Wednesday, August 31, 2011


By Juan Montoya
What's going on here?
As local residents crowd the newsstands and online coverage of the Abel C. Limas corruption and racketeering case, some names literally jump out at them.
Besides Limas, the disgraced (and convicted) former 404th District Court Judge who copped a plea for for racketeering and fixing cases for bucks, others associated with him are also prominent local names.
Local attorney Ray Marchan, also accused of paying Limas a $4,000 kickback in return for an ad litem appointment (though he hasn't been tried); the former Texas State Rep. Jim Solis, who pleaded guilty to bribing Limas for favorable rulings on multi-million dollar personal injury cases that eventually were settled; lawyer Ernesto Gamez, who is defending principal (Person A) Marc Rosenthal of Rosenthal & Watson, in Austin and listed as counsel in a major case involving cliams against Union Pacific Railroad, are but a few of the big names that appear.
Even Brownsville attorney and new 404th State District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez is in the brew.
But almost lost in the radar is the name of one Ernest C. Garcia, a lawyer who was working for Rosenthal & Watson when the firm filed a civil lawsuit on behalf of Deyanira Gallegos Tapia in 2006.
Tapia, her brother and her common-law husband – all here illegally fro Mexico – that a train conductor gave them permission to climb on board in Kenedy County. She said she was climbing a ladder, fell off and lost her legs when the wheels of the train ran over them. As a result, she claimed in court, she miscarried.
The railroad settled with the parties in October 2007.
The federal counts allege mail fraud, tampering with a witness, tampering with a proceeding, and threatening a railroad litigation manager with launching a negative publicity campaign based on false testimony.
So why is Ernest C. Garcia so important in this case?
After all, he was just one of many lawyers working at the local level for Rosethnal,as was Solis, Gamez, and even Elia Lopez-Cornejo, now the 404the District Cameron County judge who replaced Limas.
The State Bar of Texas lists Garcia as being an assistant U.S. Attorney with offices in Houston.
With his close ties to the firm now in the gun sights of the federal government, some are asking whether his role in the Tapia case could affect the outcome of the proceedings against Rosenthal.
"Did Garcia play any role in developing this case?" asked a local attorney. "And if he did, did he violate the usual confidential agreements that lawyers sign with their firms when they leave them to go elsewhere?"
More importantly, some ask, if such criminal activity as the feds are alleging took place, was Garcia a part of the scheme to take money form the railroad?
"It doesn't really matter whether the case is in the western or southern district," said a lawyer at the county coffee shop. "The fact that the case was initially handled by a lawyer with the Rosenthal firm who is now an Assistant U.S. Attorney would immediately raise a red flag with anyone. The outcome of this question in this case should be very interesting."


Anonymous said...


CC Watcher said...

WOW!!! Thank God that the alphabet has 26 letters??? Or, should we say, OMG!!! Could this corruption lead to the complete alphabet??? Could it be double alphabets after that??? It is good that the Feds went after "big people" to set the example??? Now, it is up to the Federal Judge to really set the examples and put them in jail for fifteen years or more??? That would sent a clear and present message!!! Just because they paid over a half million as part of their agreement, that only means that they made a lot of MONEY!!! They had plenty of time to set aside their illegal proceeds for their families because they know that they will be going to jail??? Well, if the Feds go by the alphabet, then ARmando Villalobos is still waiting to see what happens???
Gamez shouldn't be able to represent Rosenthal, because he has a vested interest in cases dealing with Rosenthal's law firm??? As far as Ernest Garcia, he will pay no role in this at all??? I am sure that the US Attorney and the Justice Division will make sure of that??? If Garcia is smart enough, he should stay away from all this???

Anonymous said...

The Abel Limas Corruption Saga has more characters & twist & turns than a Robert Rodriguez "B" movie. Once Upon a Time in Browntown en donde todos se tapan con la misma colcha!Limas is like Bucho, buying & killing his way thru.Marchan Villalobos,Solis, the bail bondsman, Rosenthal, Gavito,& many more to come are his henchmen.What was Gavito directing in the railcars from the Port of Brownsville ? Okayed by the Jeffe! Montoya keep digging! Waiting for the sequel.

Anonymous said...

gavito and the ports, gavito controlling the security of all cargo boats at the port.

gavito along with the access to controlling / overseeing the unloading of cargo and bundles from south america and mexico.

gavito making his rounds to collect from the locals at the port for protection and security during the handling of special cargo.

as long as you paid the tax to gavito at the port then you had no problem with security at the port !

the feds couldn't get the locals to agree to come forward while gavito remained at the port.

now watch lady justice start the weels of justice ! !

lady justice we are waiting ! !

Anonymous said...

What a disspointment it would be if Armando Villalobos is elected to Congress Corruption Om a bigger Level.

Anonymous said...

Ernest is an honest man. He got snookered by Rosenthal, and refused to participate in his corrupt scheming. Would not be surprised to learn he is cooperating with the FBI, particularly concerning Valley Baptist vs. Cardinal Healthcare System, another deal brokered by Jim Solis.
