Thursday, August 11, 2011


By Juan Montoya
"They haven't asked for anything," was the mantra chanted by local politicians and economic developers when they hailed the coming of AeroMexico to Brownsville.
They, of course, were trying to point out the contrast between fly Frontera and the Mexican airline. Fly Frontera had applied for (and received) start-up funds from the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation and the Public Utility Board. Its application before the Brownsville Economic Development Corporation was shot down after local "watchdog" groups vociferously questioned its bona fides.
One local accountant produced "statistics" that he said showed that there wasn''t enough traffic in Brownsville to northern Mexico to justify funding a regional airline.
Others vowed that they would be against "any subsidies to any airline."
"If they want to come to Brownsville, let them use their own money," they stated at packed meetings opposing the subsidies.
Where is the black-shirted mob with the pitchforks, burning torches and fudged "passenger studies when you need them?"
Go to page 3 in your local daily and read this:
"All it took was money, or rather, a guarantee of subsidies if flights don't reach a given 'load factor' that ensures they're profitable.
The Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, based on a recommendation from the Brownsville Economic Development Council, on Thursday voted to approve subsidies of up to $500,000 for a year to help AeroMexico get established here. In addition, GBIC has pledged $100,000 for marketing and promoting the Brownsville-to-Monterrey service on both side sof the border."
So far, Brownsville has given American Airlines some $2.5 million in incentives, Continental another $3 million, and now AeroMexico this initial $600,000.
The protest against these corporate giveaways wasn't really based on principle, was it? What it really appears to have been was more of a personal grudge on a whim much like the mad queen in Alice in Wonderland who ordered "off with their heads" at her slightest whim.

Now Michael Jones, who threw a fit when Fly Frontera did not agree to toss a local ad agency the promotional bone, is claiming credit for bringing AeroMexico here. All the i's have been dotted and t's crossed to his satisfaction, apparently.

"It took me six years to convince them to fly here," he gloated. "We're very proud that these six years have paid off."

So, if the plan was in the works for so long, then the agitators in black were apparently taken for a ride and urged to go against the opposition, weren't they?

Paid off, Mike? For whom?
Is this any way to run an airline?


Anonymous said...

Will the $100,000 taxpayer dollars for marketing Aeromexico be put up for RFP where all ad agencies can compete for this contract, or is it going straight to the company Commissioner Melissa Zamora works at and to her account? Please let us know Juan

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhh ... Fly Frontera a few planes asking 1.5 million from Brownsville with papitas in the bank ... Uhhhhh Aeromexico ... chingos of planes and asking $600,000 with millions in the bank.


Anonymous said...

and remember, this is a subsidy that will guarantee that a certain amount of seats are sold. if all of those seats are sold, we won't pay anything. hopefully they set that limit reasonably

Anonymous said...

Who is still hurting here?...You have not gotten over yet? Apparently not...I wonder.....

Anonymous said...

Aeromexico with Chingos in the bank filed for bankruptcy leaving $345 million in debt, a real classy company. Screw its creditors and get incentives from poor schumcks in Brownsville, hey that us.

Anonymous said...

If you read the BEDC farce report Fly Frontera had five million in the bank and was willing to put up a performance bond of one million dollars to guarantee it would fullfill its obligations and contractual agreements. Aeromexico NADA not even due dilligence.

Anonymous said...

let me get that right... they have millions in the bank and they want the city of Brownsville to subsidize them. Its the same thing. The same thing. if the market is not there it is not there. Ok so we just went from one bad deal to another bad deal except, this deal comes from the Elite group. RATAS who gets 10% of 600,000?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I heard it is one of the City Commissioners gave herself the Aeromexico account and a nice $100000 calabaza

Anonymous said...

Todas las fat City Ratas should be recalled (La viejita, la changa, el relambido, y la cucaracha).

While we are at it, get rid of el charlie, el mark, el,,,

Anonymous said...

Yeah I heard it is one of the City Commissioners gave herself the Aeromexico account and a nice $100000 calabaza.

