources at the county courthouse to have been arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated about two weeks ago.
De la Fuente, married to Evan Hernandez, Ernie' son, was said to have been clocked traveling more than 100 miles per hour on Highway 100 at approximately 3 a.m. then.
Los Fresnos police chased her and she is reported to have ditched her car and taken off on foot through the bush to elude them, She is reported to have called her friends at the sheriff's department asking them for a ride. They found her walking on the side of the road.
However, she neglected to tell them that she had left her car to avoid getting arrested by the Los Fresnos PD.
Unfortunately for Daisy, she forgot that she had left her purse and ID in the car and when the Los Fresnos cops went though it, they found out her real identity.
When the Cameron County Sheriff's deputies came upon her and learned the story from their Los Fresnos counterparts, she was arrested taken to the Rucker-Carrizales jail in Olmito.
But while the majority of those arrested have to wait until morning to be arraigned by a magistrate, our sources tell us that she was arraigned and a released on a personal recognizance bond set by Magistrate Patricia Edlestein.
The story gets better.
Apparently, De la Fuente's husband Evan is Edlestein's cousin, since Edlestein was Patricia Hernandez before she took her married name. Patricia is Eddie Hernandez's daughter, whose brother is Ernie Hernandez, the commissioner for Precinct 2.
Now local bondmen are asking whether the commissioner was asked to intervene with his niece to spring his daughter-in-law in the wee hours of the morning.
"She didn't spend more than half an hour at Carrizales before she walked out," said a local bondsman. "Nobody ever gets out that fast. Someone did something."
We understand that the local daily is also investigating reports that the DWI charge was downgraded to Public Intoxication and that Daisy walked away with a scolding and a slap on the wrist from the incident.
Did Ernie – currently dodging questions about his involvement in the fraudulent hiring of his bother -in-law Robert Cadriel after a proxy took the Civil Service exam on his behalf – intervene to spring his daughter-in-law by calling on his niece to free her that night?
And if he didn't, who moved heaven and earth to afford her the favorable treatment on that otherwise serious charge?
We don't expect this story will go away soon, and as the hiring scandal involving his brother-in-law unfolds through the county investigation, Ernie will again find himself under scrutiny for his questionable role in both of these incidents.


Lic. Luis Salas said...

Check out This Document on Google
" The Chicano struggle and the Proletarian Revolution in the U.S. Part One " ---This will answer all of your wonderings ... It deals with the root of all problems faced today by all Mexican - Americans of any Age and color !!!

Anonymous said...

Montoya how is this sick SOB getting away with crazy stuff like this. Cameron County is corrupted to the bone.
E.H, has brougth the ugliness of elected officials having it there way.

Anonymous said...

Should anyone be surprized at this article. Cameron County is a sinkhole for nepotism and special favor. Part of being a public official is getting special favors from other officials. Its the average citizen...the voter....who gets the shaft, with no favors. Ernie Hernandez, like Aurora de la Garza have been given too many "speical favors" by the local "injustice" system.

Anonymous said...

And let me guess. D.A. Villalobos is going to do the investigation on Ernie Hernandez. We are going to end up with another case like thief Joey de la Garza who walked away with a clean record while Villalobos looked the other way. And you dont think that his mother Aurora was the one who did all the arrangements between Joey and Villalobos. Lets see if Villalobos will investigate this one. YEA right!

Anonymous said...

I know Daisy. Ernie would never do anything crooked. John Villareal get away from Ernie or your political career will come to an end.

Anonymous said...

Okay, if the Los Fresnos PD officer cannot place her behind the wheel of a car, she can not be charged with D.W.I. If she ran before they actually saw her behind the wheel they will have a hard time proving a case. Following a car in the wee hours of the morning you cannot identify who is behind the wheel of that car. If the car out runs a Police officer's unit and no one is behind the wheel when Officers get to the car, you have no driver behind the wheel. So you have a hard time proving "DWI". Finding a purse with ID does not prove that was the driver. :( But of course all attornies know that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, if the Los Fresnos PD Officer cannot place her behind the wheel.....

Not necessarily so, who was driving the car? If not her was it reported stolen? If not stolen then who did she lend the vehicle to if she was not driving? If picked up by the Sheriffs' Deputy, what was she doing walking by the side of the road at 3:00 A.M.? Would the Deputy that picked her up be willing to lie and cover for her? No matter how good an attorney you are if this case is prosecuted you think a jury will be stupid enough to believe any type of spin that she is guilt free? Especially if she is related to Ernie.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't have to prove she wasn't behind the wheel, she doesn't have to explain why she was walking down the road at 3:00 in the morning. She doesn't have to tell the police that was or wasn't the driver. They have to prove all those things and more. All she has to do is say that she does not want to answer any questions and ask for an attorney. Now, given the facts as they are now known, prove she was driving. Not that she was in the car but that she was driving. A few years ago an assistant D.A. had to much to drink and ran off the road, damaging her car. When the cops arrived they found her sitting in the back seat of the car. She declined to make a statement other then to identify herself. She was indeed arrested for DWI but the charge was dropped because DPS could not prove she was driving. And she did not leave the scene of the accidient.

Anonymous said...

If witness saw her drinking and can attest the silly bitch was drunk. Then that is all it takes.
Go to trial and see who she is going to fool.
Send her away, send Ernie H. with her. That bastard should have never been elected. He represents the worst.

Julia said...

Why does everyone always jump to a bad conclusion? We don't know Ernie did anything that's being said! In any case, you and I know that anyone that can help a friend or relative WOULD help them out because that's what friends and relatives do! Why do we want to crucify Ernie without even knowing he did anything wrong? Daisy also has connections herself because she works with the Sherrif's Dept. so it could've been her position that helped her get out of jail sooner than you or I could've! So what!? Ya dejen a Ernie! The people spoke and elected him so let him do his job!

Anonymous said...

Let's see if our "brilliant" DA is going to investigate this....

Anonymous said...

Of course the DA is going to wink! wink! after all didn't he do that with Aurora's son? He just has such a big heart could not stand to break a mother's heart.

Anonymous said...


who ever you are, no one is above the law or shouldnt be, regardless if the county judge is her father, doenst giver her the right to hide her car, or leave the scene of an accident. Ernie didnt win shit, the politiqueras he bought out did. Ernie needs to get packin, he will not be here for long he has burned his last bridge. He should be indicted for all the shit he stole from the city of Brownsville who finally got rid of his dumbass..no he is a County problem...

Anonymous said...

This guy, from what attorneys say, is known to arrive at political activities and then seeks out opponents of his elders regimes only to devily offend and attempt to be a victim from the anger he creates verbally. folks, this is caca . Political Caca. Caga palo. I understand from the lawyer chit chat, that it is perceived that he is doing this so to erase all the negative expectations he has endured at his young age. Moreno and heavy is not enlightening. And then working at the copy machine, and ordering lunch is not what was expected. So why not send him with orders from the devil's den.

An Apostle
